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Everything posted by itsmeagain

  1. ' am trying my best, Rosie. They are in your car boot..any ideas as to where our shelves are coming from? Did you say there was a chance of some from Weld it and Woodit, the famous Barnet carpentry establishment..?... As for the cats, we can go and talk to cat shelters, asking can we take their moggies for the cafe. ?' 'With respect, young boy, my esteemed, worthy, cat lady daughter, was merely asking with regard to pecuniary matters, and you don't exactly fill her, or my good esteemed self, with confidence..have you any money..?..
  2. encapsulates why, just why, Rosie needs a quarter of a million to raise our venture into the big time. I mean, cat litter.is about 200 quid a ton in Sheffield, 20p extra in Birmingham, and, after the next budget, no doubt it will be 302 quid per bucket. Where are the cats?', I enquired, as Rosie wiped...
  3. future looked decidedly rocky, and I thought up a plan, which I immediately set about working on . 'What a splendid idea, darn good show old chap,what what ', I said, slapping him on the shoulder, 'now, about the cats..' 'Aaah yes, old boy, well it's all up to Rosie how many felines she wants, I mean, I know she.....
  4. a really nice guy, rather sweet actually..daddy, remember, Johnny did nothing at all wrong, I met him at a book stall and we became friends, that's all. Not like you and mummy,when I know,because she told me,that I was conceived pre wedlock, born pre wedlock, and remained pre..' 'Oh I get it, my sweet, I'm so sorry, I never intended..but I'm such a fool..I thought Johnny was your betrothed..' 'So,can we expect to be opening up this place soon?', I asked, hoping for a sensible answer. 'Yes young man, once my application to Blockett and Reckitt, solicitors, goes through, any day I will be supplying you with a large amount of capital..now hear me .......
  5. offering Rosie and I..' 'Oh heavens, surely congratulations aren't in order already. ?..Cripes old boy, do enlighten me, what's your secret. ?' He leaned in closer, and whispered, ' It must be the muesli you eat..I gather oats are good for the old.....' 'Rosie,may I just say I am not your suitor..' I declared, leading to the Major observing me avidly, monocle clutched tight, eyes narrowed, 'and please ask Daddy about the money 💰 ', I said, running out for some fresh air before I screamed. It was.... ...
  6. Heimlich, it being my go to in such crises before. Three minutes later, the major was sat in a chair, beat. 'I say Jonno, tell meh..are you of a medical disposition..? You see, I have a somewhat puzzling bowel problem..one day nothing, the next..' I walked away on pretext of apparently seeing Billy Bozzeyed,22, of Basingstoke, one of ' the boys', trying to throw wet waste into a dry bin. I said ,' please can you try to follow what Norman Normal would do..look around, ..err Mr Foreman..come and help him can you..?' Billy Foreman marched forward.. 'yea moit, leave 'im to.me', and within nano seconds the place looked
  7. roses, especially fitting in the circumstances. 'Now, young man, tell me. Is your bag Euclides , Pythagoras, or Socrates..? And don't, pray, claim , in oh so funny a manner, " oh Socrates the Brazilian footballer.."..cos I am wise to all attempts by suitors of herrrz..'..pointing a finger at Rosie. ..'..to..curry favour with me..just because I reek of money doesn't mean I'll..' A 5 minute coughing fit followed, with arms waving above and around the Major, and I saw one of the plebeians..
  8. Benji Blue, he is from Littlehampton originally, lives in Brixham now, ...' 'Aaah dyerr do', said a young gentleman with dark hair and a grimy old Arsenal shirt on, nodding to accompany the cold ' greeting.' 'Here we have Brad Ellis, whose dad works on the fish stall over at Camden, Ellis fishmongers..oooh many's the plate of fish I ate from there', she said, her coquettish smile eagerly seized upon by the gurning, insensible, masses present. The lads thought she was great sport. 'Cor sheez gawjuss', whispered Francis Dimm, 34, a lascivious grin on the grime covered face, ' I wonder...
