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Everything posted by Raven

  1. No, not really, it's just that a merging of threads has left me looking a tad vindictive (If the knives had been longer, it would have been a quicker, cleaner kill!). Please Note: I have not yet posted anything in Michelle's Witch Hunt poll. All of you who have voted "Yes I've read it, and I love it!" are about to be booted from the boards btw - Sorry, but it really is your own fault. It was - kinda - nice knowing you. You freaks . . .
  2. Don't listen to her! She's trying to seduce you with her vampiric ways! Run away, as fast as you can!
  3. Set construction has started on The Hobbit!
  4. Yes. Waffle waffle waffle.* *There, that should take it above 7 characters . . .
  5. A little girl stopped by the Twilight display in my local HMV this afternoon, and pointing to one of the books asked her mum what it was. The temptation to say "A load of rubbish" was so very strong!
  6. Sticky speaking it depends on how many Hobbits you are doing a day . . .
  7. Studio Ghibli's output is better!
  8. Hello. My name is Raven, and I am a fan of Tolkien. *phew* they do say that is the hardest part . . .
  9. There is very little story to it, for the most part Wells is really just rambling on about how the future will be shaped if the class divisions of today are perpetuated in the future.
  10. Oh no, another Twilight fan! Welcome anyway!
  11. I'm not sure if there is a specific thread for the films, but I'm sure there are people here who would be interested to know that they are showing the first shots from the next film at the San Diego Comincon this weekend.
  12. Does anyone know any [other] good towns or cities in the South of England for second-hand bookshops? I always try to have a wander around Charring Cross when I'm in London, and I've heard Guildford is quite good, I was wandering whether this is true and if people know of any other places?
  13. *whispers* War of the Worlds is better!
  14. 'lo! I've been to Pitlochry, my Scottish brother-in-law took me to Killiecrankie to show me where a lot of Englishmen had been killed by the Scots. I'm not entirely sure what he was trying to say . . .
  15. I was listening to the Radio Free Skaro podcast review of Children of Earth this afternoon, and apparently
  16. Unseen Academicals, now on pre-order from Amazon!
  17. I can't remember what they are now, but I do remember Rowling repeating several phrases in The Deathly Hallows. I think I wrote a review somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it out! ETA: Found it, it was people's ears turning red!
  18. A stutter, with that costume, he has to have a stutter! (Though it might prove to be a problem when he meets the Dah-da-da-da-dah-da-da-da-dah-leks . . .).
  19. The repeated use of phrase "old boy" by John Wyndham in Chocky is quite amusing.
  20. I'm still trying to work out what I think, but that just seemed vindictive to me, as if RTD was trying to prove something . . .
  21. The downside, though, is that there isn't much room in this type of format for character development - if it slows down too long for that, it tends to die on it's feet (like "beans" scene in Wednesday's episode).
  22. I've just read a quote from RTD - from the press screening of episode one - where he said that series 4 is already lined up and it would be a return to the 13 x 45 minute format (though that was dependant on viewing figures). Of course RTD isn't above bluffing the press, and the success of the new format so far could provoke an about turn on the 13 x 45 minute episode format.
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