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Everything posted by itsmeagain

  1. loins, an uncharacteristic lack of bonhomie, devoid of wellbeing, a bit like losing a tenner, finding 5p . Asking if they have soya milk I .......
  2. a penchant for a fine, raw, ethnically clean Scottish malt, McLachlan of Dumfries finest whisky. Never gave daddy a problem , but moi,je prefer strong green tea, or Japanese cherry,, there's an outlet down in Shepherds Bush, should you wish to come along, I have also seen ...'. ..I mused privately, what is this ethnically clean whisky..?..Is ...
  3. The staff member list is seemingly well out of date. Michelle isn't active anymore. Just saying...πŸ˜ƒ
  4. scent of the forest. With cedar, bilberry, root bark, oil of mushroom and a touching cow grass, it's certainly good for chilblains, arthritis, rheumatoid and carotid, depression, sun sickness...' 'So you never get sun sickness?..', I asked,
  5. Brick Lane by Monica Ali, is excellent. More Bangladesh than India though.
  6. Very disappointed with the childish style, adolescent humour , in this book.
  7. My mojo is great right now, must be the slow approach of retirement making me chill and read. Reading..Best ever way of changing the world we live in...
  8. Luna we love you here ❀️. What's going on boss..?....Get theesen a good book, prop theesen up on the pillars, and read..simples. πŸ˜ƒ Best wishes
  9. start work upon John and Rosies book and cat cafe..daddy has a ton of surplus books, I have enough cash to buy an average sized aeroplane, you have enough cats and sufficient spuds to make chips til the next millennia...
  10. Sheffield had about 75mm of rain since Thursday night, more than falls in the whole of October generally. Absolutely torrential for 36 hours, stopped briefly now. Libraries, hospitals, etc , have leaking roofs and buckets everywhere to catch the rain.
  11. stay, as she was rather fetching, her velcro shoes reminding me of what a sheltered, lovely, educated, eccentric lady could be like, and my, do I like that. Ordering an ice cream sundae for her, and onion and chilli uttapam for my good self, we talked of her plans for the future,
  12. wandered to a nearby cafe for tea and crumpets with marge and Marmite. 'So,what interests you in an older bloke like me?', I ventured, looking at her pretty, make up free face. 'Oh well, you have the most AMAAAzing salt and pepper hair, you love the books of Paul Theroux, you dress well, and you donate to a cat charity, which I see as being entirely spiffing, daddy used to..' 'How do you know about a 🐈 charity?', I asked, suddenly alarmed.'Oh, the universe informs me of sooo much dear John, you know I feel that by 2033 we will all be actually living in our office space, such is the need for capital to .....' My mind shifted to weighing up my options here, whether I
  13. Looks as though Bree struggled with A tale of two Cities. I did, I found it monotonous and confusing too. Just my humble opinion, no wrong viewpoints, as we all know.
  14. How's this kitty doing Brian..?...
  15. Football (1).mp4 Lovely dry humour. πŸ˜ƒ 😊
  16. would like that,' she said, framing for the quickest hug in world history,but instead proffering her hand again, a radiant smile really prominent. 'My daddy used to travel on business to China and Ecuador..business', she cooed, ' but a man of the world,much older than me.. well that's someone I'd..share a cup of chai with at any time.' Oblivious to any such matters, the crowd of book lovers stood thumbing books by Trollope, Collins, and Christie, until a balding bloke in his 20s asked, 'do you have this in Chinese?' The book was 'How to succeed in Business and romance', by Dillon Kingfisher. I said I have no facility to translate things into Chinese, when Rosie ......
  17. One thing about now on the forum,only about seven people post once a week or more. That is fewer than when I joined, Dex, Chesilbeach, Frankie, Nollaig etc, all regulars.
  18. groaned their assent, I tipped out my books onto a table with an old plastic 1975 vintage tablecloth, fetchingly decorated with a montage of dogs and books. How sweet, I thought, as a girl announced herself as 'Rosie Flowers..pleased to meet you', her hand extended in greeting. ' I see you are big on Dickens and travel', she remarked, thumbing Riding the Iron Rooster, by Paul Theroux. 'Have you ever...
  19. interject, pointing out with a wry smile, that Mallory Looroll produced a compendium of flower arranging stories, Tales from The Stalk and the Stamen, still on sale for a fiver in his local Tesco. 'Can we get down to business?', I asked, hoping
  20. branch of the Book Lover, Inc., a charity sending thousands of unwanted books abroad, to libraries, schools, refugee camps, and prisons, all to assist people to love books. 'I'm after WEB DuBois, Black Man Emancipation , 1905', said a thin youth with a gold tooth , pirate ear rings, and a plastic watch. 'It's actually....
  21. no, Bodger was a book aficionado, and proud of that. Pulling out a packet of Gauloises tobacco, rolling a fag, and lighting it, he opined, 'we in our family love France. DeBussy, Rousseau, Poirot...' A portly bloke with soup stained clothes chimed in with, 'Bodger, Poirot was a Belgian , moit..e was , aye', looking at me for affirmation. I
  22. You've been great Luna. Only poppy and myself, over the years, have kept these ludicrous stories going, we had a Germany based Brit named OlderFish for a while, 7 years ago,but mainly me and popsicle. You, Luna,bucked the trend, you have been amazing. πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜€
  23. sat an old man known as Bodger Hardman, Bodger cos he was a handyman of high repute, Hardman since he was very tough. Indeed, his brash, angry demeanour belied a sweeter temperament, namely a liking for the works of Daphne du Maurier, sipping Cabriolet, and listening to punk rock. He saw my bag of books..
  24. I became cognizant of the facts, namely, Wigtown ,the town of the hairpiece, is a corner of Streatham, London, and hence the Thames runs near enough close by. Wondering who wanted some Hardy, I went into the Lad and Lager, a greasy, rundown....
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