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Heh. Things are working exactly the same way here. I think my parents will have a bit of Super when they retire, but I think they'll also get the pension (the equivalent of your Social Security checks). I'm the same as you - there'll be no pension when I hit retirement age, so I will have to rely on my Super. I'm pretty much putting in the minimum amount now, but when I'm more financially secure I plan on putting more into my Super so I can have a comfortable retirement. :)


I'm so glad you'll get to see the rest of season 7! Overall it's not as great as the earlier seasons. I don't even think it's very memorable - I can't even remember most of what I've watched in the last few days, but I can remember the earlier seasons very clearly. There are still a lot of terrific moments too.


Ooh, one thing I wanted to mention about season 7 (from around halfway through the season) is

how touching I find Lane and Zach's relationship with Luke. It's so nice to see him gaining more friends.


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Yep, I get excited every time I get my quarterly 401K statement! I've been working hard at my company for 11 years so I better darn well get rewarded in my old age! :lol:


Are you feeling ill, Kylie? Did I see you post that you were loving Logan??! Oh no. Are you on Team Logan? :P

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I'm not feeling ill, but I think I'm feeling overly sentimental because of a certain time of month. :giggle:


Logan just becomes so in love with Rory and he treats her so well that you can't help but like him. He has a really adorable smile that he only flashes occasionally, like in a scene where he's talking to Lorelai in her kitchen. He's such a little cutie sometimes. :smile2:

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I'm not feeling ill, but I think I'm feeling overly sentimental because of a certain time of month. :giggle:


Logan just becomes so in love with Rory and he treats her so well that you can't help but like him. He has a really adorable smile that he only flashes occasionally, like in a scene where he's talking to Lorelai in her kitchen. He's such a little cutie sometimes. :smile2:


Okay. Hmm. I'll take that under advisement, Kylie. Talk to me in about a week and let me know if you feel the same way ;).

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I found myself on the Yale Daily News' website today after I followed a link to read about a tragic death there. I couldn't help but look around a bit and see if I could find any mention of Gilmore Girls. :giggle: I found this article that a student wrote which shows an interesting insight into some of the students there.


I finished watching season 7 last night. I'm so sad now that I've finished (and I bawled at the end of the show). I think I'll have to start watching it all over again.


I watched the DVD extras as well and Keiko (Lane) was doing a 'day in the life' of her filming a scene. She was a bit sad because it was the last day of filming for season 7. It's sad to watch because she obviously had no idea it was the last day she would ever be there. :( I believe the show was only cancelled well after season 7 had finished filming.

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  • 1 month later...

I've only just recently got in to this show and actually happened to come across it by chance after browsing around on Amazon for a new show to watch; preferably one that didn't cost too much. Gilmore Girls caught my eye and after watching a couple of episodes I was completely hooked. I've since gone on to purchase the entire series and I'm slowly making my way through it at the moment. I finished Season 1 yesterday so will be making a start on Season 2 today.


I don't know whether it's the characters, the storylines, the setting of Stars Hollow or a mixture of all three but either way there seems to be something really special about this show which has a habit of pulling people in. I'm glad that there are other people on here that share my love of this show but please forgive me if I don't participate in in-depth discussions about it at the moment because I'm trying to stay spoiler free.

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Welcome to the GG gang, SimplyK! I'm so jealous that you get to watch the entire show for the first time. And that you don't have to wait week to week for each episode; you can watch as many as want in one go! That's so cool. :) I look forward to discussing the show with you more when you've finished watching it.


I agree that it's a mixture of all those things you mentioned, plus the very witty dialogue, that make is such a special show. :)

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Hope you enjoy the whole series, SK! Like Kylie, I'm jealous you get to watch it all for the first time!


For some reason I've had the phrase 'My leg is haunted.' stuck in my head all morning. Its from an episode in either season 1 or 2 when Lorelai has a cold and wants something more unique and cooler. :giggle:

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Kylie, even though I could quite happily sit and watch back-to-back episodes of this show I'm trying my hardest not to fall into that trap by limiting myself to one episode per day. Otherwise my reading will suffer and after only just getting my reading mojo back at the beginning of this month I'm determined to keep hold of it. So for me, at least for the time being, it's one episode per day.

