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About poppy

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  1. but he put it down to a leaky and loose exhaust in imminent danger of parting company with it's under carriage, and blithely dumped his load onto the scrap heap. Then he drove off leaving our Mr Butts floundering around amongst rotting cabbages, nappies and other unmentionable detritus. For some reason, I suspect a lack of British phlegm and stoicism, this knocked the stuffing out of him and any thought of further retribution completely evaporated. What happened next will ...
  2. You're the Top ~ Cole Porter
  3. Sittin’ On The Dock of the Bay ~ Otis Redding
  4. have some plug-ugly turn up on his doorstep and give him a good thumping. However, I underestimated the Vicar. Apparently at Holyknot Little Hope Theological College, old Rev Cross had excelled at boxing. When Floyd Butts turned up on his doorstep, all purple-faced, veins sticking out and great ham fists flailing, one robust punch on the nose followed by a swift uppercut, and it was nighty-night for Floydy. He assigned a few of his studier lads to drag the unconscious Floyd off the premises and deposit him ...
  5. Moonlight Shadow ~ Maggie Reilly
  6. Moonlight Serenade ~ Glenn Miller
  7. that sorry, even though I insisted he apologise. I said my husband will make you apologise and he said he'd be around in a minute!' I was so alarmed by this news, that the fact she'd called me her husband and the fathead knew where we lived didn't even register. 'Ummm ... how big is this guy?' I enquired nervously. 'Well, pretty big, but you know what they say, brains always beats brawn.' Her faith in me was touching, but as they also say, this obviously being a day for banal proverbs, discretion is the better part of valour. So I ...
  8. A Horse With No Name ~ America
  9. enquired what law I was breaking. 'We do not allow the disrespecting of ecclesiasticals. Should such an occurrence transpire, we are duty bound to issue a stern warning. And it is against town ordinances to play subversive and obscene music in public.' Now I did guffaw, loudly and uproariously. 'Freedom of speech, copper. Now unless you can state a law I'm breaking, push off.' 'I will return with the said regulations.' As he left, Rosie returned looking very ...
  10. me. It had started to snow and since most of them were thoroughly inebriated, they seemed impervious to the cold. They slipped and slid and fell all over the place and I had no end of enjoyment imagining frostbite and broken and sprained limbs. My fun was rudely interrupted when in burst ...
  11. Wicked Game ~ Chris Isaak
  12. The Dart Players by Jerrard Tickell
  13. would at least make him green around the gills but instead he perked right up. 'Moit!! You got any more? 'ere 'arry! Takka swiga dis!' 'arry reached out a weak and trembling arm and shakily took a gulp. His head snapped upright, his eyes appeared to rotate in opposite directions and he greedily gulped down the rest of the contents. 'Bugger the vicar, Bert, lerrus go foind a party!' And the two shot off like ...
  14. Don't Stop the Dance ~ Bryan Ferry
  15. Very pretty, Madeleine 💕
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