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Everything posted by atticjnr

  1. Ahhh, you are in for a real treat with the Death books, I still have some Death ones to read. I have read Mort, Reaper Man is the one screaming for me to read it on my book shelf. What is the other Death book? I can't wait to be paid. Might treat myself to the rest of the Pratchett collection :D
  2. Ahh, I'm determined to complete the Harry Potter series back to back, however, I have too many Terry Pratchett books on the TBR shelf in my bedroom and keep seeing people say about good Pratchett books. I think I shall punctuate my reading of the 7 Potter books and The Hobbit &LOTR with at least one Terry Pratchett I haven't yet read. Does anyone else ever think they would like to go on holiday to Ankh-Morpork for a week or two? Maybe its just me.
  3. I have seen the two films that have been released and thought they were brilliant, especially the first one! I think I may read the books at some point, although I do hate seeing film adaptions first because I enjoy getting me own ideas of the characters. I also hate seeing the films after because they never get it right. Well, not MY right anyway!
  4. He is really interesting. Throughout the books he is really funny and I love the fact that Pratchett has given Death so many other sides to his personality that we, in reality, would never associate with him.
  5. Haha, thats great! I wish there was a Waterstones at or even near my college. Luckily the local Waterstones is about 15 minutes from my house. I enjoy looking round Waterstones when I have money and you dont feel under pressure to go and buy something after spending ages in there browsing, but I love going to the local Second Hand Book Store. Its packed floor to ceiling with books all for around
  6. I am exactly the same in that whenever I go into town I always drag whoever I am with into the book shop for so long they get really annoyed. Thats why I prefer to visit bookshops alone. You can lose yourself amongst the shelves. And like you, and so many others, I hate it when people write stuff like 'Reading is for losers' etc. etc. Irritates me. I think it makes you more of a loser being scared to admit you actually enjoy doing something intellectual for once in your life. Something besides touching yourself behind a computer screen. Rant over. :D
  7. Im glad there is other older people who enjoy these books. I have three of them and really really enjoyed reading them. I think it is the three Twig books I have; it has been a while since I read them and they are at my mum and dads on my bookshelf there. I intend to get more of the Edge Chronicles books though. I got the three Twig books for about
  8. Hello :) I see you are a fellow Pratchett fan. Hows it going?

  9. I'm 19 and absoloutly love reading. Ive gone through gaps in my teenage years where I haven't read for a month or two but I have always been reading a book for the past 3 or so years. One of my best friends is an avid reader and he is a year below me. I love going to his house because he always recommends me a whole library of books and is always willing to lend me books. Every birthday we give each other books as presents. However, he is the only other person I know who loves reading. Then again, I have always felt I am the odd one out in my group of friends. Maybe, it's just I dont know enough teenagers that well.
  10. My problem with this, is I would love for them all to be published for different reasons. I imagine if I was given the stack of them, I would be much like Harry when he entered Diagon Alley for the first time ever. It was all a completely new world to him too.
  11. Mort is brilliant, especially if, like me, you love the character Death. If you dont mind waiting untill I have been paid, I would be happy to give you a lend of Mort. Every Pratchett fan should read it! I enjoyed Wyrd Sisters but it wasn't one that stands out as brilliant in my opinion. I intend to read the other Witch books if there are any; should check at some point. Next Pratchett book I intend to read will be Reaper Man which is about Death. (Saying that sounds like im a depressing person if people don't understand Death is a character haha.)
  12. I've read a few more. Ill just go check.. The Colour of Magic The Light Fantastic Equal Rites Mort Sourcery Wyrd Sisters Faust/Eric (whatever its actually called!) and I have a few on the bookcase waiting to be read. Ill include them in the TBR list.
  13. hahaha @ Epic Laptop Death of 2007. I know your pain. Happened to me a few months ago. Lost all my photography. I have always wanted to write and have written songs and poetry and stuff but never anything like a story. Lately I have thought alot about getting started and think I might make it a project for over summer as at the moment I have a lot of work and exams to think about. If you are going to read a Terry Pratchett, I would recommend The Colour of Magic, Mort, or maybe Equal Rites. They are three that stood out to me. If you do read Colour of Magic, the second Discworld novel is a sort of follow on (The Light Fantastic). They both have one of my favourite characters from the whole series called Twoflower. I wont give any clues to his personality as hes really funny. Death is a really great character throughout the books aswell.

  14. Yeah, my english lecturer said "It's good but it will only take a sitting or two to finish it." I am looking forward to reading it though.
  15. Oh, I didnt know Darren Shan was liked or even known by many. Maybe its smaller in England. I know what being broke is like too because I am a student at the moment. Wanted to go for a coffee at the coffee shop today to get some coursework done and I didnt even have a few pounds.


