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  1. Yesterday
  2. it missed, swirling in mid air , it somersaulted , back towards the thug,impaling itself through the eye patch and causing nearby pigeons to wince at the noise. ' My OH my, what have we here me hearties? How ter dominate yer family in three easy steps. Hahaha ha some people..yer see warrit is mate is women..not much intelligence, you see, but plenty knowhow..it wouldn't take a man as long as a woman to make teas for seven kids and two grannies, an uncle and a ship's cook ..but hey yes the women manipulate then cry ..and get money by using the accumulated wisdom..of..men ..yeah..so this will go under comedy..5 quid pal' he said, opening a sweaty, wrinkled old wallet,
  3. Hot in the city - Billy Idol
  4. Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight - Louis Armstrong
  5. spitting image of a swashbuckling pirate, complete with eye-patch and garrulous parrot. 'Arrgh ...Ahoy there, Johnny me hearty! What brings you here, you scurvy dog?' he roared, giving me a powerful thump on the back. 'Daxxy, me old mate!' I gasped, partially winded. I attempted to return a good back-slap, which left me with a smarting hand. 'Gotta a coupla things here that might interest you.' 'Come in, come in! Join me in a tot'a'rum.' 'Where's me nuts? Where's me nuts?' demanded Capt. Morgan, the parrot. 'BELAY YER YAP!' bellowed Dax. 'Make me, Fathead! Rark rark.' Dax threw a shoe at him, but ...
  6. As Time Goes By ~ Dooley Wilson
  7. Just finished a quick read (an afternoon), A Sunday in Ville-d'Avray by Dominique Barberis. Picked up in a bookshop on a whim a few days ago. A reasonably decent read - beautifully written - but didn't really live up to the blurb, quoted reviews on back cover or initial browse. Wryly funny? Really? 3 stars. Getting stuck into this month's 'big' read, The Burgundians by Bart van Loo. A Christmas present from a couple of years ago that for some reason I've long intended/wanted to read but have always seemed to have been deflected from. Very promising start.
  8. Last week
  9. as hairy as a barber's floor . I went to 65 Crimebodge avenue, and was met at the door by Dax Danger, affectionately known as Dodgy Dax. Tall, hirsute, black haired and eyed,he seemed
  10. Time in a Bottle - Glen Campbell
  11. Message in a Bottle - The Police
  12. As for the genre, I think I like horror, detective stories, stories where the main character is charismatic and deep, who will pierce the reader with his actions
  13. Two More Bottles of Wine - Emmylou Harris
  14. Reading The Snow was Dirty, Georges Simenon. Not Maigret! Fits nicely with the current group read subject of Winter. And it’s very different to his Maigret books
  15. I’m currently reading The Snow was Dirty, Georges Simenon. Not Maigret!
  16. Red Red Wine - UB40
  17. the little matter of my pilfered books. Del Grundy wouldn't be much help with this little lot but I did know a fence by the name of Dodgy Dax who'd be sure to give a nod and a wink to anything shady. 'Gotta see a man about a dog, Rosie,' I called and hot footed it out of there. I could hear her shouting something but time enough to face the music later. If I returned with my pockets full of dosh, all would be forgiven. But if not, things could get ...
  18. Bottle of Wine ~ Tom Paxton
  19. The Days of Wine and Roses - Henry Mancini
  20. get out if this house! Now...' I scarpered, trying my utmost to garner the makings of a plausible cover story. Well, I mused, I can pretend I was just passing and saw the door open,two floozies soaping daddy in the 🛁 bath tub, a smell of bacon plus cabbage juice...hmm..yep that's my story. I now must tend to
  21. What's this post about Perry...?
  22. These Days - Bon Jovi
  23. A lot of content. I'm still trying to deal with Johnny Quest.
  24. I gave my best friend a copy of 'Nibbles and me' by Elizabeth Taylor for the very good teacher to his students Ispn: 0689853343
  25. I'm shopping for a hard cover of Kaytek. My local library found a copy for me to borrow and read. I'd like a hard cover edition of it to own however.
  26. flexibility ... double-jointed I think you'd call her. Made for some amazing fun times, you should have seen her ...' 'DADDY!' cried Rosie, 'what are these ...these ...Jezabels doing in your bed-chamber? What would Mummy have said! I'm appalled, simply appalled! I want them out of the house right NOW! And you Mr Revolting, you can jolly well ...
  27. Think you mean The World Set Free by H G Wells.
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