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Then he remembered that it was in his other pocket. He always seemed to do it, He'd take out his wallet right handed, pay pick up his drink and then put his wallet away left handed in his left pocket. (Weird he thought sitting down, raising the pint to his lips whilst posting on a discussion forum on his mobile.) I seem to spend the majority of the day being left-handed. Of all the many tasks he performed during the day, He always remembered to keep his hand on his k..., just like his flt driving instructor told him to. That was his left hand too. mmm my glass is empty again he noticed, Thirsty work this blogging lark he thought....

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As he accidentally deleted the post that he had been working on. He shrugged and put his phone down, things like deleting something by accident happens sometimes. There is really no point to getting upset about it. His thoughts turned back to important thoughts of world changing questions such as, where dose ones keys go when one can't find them and is there a secret island somewhere where all missing and odd socks go? ...

Edited by Vimes
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And if places like NZ still have a link with us , then We won gold in the Shot-Putt yesterday then! Well done! Us....

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Well I'd argue the point with you all day, Just Don't tell Valerie Adams as having seen her in action, I wouldn't argue with her. Your really succesful repeated Gold Medallist. Baa Humbug.

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Getting back to the eternal question of where single socks go, well they're all in therapy trying to come to terms with the sudden disappearance of their identical twin. It's a sad tale and a long road to recovery, their biggest hurdle is finding .....

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.....Ophelia entered the room, her Victorian long dress was just like something out of Jane Eyre or similar..oh yes, she exclaimed, dear poppy, that would be most...sumptuous...and with that Ophelia went to poppy who passed her some.....

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....with typical old English decorum, she breathed "oh crumbs..I don`t know what..poppy my dear, do you mind if I retire to..." and ran to the toilet where she  discharged the socks from her mouth, thinking how terribly strange...poppy does, after all, seem such a nice girl, and......

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golly gosh and goodness gracious me ..... who would have thought??? Of course, Poppy was offering them round as entertainment, not comestibles, but purple sock puppets had not quite been discovered in the 17th century, hence the ..........

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lack of recognition, dear, of the purpose of poppy`s ever so kind offer. So strange,  mused ophelia..why do i feel as though things around me are kind of..odd..like as if we were partly living in..another age...at which point  rrrrrrrrrinnnngggg...rrrrriiiing.....and my golly i am certain one of the servants went to talk into a black piece of  something in response to the ring..oh gosh..let me lie down..darkened room...etc.....

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thinking how beautiful she would look if someone painted her and dreaming of being rescued by a handsome prince.  Unfortunately, the purple sock she had dined on earlier proved rather weighty and instead of floating as intended, she sank like a stone, entirely unable to resurface.  And here lies the true story behind Ophelia's demise.

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Dex was fascinated with the colour purple (No Not The Book) His book buddy at work has a purple wash (Whatever) in her hair. I've heard of the Blue rinse brigade, but purple! (bah non bald people) he thought. He wasn't bitter though, As he saved money on not having to buy shampoo, He used beer instead as it wasn't good for anything else. Unfortunately...

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dex's ears were full of the soud of buzzing, as he tried to bat away the bees. He used his hands quite uselessly at first and then he saw...

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