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Everything posted by DanC_84

  1. How the hell did you transport those books?
  2. LOL, not quite Ben. I have actually been really slowed down by work lately. It took me around a week to read the second Charlaine Harris book. Maybe if I actually worked more at work instead of browsing and posting on this forum....
  3. Thanks, I'm sure I will. I am really looking forward to it. The 40 pages have been great and have me really wanting to read the rest of it.
  4. I have only read two of Dan Brown's books - this one and the Da Vinci Code. Of the two I definately preferred Angels and Demons though. I can definately see why the Da Vinci Code held such wide and popular appeal, but I just felt that Angels and Demons was the better read.
  5. I finished Charlaine Harris' 'Living Dead in Dallas' over the weekend. Overall it was a pretty enjoyable read. I have been a little busy and stressed out with work lately so I have just been in the mood for a book that I can come home, read and enjoy without it making me think too hard, and this book is pretty much perfect for that. I didn't think Harris built the plot quite as well in this book as she did in the first book of the series but nonetheless I enjoyed it for the most part. I rated it at 7/10. Next up for me in 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. I am really looking forward to this book given the great reviews it has received pretty much everywhere. I read the first 40 pages last night and enjoyed the style so I am sure that I will love it.
  6. Thanks for the review. This book is on my 'books to buy' list. I really just need to go out and purchase it.
  7. Wicked would be my favourite. I first saw it in London when I was over in the UK on holiday and I have seen the Australian production 4 times down in Melbourne. My other favourites are RENT, Spamalot, Spring Awakening, Jesus Christ Superstar and Phantom of the Opera.
  8. I have only read 7 on the list. I think a few of them are on my TBR though.
  9. I really enjoyed Testimony as well. Excellent character development throughout the whole book.
  10. Good god, I can't believe another MLB fan actually exists. Did you get into them through Pearl Jam?
  11. Haha, thank you. There was a period of a few years in my late teenage years where I could not live a day without Jeff!

  12. Indeed I am. I like to float in between Adult and Young Adult books. Often I find I am just in the mood to read YA books as I can read them and just relax without thinking too hard. I also think that I am pretty mentally immature for my age, so I can identify with the YA style of writing pretty well. I am 24 by the way.
  13. I finished 'Bitten' by Kelley Armstrong last night. I expected quite a lot from this book given all the great reviews I have read for it pretty much everywhere, including here. About half way through it I must admit I thought I was going to be bitterly disappointed with it. I was really struggling to establish any meaningful connections with any of the characters and the story just seemed to be dragging a little to me. I don't know, perhaps I have read too many of these types of novels lately. Anyway it did pick up in the second half and I got through the last 250 pages much quicker than the first 200, which is a good sign I guess. In the end, whilst I felt it was an enjoyable read, it kind of fell a little short of what I expected. I have put the second book in the series on my wishlist. I will make a decision after that one whether to continue reading them. My rating: 7/10. Next up I am reading Charlaine Harris' 'Living Dead in Dallas'. Perhaps not the wisest choice given my comment about having read too many of these types of novels lately. I just don't really feel like reading anything I have to think too deeply about when I get home from work at the moment.
  14. DanC_84


    Hey there. FWIW I have definately had more motivation to read since I have been reading this forum. I don't read much true fantasy but my younger brother is completely obsessed with Robert Jordan.
  15. I kind of thought Jasper was a little overdone to be honest. I get that he was supposed to be troubled and all that, I just thought they took it a little too far and he ended up looking ridiculous.
  16. Good god. Do you nearly know them by heart now? I have read them each once and enjoyed them. I don't usually read books twice. If I did, I think I would have to wait for a fairly long period of time before I tackled them again.
  17. I'm honestly not sure. I have enjoyed it, but I don't think I have connected as well with the characters as I have with a lot of the other books I have read recently. I will give the second book a go and then decide whether to proceed with the rest of the series from there I think.
  18. I am nearly finished Bitten. I definately wouldn't say it is purely a book for females.
  19. Awesome. Thanks for posting. I have the first one sitting on my wishlist. I was going to buy it in my next shipment.
  20. I agree, I just found that kind of funny to be honest.
  21. That sounds like a really interesting read, I may add it to my wishlist.
  22. Yeah, it is 15 here. I cannot believe it is 18 over there! Wow! If that movie is an 18+ then so must so many others. To be honest I thought it was pretty tame.
  23. Seriously? It is an 18+ movie over there?
  24. No I guess not. I can't say I don't enjoy them though, I have never really sat down and tried to read them for enjoyment. I'm not saying my perspective is correct or even justified, I think that is just my implicit though process that leads me to not even consider shorter books.
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