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Everything posted by Raven

  1. Toilet hand-dryers - you know, the hot air ones - because they always fall into one of two categories: They are either so weak that a bunny farting on your hands would dry them faster, or they are so vicious you end up in A&E with second-degree burns. Dyson Airblades should be mandatory, everywhere!
  2. My, how the mediocre have fallen . . .
  3. It will be posted in my Raven's Reads thread when I get around to it (I have a few to do first, but this may jump the queue!).
  4. I suspect most of the big chains (and supermarkets etc) will have negotiated to get the book in bulk at below half-price, even if it means their margin is pretty negligible. It's the smaller, independents that are going to struggle to match prices on this.
  5. No, you misunderstand me, I wasn't talking about the customers, I was talking about the number of Twilight clones that have suddenly appeared. They are usually black covered books with a drop of blood on them, or a pair of vampire fangs on the cover etc. In the bookshop I was referring to, about 70% of the books they had in the science fiction/fantasy/horror section fell into this sub-genre.
  6. Granted; but everything is still going down the crapper anyway. I wish for world peace, and the end to all suffering. (Okay, which one of you want's to stuff that up?! )
  7. Wish granted! (But we're not giving you a means of getting back . . .). I want to be a tree!
  8. If I wasn't before, I'm now firmly in favour of book segregation on the grounds that the science fiction/fantasy/horror section of a local bookshop has been overrun with a flood of Twilight wannabes.
  9. *mumbles* "That's what people told me about the Black Magician books . . ."
  10. I like reading books set in London.
  11. I need to get a copy of this on DVD . . .
  12. I have watched the original Star Wars trilogy through in one hit a couple of times, and the first three (good) Indiana Jones films as well. I'm not sure, but I may have watched the Back to the Future films though in one day as well, but if I did it was a number of years ago and the recollection of doing it has faded from my mind . . . I tried watching the cinema releases of Lord of the Rings through once and only made it to the end of Two Towers before I suffered Hobbit overload and threw in the towel. I quite often watch several TV episodes back-to-back, but I've not watched Torchwood: Children of Earth through in one hit yet, something for when I eventually get it on DVD!
  13. I have The Sword of Shannara on my TBR pile (I picked up a copy after Death Ray magazine did an article on him a year or so back, but haven't got around to reading it yet). My sister and a friend at work have both given it favourable reviews, so I will read it at some point!
  14. Finished! A scathing review will be posted soon, no doubt!
  15. Not to read Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code).
  16. Raven's Log: Page Number 345. What's this?! Gasp! Could it be a plot?!! Better get a move on, there's only just over one hundred pages left!
  17. Another one from the South Coast! 'lo and welcome etc!
  18. After Die Hard! And to all thouse who haven't seen Amelie yet, do so, it's great!
  19. I don't mind Beastmaster, to be honest, but it's not what I look for in a book. Hawk the Slayer is rubbish though!
  20. I've only got seven episode of The West Wing left to watch - I don't want it to end! I'm convinced this is something they could and should re-visit in a few years.
  21. Raven's Log: Page Number 309. The chase is over and characters have been reduced to sitting around talking. Still no sign of anything remotely resembling a plot . . .
  22. I've read the first two books, both very good. I really should read some more . . .
  23. Okay, perhaps I should have said "Naff sword and sorcery". There was a trend in the eighties and early nineties to put somewhat whimsical, airbrushed covers on fantasy books that I particularly dislike (I know these books may be of that era, but this type of cover would stop me picking the book up in the first place). I much prefer the simpler covers they have now, to my mind they are more striking, and they don't give off the low-budget eighties vibe that is reminiscent of films like Hawk The Slayer and Beastmaster. But, each to their own I suppose!
  24. They're a bit too "sword and sorcery" for me!
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