  9. really should take better care of your arthritis..come, sit here, drinking green tea, and talk..in USA they call it shooting the breeze..harhar har..daddy, we have here.,Eddie Doolittle, Mr William Foreman..and my.partner in business, Johnny Revolting..' 'So, I am Major Reggie Cedric Flowers, may I have the pleasure of everyone else admitting..err..announcing, who they are, and please allow time for my withered brain cells to keep track, after all,I am..' Bison muscles stepped forward, full of a leery grin.'Hoi, oi aahm Marvin Grunts, oi mast soy she's..your own girw ere..she's amazing.. oi ave never...
  10. immediately jumped to task, as though they were chameleon like in terms of personality rather than their physical properties...which were, apparently, moulded by copious amounts of 🍟 chips, bacon and sausage sarnies, and egg custard pies. 'Roit moit, trust me, oi shall mike shoer vis lot works when vayze towed to work...veyz not bed leds roily, jass a quick kick app the jaxxy ocoizhunly an theyze awaroight' announced a large bloke in blue overalls , with a cowboy tache. 'My noim is Billy Foreman..an' no, it oint now jowk, vass moi real andle...coz o me managerial abilities.. you lot, get sweeping', he decreed, sending 5 lads rushing about with brooms in hand, sweeping, scrubbing, and lifting. 'Oi can....
  11. the old newspapers moulding in the corner will be cleared out..?..Any prospect of getting rid of some of the old rubbish,eg rotting copies of Weekend magazine from 1985, Weekly News editions from 1986, Beano comics from 1987 and dirt, grease and dust shifted from the cooker..?..' I asked,my rage and jealousy turning my face beetroot red, and to make things worse, Rosie was saying to the lads,....
  12. ..are here..to ..work!', I hissed, unable to hide my contempt for these idle rumour mongering wasters, these.. 'But Johnny, give these lads a chance won't you..?..After all, they all smile, all drink tea'.... 'Fanks darling, oi roilly approysheate ya, ya now..Eddie Doolittle', said a grimy bloke bearing a beer belly and yellow teeth, his proffered hand being grabbed by Rosie, 'and on beearf of azz awl, may oi...
  13. being a bit of a lad ere moit??..see, if you are, then may oi recommend corn oil for home fried chips, baby oil for a bit of how's yer father, and oil of Ulay for a good wash.. any questions.?..', he asked, as though addressing an auditorium of eager palaeontology students on a cold Thursday morning. 'Get on with the clean..', said I, attempting to seem...
  14. quite sufficient. There's an old warehouse in Streatham, owned by daddy, he will make it available.' A week later, a large ish warehouse was being cleaned by five workers from YouKallWe Clean, a company describing itself as ' the best scrubbing company in England'. The 2 lads I spoke to, Sid and Jason, were clear about one thing, namely, there is no .....
  15. Good luck boss. Take a few books for post op recovery . Family around etc.
  16. knead in sure stealth, so when we are kneading something, we carry it out so stealthily that no one notices. Just the other day I.." 'Johnny, do focus..mummy always says that a job , once half done, is worth doing again so where is your start date for the cat and book cafe..?...
  17. what we would end up doing today, my thoughts inexorably taking me down the route of trying to get a close affinity with the delightful, rose scented, eccentric individual in crepe shoes. 👞 I suddenly felt quite guilty about a mildly lascivious thought, and instead I said, ' there's been plenty of weather lately', which was not especially relished by rose scented velcro feet Rosie. ' Why do men always avoid the 🐘 in the room', she rhetorically asked, making animated gestures with her arms, a round face being described in the air by her hand, then a long protuberance was drawn. She's calling me a dickhead, was my automatic thought..but no, what did Professor Scheherazde tell me in his psychology lecture..was it that men are so genital obsessed that they misinterpret innocent asides, or is it that...
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