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Everything posted by itsmeagain

  1. , the agreement was that they would all meet up in Shoreditch High Street next Saturday lunchtime. Ignorant of all this, I was looking for colourful begonias and roses for Rosie, and finding the cheaper ones can be a nightmare, you see, Harrods charge a fortune for them and so I went to Cheap Street market, where I got some nicely scented roses for around 3 quid. Happy with myself, I sat on the bus, and my attention was taken by a caterpillar ruffling through the roses. So taken was I by this, I missed three bus stops, and was just arriving home when a gust of wind blew off my hat, which I had to chase down Home Street, and finally ....
  2. . maybe.. [sigh]..your buddy..a he or a she?', came the information request, Rosie imagining the..
  3. some begonias, that's it, purple and yellow, that's what I'll get. Five miles away, Rosie was chatting on messenger to Flora Flaherty , 32, an architect from Streatham, who listed among her loves in life, walking, listening to music, driving, eating cheese and onion crisps, fierce gym workouts, writing letters to the local paper about congestion in the Watford region, travelling to Crete, Paraguay, Antilles, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Kuwait, Algeria, Albania, Dar es Salaam and Tokyo, drinking tea, wine, beer, choco milk, green tea, ginger beer, raspberry infused flavoured still water, peach infused fizzy water, watching hurling,rugby, ⚽️ football, tiddlywinks, boxing, and tidying the garden... 'You are a cutie', came the text from Flora.'.wanna meet for a coffee....?...
  4. Rosie, aah, dear Rosie, so full of 🌹 rosy promises, fine words, and stolid declarations of love ( of her dad, the kitties, every bugger bar me), and so utterly devoid of common sense that she was wiling to buy sausages and to buy chips and peas with it, for a bunch of reprobates from Hounslow and surrounds,just because they smiled and popped out some muscles on their arms. Maybe if I...but then..I am unsure..I dunno..if she really ...
  5. be able to sort it..and I know, chooky chook, aah, I saw you trouser the 800 quid from those plumbers interested in Chaucer the other week.. so money is no object'..and at that, Rosie made plans for 54 felines to be shipped to Rosie's cat and coffee emporium, post haste. A week and 3 and a quarter days later, I was 🚶‍♀️ walking....
  6. I was not prepared for a sudden left hook to the jaw from one of the plebeian many, leaving me seeing stars for a few minutes. Mind you, all our doddering old benefactor's worries were quickly evaporated, as 10 scrubbers ran away from the warehouse, unpaid, and would stay unpaid until such time as we got some answers..which scuzzer decked Johnny Revolting and what type of recompense will said scuzzer pay? But on the cat and tea roadshow sailed, with adverts going on Radio London and people being contacted about cat cafe set up etc. One morning Rosie announced that the local tabby...
  7. it odd that a nice middle class girl like her would sink to the depths of council estate depravity that the lads would, and he said 'no darling, you jass down geddit lav. See look, we'z awl got kids, ann oi don't mean goats..(pausing for laughs, none arrived, just a dull silence)..naa sossidgizz is awroit bat we wants sumfin a lot bettoh ann we wanna it naah..' 'Oh Johnny be a man and a darling and pay...
  8. soo sweet and adorable..my oh my daddy, this boy reminds me very much of Archie, the dog of Mrs Fauntleroy of Chertsey, holder of the award for Pooch of the Decade 2018, he.. ' 'Naa listen app, bro..we won't uzz manney an we want it naa', said Pontius Brawn, 19, from Brixham. 'Oi.....
  9. a bulldog, sandy and white, three years in age, black spot behind the right ear, one chipped yellow tooth, otherwise dentally
  10. 'I verily do say, what what..young man, get your hands off my assistant Jonathan if you please.' He withdrew a bulging wallet from his inside pocket. 'Now, Mr senior henchman and dogsbody, kindly show me your work before I pay you..After all....
  11. Mr Billy Foreman, arms akimbo, saying , ' roight, less get a few fings sorted..ooze in charge. ? See look, bein' 'ard workin' goize, we wants poyin'..ooze responsiboo..?' Quickly pointing towards the Major, I went to get some of my huge store of books from the sacks at the back.. 'Oi.....
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