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Everything posted by DanC_84

  1. I guess I just think to myself "how much can I really get out of a book that is that short?"
  2. Yeah the pace hurt as well. I just thought the whole
  3. Yeah, that is mine as well. I read them so fast that it was difficult to really think about the books in between, but looking back I realise that I really, really didn't like New Moon. It wasn't so much because Edward wasn't in it, I just think she massively overdid it in that book. It just became ridiculous IMO.
  4. Definately. I don't really even consider books under, say, 200 pages. Not sure why, I just don't.
  5. I have seen both and preferred Slumdog. It was my second favourite movie of the year. My girlfriend and I saw Watchmen on the weekend and neither of us were overly impressed by it.
  6. I liked Eclipse the best as well. Definately the most action in that one. I think it and Twilight were definately the two best in the series.
  7. I miss the old Green Day badly. When I was an angry young teenager I loved that music. They are a little too political for my tastes nowadays.
  8. Yeah, I used to love those bands. I still enjoy them and they feature on my IPOD rotation fairly regularly, but my music tastes have diversified a little over the last few years. RENT is awesome. I have a bit of an unnatural obsession with Idina Menzel.
  9. Yeah you do. It is a great series. I thought I would be a little disappointed with the second and third books after Noughts and Crosses but I wasn't.
  10. I finished 'GLory in Death' by JD Robb last night. I rated it at 7.5/10. Whilst I didn't think it was quite as good as the first book in the series I still found it to be an entertaining and addictive read. The story basically picks up where the first book left it and pretty much immediately launches into the main plot. The author is extremely skilled at linking the romance and thriller plots together to make the transition between them very easy and natural. I recently purchased the next two books in the 'In Death' series and I will read them at some point in the future. Next up I have decided to start on 'Bitten' by Kelley Armstrong, a book recommended by a few people on here. I got through around 50 pages last night, seems pretty good so far.
  11. When I was younger I was probably more into music. Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Oasis, Audioslave, Soundgarden, RHCP were probably some of my favourites. The last couple of years I have gotten into lighter stuff - the Killers, Supergrass and the like as well as some older stuff like the Rolling Stones. I also listen to soundtracks of a few musical shows now - Wicked, Spring Awakening, Rent and Spamalot.
  12. Yeah, I think that maybe the perceptions of others impacted on me a little. My girlfriend had already read them and did not like Breaking Dawn at all, particularly the ending, so I was prepared for a little bit of a let down. It was pretty much exactly the type of ending I would have expected though.
  13. Yeah, Breaking Dawn was a little of a disappointment for me. It was an expected one though. Still, overall I would say I enjoyed it a fair bit.
  14. I have three Weet-Bix with light milk every morning except Sundays when I have two pieces of toast with marmalade.
  15. Definately. I read Da Vinci Code first and thought it was good but Angels and Demons was definately the more enjoyable and suspenseful read for mine.
  16. Yeah, I always seem to grow attached to the hopeless female characters in these novels. Not sure Why. It was a great book though. Devestating in parts but still fantastic.

  17. I'm looking forward to reading this one. It is on my to be read list and I am going to start it after I finish Wuthering Heights. Unfortunately I'm not sure when that will be as I am struggling through the start of it and continually being side-tracked by other books. Have you read Wuthering Heights?
  18. I finished 'Testimony' last night. It really was an incredible book. I'm not sure if it is my favourite book this year but I definately think it was the most well written. The author really managed to convey the message of the book perfectly I thought and it is a tribute to how well written the book is that she can hop between so many different character perspectives throuhgout the book and still manages to maintain the reader's connection with so many of them (at least in my case). I would definately recommend it to anyone and I rated it at 9/10. Next up I am going to start 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. I am excited about that one as it comes highly recommended from plenty of people on here.
  19. Always. I just can't find it in me to proceed if I haven't read the introduction.
  20. Haha, I thought it might be Silas as Noelle is probably mine.

  21. I agree, he pretty much typifies an actor that is extremely samish in everything IMO. On topic, I'm not sure if it was just me but I found the accents in Valkyrie to just be ridiculous. I accept that they didn't want to do it all in German for commercial reasons, but you had guys trying to be Nazi accents whilst talking in all sorts of ridiculously strong accents such as American, English, Scottish - I just found it to be ridiculous.
  22. Yeah I have found it really interesting. I read a really light teen novel just before it and this is definately different. Which character did you grow attached to?

  23. Hey, thanks for recommending Testimony. I'm half way through it and really enjoying it so far!

  24. Sorry things are so tough for you at the moment. Just do your best with it all, it is all you can do.

  25. That is pretty awesome. Great that she went to the extra trouble with the postcard as well.
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