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Everything posted by Charm

  1. A man walks into a bar and asks for a beer. After drinking it, he looks in his shirt pocket and asks for another beer. After drinking that one, he looks in his shirt pocket again and asks for another beer. This happens about another seven times before the bartender asks him, 'Why do you keep looking in your pocket?' The man replies, 'I have a picture of my wife in there. When she looks good enough, I'll go home!'
  2. Charm

    :006:Hiya m8!


    How've ya been? Just seem to keep missing ya online lol Never mind. Just passin and thought I'd see if you were ok :D What ya been up to? Hope you been behaving yourself :lol: Dont do anything I would! ;) Cya soon :friends0:

  3. Is that the movie Nightwatch with Ewan McGregor where he plays a student on the night watch as a security guard at a morgue?
  4. I would recommend 'Where Rainbows End' by the same author too. Once you get used to the style its written in its engrossing!
  5. I guess it does what it says on the tin! After the life he's had I imagine he could have come up with a better title though I've just read you're review and I think I'll add this to my wish list,(must hoke out my G 'n' R albums) Its growing faster than I'm reading!!
  6. Bangers 'n' Mash with baked beans and grated cheese! Yum
  7. All the best for tomorrow and hope its the last one you have to attend in a long long time :hug:

    Spooky is an absolute sweetheart and a real softie :smile2: We got him from the USPCA to keep the mice down out here and he's brill at it! Although I think his confidence outweighs his abilities - he's even tried to catch a lamb, a calf, a brace of pheasants and a large hare. A rabbit is about the biggest thing he's actually caught! :lol: I've tried to tell him but he wont listen :roll: stupid cat ...lol Anyway, Im rambling again (I tend to do that) so I'll go and say Take Care :friends0:

  8. Me too With pitta - one of my favourite meals
  9. I'm not usually a fan of autobiographys. I once started to read 'Feel' by Robbie Williams whose music I really like but just couldn't get into it. Having said that, I've recently borrowed a copy of 'My Booky Wook' by Russell Brand and am looking forward to it! I do love Stephen Fry though and might just give this one a go . My husband really likes him too so it might just get him to pick up a book! A friend recently recommended an autobiography by Slash the guitarist from Guns 'n' Roses. She said she really enjoyed it but unfortunately I can't remember its title
  10. Oh yes I can just about see Stewie! Well they are both gorgeous :) I have a black cat too, he's called Spook cause we live in the country (its really dark outside and we dont need to close our blinds) and when he jumps up at the window to get in when its dark you just see his green eyes - :eek: spooky! Btw I'm very sorry about your Grandad, hope you and your family are doin ok. Take Care chat soon! :friends0::hug:

  11. Loved the navy lark! Letter to God... There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose job it was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses. One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting to God with no actual address. He thought he should open it to see what it was about. The letter read: Dear God, I am an 83 year old widow, living on a very small pension. Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had
  12. thank you Tiger!:D I keep changing them but this one seems to have stuck :blush: Sometimes I think it might be a bit loud although I'm sure everyone is used to it by now, but my daughter gave me it as a wallpaper on my phone so I thought I'd use it on here too :D Is that your cat as yours? He/she is beautiful :smile2:

  13. Oh don't worry about me! Did you see where I live? A sense of humour is essential Look at the mess we used to be in! Its much better now and I do think you should be able to laugh at yourself lol
  14. He is coming for me. Keeping the Dead by Tess Gerritsen
  15. Oh I think your Av is much better than the last one - its a clearer view of his face :) Somtimes I think mine is a tad garish :S

    Isn't it great about the Tess Gerritsen book. I got straight in there when Michelle advertised the bookring and was first on the list! :)

  16. I pulled an all nighter last night, well til 3am, and finished Play Dead by Richard Montanari and yet again he didn't disappoint. This time it follows Jessica Balzano and Kevin Byrne, two homicide detectives in Philadelphia whom we met in the previous books, as they try to solve a cold case. The case soon turns into a current investigation and Montanari cleverly leads us to an exciting ending. He concentrates more on the murderer, his twisted imagination and background in this one and not so much on the lives of the detectives. Needless to say once I got in the 'zone' I was hooked again! 8/10
  17. Have you tried the Cadbury's Tasters Omg they are gorgeous!
  18. Hi there! :006:Hope you enjoy the forum
  19. Hi Daria! Hope you enjoy the forum Your English seems fine, we all seem to be understanding you anyway
  20. Charm

    Most of the men I know would be quick enough to come back at me with a witty (and probably cheeky) reply. I grew up with 2 older brothers and live with a husband who is as quick as they come! Maybe I should post a disclaimer ... lmao

  21. Charm

    Yes actually you did :motz:Don't be silly!! I wasn't offended :lol: I thought they were pretty good actually and read the guinness one out to my OH! It would take a lot more than that to offend me ;) Now come out form under that chair! (who's a wimp now hehe) Hope non of the male members are offended at my gender jokes lately :blush:!

  22. Charm

    Shh ... careful don't shout lol My head is in a delicate state of balance (along with my stomach :thud::blush:) Actually I had a wee doze after finishing a book and I've just had a cuppa (magic tea cure for everything) so I feel a wee bit better;). Glad to hear you're feeling better and full of beans I see!

  23. Charm

    Hey u :)

    You feeling any better? Hope so. I was out Sat night so suffered a wee tad yesterday and still a bit rough today :( (I'm getting to old for this :wine:);) So gonna go bak to bed, just for a wee bit mind, see if it helps ;)

  24. I was trained as a chef and the first thing my OH does is put HP sauce all over his food if he can get away with it! :motz:I could understand kids doing something like this but he really should know better lol
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