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  1. The BBC version, with Alec Guinness, is better!
  2. I watched all eight episodes this week, and on the whole enjoyed it. There are some quite major changes from Tolkien's narrative, but I can largely see why the changes have been made. Pity the next series is a year away...
  3. The Silmarillion and Piranesi are both 99p on the Kindle today.
  4. I saw this in paperback, in my local Waterstone's, last Saturday.
  5. And let's face it, if you aren't warm you won't care!
  6. Are there any specific genres you are interested in, or that would be suitable for your marathon?
  7. If you are enjoying fantasy novels, I can recommend The Witcher series (or, rather, the two books I've read so far!) Also, Jen Williams is worth checking out. The Copper Cat trilogy is pretty good, and her second trilogy won her at least one British Fantasy author of the year award. Both are most definitely adult, and not YA.
  8. Raven

    Folio Society

    Ah, I didn't see that!
  9. This is currently available on the Kindle for 99p.
  10. Raven

    Folio Society

    That is a dumb-arse way of entering your date of birth! Having to click back over 50 years x 12 months...
  11. Raven

    Rest in Peace

    Having seen the TV adaptation, I'm interested in the Wolf Hall books, but I suspect I'll never get around to reading them!
  12. Raven

    Rest in Peace

    Hilary Mantel Didn't see that one coming; apparently she died suddenly after suffering a stroke.
  13. There are unabridged versions read by Stephen Fry available, at least according to Amazon, but they are still super expensive!
  14. This is pretty on the nose @timebug(lots of spoilers for those who haven't seen the film!):
  15. I've seen all of the Marvel films to date, and the Disney+ series as well, and I'd have to say this is probably one of the weakest MCU offerings so far. I wasn't a huge fan of Ragnarok, as I didn't like the way it turned Thor into an idiot, and although I've warmed to it a bit on subsequent viewings this film laboured that "joke" far too much (there wasn't a lot new here overall, actually; it was basically the plot from Ragnarok reheated). Also, the Mighty Thor plot line (with Jane Foster) is something I've read some of in comic book form and I was disappointed with the way they handled that (the comic books did it a lot better!) I really enjoyed Prey! Yes, it's the same ole Predator plot, but it was done well, with some stunning visuals, and I'd personally say it is the best Predator film since the first one.
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