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Everything posted by Charm

  1. My goodness Inver! You're a married woman! (Know what you mean though :P)
  2. Hi Bella. :006: I was just passing and thought I'd drop in. How are you enjoying the forum? Love your avatar btw I can practically smell the books! If I could time manage a bit better I might be able to get off this site and actually get some reading done lol Everyone is right, your TBR list gets longer once you join! :lol:

  3. I love the Guinness ads, especially the one where its made to look like there are hundreds of men bouncing of drums inside the pint to mimic the pint settling - the music in it is really catchy too! I also like the old Corsa ad where a load of Corsas play hide and seek Hate the ads for loans or accident claims etc
  4. Oh no I've read Nicola's (sorry I just write what comes into my head and now that i look back I wasn't too clear:blush:) - I was just wondering which one of Ian Rankin's novels would you suggest I read first or does it not matter?:)

  5. Oh yes I see what you mean. They must be just set in the same place. Nicola's Fleshmarket is more of a period story set during hard times in Edinburgh when body snatching was rife. Ian's story sounds pretty good too. I must read one of his sometime, which one would you suggest I start with?

  6. Oh it does lol Its lovely and bright too :)

  7. Great avatar Inver!:lol:

    It really stands out and looks good on the page :smile2:

  8. I was in a friends house today and we were chatting about books. I mentioned that I was gonna try and get My Booky Wook and he said he had it and was finished with it and I could borrow it! So its on my TBR list!
  9. Hi there :17: Enjoy the forum
  10. We're just back from a friends for dinner where we had roast beef, yorkshire pudding, gravy, roasties - the whole works. We then had apple strudel and Mackies (best ice cream ever) vanilla ice cream for desert. He's a fireman and you know generally all firemen lke to cook!
  11. I recently read a book called 'Fleshmarket' by Nicola Morgan. It was about Fleshmarket Close in Edinburgh and I quite enjoyed it. Is the Flesh Market Close novel by Ian Rankin about the same thing?
  12. Yey! I'm not as stupid as I look you know!
  13. I know she's mad. :crazy:She's 4 yrs old now and sleeps upside down all the time even in her own bed she does it, 4 legs up in the air! It must be comfortable though cause she snores her head off! :lol:

  14. Oh right no probs. I'll tell her. She'll be disappointed but she'll understand. Thanks :D

  15. Hi there! You've changed your avatar! :doh:you know that already lol Much better one - he looks rather handsome in it! Love the profile pic too :D

  16. okay I'm prob wrong lol I counted 6xF's and 1x?
  17. Now that you mention it - it does look a bit like choc milkshake! yum! :lol:


    I'm sure I will enjoy the book haven't read a bad Tess book yet.:D

    Btw what age do you need to be to join the forum? My daughter saw the book arrive and was asking me. She's reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the min. She's almost 12.

  18. Wow - thats what I call an early starter! Great story!
  19. Me neither! I haven't a clue what we're having. We're all going out tonight so probably just have a bit of pizza or something before we go
  20. Keeping the Dead arrived today. I'll pm the next person on the list for their address when I've finished and send it on. thank you!

  21. :17: Its a great book. You'll be laughing one minute and crying the next. Her next book 'Where Rainbows End' is another great love story, once you get used to it being written as emails.
  22. Mia's jokes - how topical! Five Englishmen in an Audi Quattro arrived at an Irish border checkpoint. Paddy, the officer, stops them and tells them: 'It is illegal to put 5 people in a Quattro, Quattro means four' 'Quattro is just the name of the automobile,' the Englishman retorts disbelievingly. 'Look at the papers, this car is designed to carry five persons.' 'You cannot pull that one on me,' replies Paddy 'Quattro means four. You have five people in your car and you are therefore breaking the law.' The Englishmen replies angrily, 'You idiot! Call your supervisor over I want to speak to someone with more intelligence!' 'Sorry,' responds Paddy, 'Murphy is busy with 2 guys in a Fiat Uno.' Paigeturner!
  23. Oh my goodness I fancied this book but never just got around to getting it I'm definately gonna get it now though!
  24. Hi Little Otter! Nice otter pic lol :smile2: Don't worry you won't be able to reply to any messages until you posted 10 times. If you want your pic to show up on the main forum pages customise your profile and 'edit your avatar'. Your avatar is the pic people will see when you make a post. Have fun!

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