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Everything posted by itsmeagain

  1. help him with a wee bet o dealing, if marijuuana is your baag...or Sulfi the Indian is seeking bhaji sellerrs on Friday neets if yourrrr.......
  2. went.mad..well I didn't go mad, instead I made a few calls. My bank had begun getting restless around my total balance of 7 quid 14p, my wife Clothilde was angry cos I hadn't yet been paid by Millie,whose hat collection was described as 'bizarre' in a letter to Hats and Hippies, a Newark based assortment of diverse....
  3. I asked about world news: Japan derided by China πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ 😳 for allegedly dumping radioactive or poisoned waste into the sea and China banning Japanese seafood; Boris Johnson appearing on TV claiming to be....
  4. sipped sweetened green tea with crushed raspberries and ...
  5. we were in a seedy bar in downtown Auchtermuchty. In strode Dubaius Moroseness, 45, a denizen of York, claiming precedence without prejudice, regarding...
  6. 3 cartons of soya milk, and an orange, I accepted word, via phone, from Millie, that I will only get paid if I make contact with Charlene's chapeaux and damn....
  7. as if I longed for the comfort of room 456 again . Johnny Bravo has just got to be brave, it is totally essential, I mused, and off I went, entering my room and falling into a deep sleep on my comfortable, sleep easy, bed. I woke 2 hrs later, sleepy and wondering what had happened to Millie. Looking her up on Google, I ☎️ telephoned her, receiving the.....
  8. I qut daydreaming, only for kind old Mrs Mint to be waving smelling salts under my nose, trying to pour brandy into my mouth, and generally....
  9. Forgive me but one morning about four years ago, I woke bleary eyed , only to find a link sent by text to my mobile by our landlord. The tune was My eyes adored you by Franki Valli. My wife and I laughed and laughed about it; man was obviously drunk, explaining later how it was meant for someone else. Thank God. 😊 In your eyes...Johnny Osbourne.
  10. felt quite thrilled. After all, I have always enjoyed a firm, superior woman, and my wife was definitely that. πŸ‘Œ 'Oh well, you see, I was simply methodically folding my undercrackers routinely, last Thursday, when came a knock on the door. Since I was folding the garments with one hand, in the other a flask of hot sweet tea, I spilled....
  11. Lovers and Strangers by Clair Wills. An immigrant history of post war Britain.
  12. to meditate on the wondrous stamp books I had read over the years. Mrs Melfuddle's letter to Ethiopia, by Barwin Burke, Stamps of the world by Brian Smith, Have fun with stamps by Sheldon Cooper, Knapsack, rucksack, haversack, stamps by Elise Surpreeze.. The list simply went on and on, like a sermon from your wife about tea stains on...
  13. Mostly white South African, coming of age, feminist vibes I recall...could be wrong.
  14. the lights came on. Nothing striking, average Hilton room, no gold plated cups, no gifts for spending large amounts on frippery and crap. Nevertheless, I decided to have a bit of exploration . The bathroom, red, elegant, suave, was exactly πŸ’― πŸ‘Œ of what I love, you see I
  15. fell asleep, where, to my great surprise, I entered a new reality. 'Good evening', said the concierge, as I booked into the Hilton at London . 'Good evening..can you assist with the luggage, as well as an order of hot sweet tea with soya milk..room 456, pronto', I decreed, trying....
  16. I didn't like it, got it from Leeds library back in the 1980s. Her and Nadine Gordimer, really dreadful disappointing lack of a juicy story all told.
  17. Alohaaaaaaa..are you there..are you there...art..thou..there...?☺️
  18. the local branch of the Philatelic Trust, a charitable organisation whose main .....
  19. was just saying how she required a fresh cup of sweet, scalding tea....
  20. he slipped away, and I was left alone, phone vibrating in my hand, suddenly realising I have an angry 'mistress', a livid wife, a Madame Biscuit, and, as if it's not enough, Millie waiting on progress. I had signed a contract. As I sat with Millie, her office full of candles πŸ•― and candle stubs due to the power cuts, and her unwillingness to pay for electricity, I squinted at the small print. After I signed, Millie passed me a magnifying glass.....
  21. I knew it wasn't mine. Looking about for the culprit, a bloke waved at me and said 'who smelt it dealt it..' Affronted by the effrontery, ....
  22. Agree. I read 500 pages of Archer and concluded it is rubbish, just recently.
  23. Archer has a tendency to focus upon his several obsessions, art, women,and money. You usually get treated to many financial calculations, down to decimal points of how much someone is due to get, then observations about a beautiful woman, and a few musings on art dealing. I read 500 pages of his short stories then abandoned it.
  24. doggedly and determinedly steadfast to the very last, wouldn't allow me to follow Charlene anywhere without her. So off we went, down a dismal corridor with portaloo bogs, one for men, one for women. 'Go in there', I said, '@nd let me know if Madame Biscuit is present ' But
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