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Everything posted by Charm

  1. My daughter has prize giving day tomorro then Fri is teacher training day so she off then too. She's then off all next week and the following Mon is another teacher training day! Before we know it she'll be stopping for xmas lol But you do deserve a holiday so just relax and enjoy it :friends0: sounds like its going to be lovely.

  2. I read Angela's Ashes a few years ago and thought it was a lovely book too, a bit depressing sometimes and sometimes I thought my goodness surely this hardship couldnt get any worse, but I thought it was interesting and well written. There is a film of the same name based on the book with Robert Carlisle as the main character, although I haven't seen it. Looovvvvveeed The Mephisto Club and have just finished Keeping the Dead so am posting it to KB tomorrow. Did you join this bookring? Think I'll start The Bone Garden tonight.
  3. Its been fine thank you! A bit busy but all in all nothing too dramatic. We've just had our dinner so thought I'd come on for a bit then go and have a nice hot bath. What bout your day? Were you at school today? You must be finishing soon for halloween are you?

  4. Wow that place looks amazing! I'd love to live in a place like that - I can just see me now with my own Sir Galahad by my side lol Did you take the wildlife pics?

  5. I'm sure I'll be fine - I hope :blush: lol. We had a blast in Florida. It was the second time we'd been and it was much better cause we knew what to go on etc. Some of the rollercoasters were amazing,:super: but scary too! :eek: Disneyworld is an experience I would recommend no matter what age. Unfortunately I've never been to Hampton Court Palace is it very haunted? Have you tried one of their ghost tours?

  6. Thanx. I'm sure I'll be bak on here moaning about it lol

  7. I know I feel sick every time I think about it. I've got spinal stenosis (at my young age!) and just had the hos on fone they want to do a bone density scan while i'm in to check for osteoporosis too. :( I'm decomposing far too soon!! lol) Never mind. means I'll get to catch up on some reading :) I really should go I only came on for ten mins with my cuppa an hour ago!! Cya soon and take care

  8. I will try but I need to wait til the emergency services are available in case something goes wrong. At the min they on constant standby at your place. Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Health and safety ... the list goes on!
  9. That' s just like sommat I would do lol I'm forever falling too - OH doesn't even sympathise if I fall now, he just says I should know how to walk at my age!! :irked: I'll prob be in the same boat next week, I've to go in to hos for a spinal op (ouch) so the forum might be a bit quieter then, although I'm sure Bev will still be as witty as ever :lol: Hope your ankle feels much better soon :friends0:, just sit and relax and keep it raised (hard to say when you've kids I know) Did I mention I ramble a bit, sorry :blush: Thanks for inviting me to be your friend btw!

  10. thank you! I'm really into red at the min, even my kettle is red! lol :smile2:

    How you doing today? Is the ankle still sore?

  11. Damn! I did try. I've just been told I have to go out ... again. I'll be back.........:) (I've got some posting to do!

  12. Hey there :smile2:


    How are you feeling today, is it the flu? You can't be sick, you've got kids! and a husband! We have to go on......! :lol: Well in my house you do. Anyway - I hope you feel much better today :hug::flowers2::hug:

  13. Oh well since you talked me into it I guess I'm gonna have to try one Just to see exactly what you mean!
  14. Ooh no I haven't. I have seen them, just haven't tried them. Are they as sickening as starbars, if you know what I mean, not sickening sickening but slightly sickening???
  15. Of course! Are they not a common thing on the mainland? Goodness me you can buy them everywhere here. If they haven't tried a Starbar they don't know what they're missing! All that delicious chocolate, caramel, nutty centre and chewy texture ..... mmm I want one now!!
  16. Ooh lovely! A holiday at halloween. I hope you all have a lovely relaxing time. We went to Edinburgh last year at this time and did all the ghost tours spoooooky! lol Would love to go back. Are you staying somewhere nice? We've already had our hols this year though :(, we went to Florida at Easter - brilliant time! This halloween I'll be in hospital :( Going in for a spinal op but hopefully be out in a few days. Have a great time Tiger! Hope you all enjoy the break xo

  17. Oooh that sounds nice! Is it anything like a starbar? :lol: at Bev. You crack me up!
  18. Ooh sounds delicious! Have to try that one
  19. Happy Anniversary! :bestw::flowers2:Hope you had a lovely day and enjoy many many more together!

  20. Have to agree with you there Also anything by Danielle Steel. No thanks
  21. Me too. I love Pink's new song I'm glad she's still number one!
  22. Digestive biscuits sandwiched together with butter or even better primula soft cheese
  23. Gosh you managing pretty well in the kitchen! and no fires yet! We had chops, garlic mushrooms, chips, peas and gravy. Another healthy choice
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