    I might get round to reading the third HDM book. Its pretty funny that Tolkein is know for how insanely descriptive he is but you needed the films to know the faces! haha :)

    Ill always love the Harry Potter books. I dunno why, but I think its because I hate the place I live and the things that go on, I love being able to disappear into a completely different world. Its the same with Pratchett. I desperatly want to live in Ankh-Morpork on the Discworld (you wont get that reference unless you've read Pratchett)


    Have you written/are you writing anything of your own?

  16. Ah thats really cool. Meet them next year? As in like 8 months time? I do really like using the forums abit too much at the moment because I'm sat with coursework infront of me and the laptop. The coursework is barely done. Haha.


    Yeah, I love kids fantasy which I am always a bit embarrased about. Have you read the Darren Shan books? Demonata and The Saga of Darren Shan. I might have a look at the Coldfire Trilogy. LOTR is on my TBR list as I read the first of the three volumes and really enjoyed it but was given a college course book to read so I haven't gone back to it since. I am going to do the rest of the Potter books then onto Tolkein. Hobbit first then I will tackle LOTR. I enjoyed the first two Dark Materials books but didn't manage to finish the third.

  17. I seem to be settling into the forum fine thanks! Really enjoying using it as I've always been passionate about books and reading but never really had friends into it. So now I've found a group of people to share it all with, it is great!


    Yeah, I will add it to my TBR list I think. Theres a few doorstop books in the TBR so it might be a while before I get round to it but I shall try and find it at my second hand book shop.




    Are you into fantasy stuff then?

  18. Hello!

    I was just wondering what you thought of the Garth Nix books as I have seen them a few times and wouldn't mind trying them.

  19. Here is my Library where I shall keep a note of the books I have read or plan to read; much the same as everyone elses. Books in plain black are first time reads and books in red are re-reads. I probably won't write real reviews on them here but might give an overview of any thoughts I had about them and a mark out of 10. Read in 2009 so far: A Thousand Acres - Jane Smiley Sourcery - Terry Pratchett Wyrd Sisters - Terry Pratchett Harry Potter and the Philsophers Stone - J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J.K. Rowling Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell To be read: The Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks The Elfstones of Shannara - Terry Brooks The Wishsong of Shannara - Terry Brooks The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - John Boyne The Hobbit - J.R.R.Tolkein Lord Of The Rings - J.R.R.Tolkein Reaper Man - Terry Pratchett Interesting Times - Terry Pratchett Men at Arms - Terry Pratchett Lords and Ladies - Terry Pratchett Making Money - Terry Pratchett Thud! - Terry Pratchett Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett Pyramids - Terry Pratchett The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents - Terry Pratchett The Magician's Apprentice - Trudi Canavan Black Magician Trilogy - Trudi Canavan The Age of the Five - Trudi Canavan The Princess Vride - William Goldman If anyone reads this and thinks they know a book I would like from what I have read and plan to read, feel free to recommend in either a private message or a normal reply.
  20. Damien Rice Justice Hot Chip Peter Doherty Libertines Basically anything Motown is amazing in my eyes too. Its difficult naming a top 5 considering I am obsessed with music and studying Music Technology at Uni next year and College at the moment so there is far too much I love listening to. Just looked through the whole post and must say people on this forum listen to some great music! Noticed some Stevie Wonder (amazing artist), The Beatles (of course) and loads of others. Jackson 5 might have to be in mine aswell, making it a top 6. Mine is in no particular order btw!
  21. Hello everyone. Thanks alot for all your welcomes and I look forward to getting to know you on the forums. Dont worry about being a bit busy at weekends, I am usually the same with work and coursework.
  22. Reading through the spoilers, as im re-reading Chamber of Secrets atm, I didnt understand why people were . I thought, 'He broke Harrys arm, almost got him killed by the Whomping Willow and stopped all his post so he thought he was a friendless loner!' but I have just read the part where and understood completely! I love Dobby again. Dobby threw his arms around Harry's middle and hugged him. 'Harry Potter is greater by far than Dobby knew!' he sobbed. 'Farewell, Harry Potter!' Yeah, Dobby is ace.
  23. Yeah, I agree. I would love to know more about Hogwarts. What about the Invisible Book of Invisibility? Ive got a copy already I'll show you if......ohhh right. Just finished re-read of CoS like 10 minutes ago. PoA now I think.
  24. not bad at all thanks.

    i like your poetry on your blog.

    especially the line in Untitled that reads 'The mind is full of clutter..'

    its so true!


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