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  • 2 months later...

OK, this may just be something that COMPLETELY passed me by, but did anyone else know that Sophie, the owner of Stars Hollow Music was Carole King - THE Carole King? :o


I didn't have a clue! I knew the theme tune is one of her songs (she sang this for the opening titles with her daughter), but didn't have a clue about Sophie. :doh:

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Yes, I did. :D Not because I recognised her though, but I think I read about it somewhere. It's very cool, isn't it? cool.gif


In one of the episodes, Zach and Lane approach her when they find out she wrote a song (I think it's just a made-up thing for the show), and in the background you can hear Pleasant Valley Sunday by The Monkees being played, which is a song that Carol wrote! I love that they put that little tribute to her in there. :D It's such a clever show.

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I don't think I knew, unless Kylie told me about it, after which I must've forgotten about it. However, I always had a feeling that she must be someone, a 'real' person in the music industry. The name Carole King would not have rung any bells with me though :blush:


Why did I think it would be a 'someone' kind of person? They've had people like Christiane Amanpour and Norman Mailer 'playing' themselves on the show. And that's just a few second's of thought processing from me, there must be others.


Very cool, though! And Kylie, that's another excellent piece of info about the show. I love it how they think of EVERYTHING.


I've started watching the show from season 1 again, I'm currently on season 3, and the next episode is the Dance Marathon episode. They shoot Gilmore Girls, don't they? :wink:

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Interesting! Thanks for posting that, Hyzenthlay. It's about time Amy gave us a new series to sink her teeth into. :D I'm not sure if I want it to be the Nanny Diaries though, but then again, I won't be happy with anything other than more GG episodes. ;) I loved Amy's work in GG and I don't see how anything can ever possibly top it. I'm pretty sure there's an interview in the GG extras where she even says she has peaked with GG. :giggle2:


Frankie, there definitely is something about Sophie, isn't there? You can definitely tell the 'real' characters from the rest. As you may remember, They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? is my of my very favourite episodes. :) I'm currently nearing the end of season 6.

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Someone posted a list of GG questions on Goodreads and I thought they'd be fun to answer here. I removed one that contained spoilers and replaced it with a question of my own. Then I added a whole bunch of other questions and reworded the originals, and now it resembles nobody's list but my own. ;) And yes, it's OK to list more than one favourite (I fully intend to do so!)


Feel free to add more questions! :D


1. Favourite episode:

3.7: They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? I love the Dance Marathon episode!

4.1: The Lorelais' First Day at Yale: Exciting episode and the beginning of a new chapter. I love the banter between Luke and Lorelai regarding the ute and the mattress, and I love that Lorelai sleeps over because Rory misses her.

4.22: Raincoats and Recipes: The final episode of season 4, when the inn finally opens and you-know-what happens at the end. I love all of Lorelai's clumsy moments. :D


2. Favourite season:

Season 4, when things start moving along with the inn and Rory started Yale.


3. Favourite Stars Hollow person (excluding Rory and Lorelai):

You've gotta love Kirk - he's so crazy! I also love Michel and Paris for their razor-sharp dialogue.


4. Favourite quote:

There are just far too many to list here, but here is one of my favourites (only part of it, I can't find the whole thing right now). I love this one more for the delivery than the actual words.


Lorelai: Did he look at me differently?

Rory: Different than what?

Lorelai: Different than before.

Rory: Before what?

Lorelai: Before before!

Rory: Before, before?

Lorelai: Rory!

Rory: How on earth can you be frustrated with me now?


5. Favourite man for Rory:

Jess, from the later seasons. He was wonderful; he inspired Rory to go back to Yale, was much better at keeping his cool (especially when he met Logan and Logan was a jerk to him). And he kept loving Rory all that time. He was intelligent and ambitious and wouldn't have held Rory back at all.


6. Least favourite man for Rory:

Dean, in the later seasons when he was back living at home and Rory was at Yale. I think the producers/writers dumbed him down a lot from who he was originally (he started off as a decent reader and turned into a 'dumb jock' type once Jess came along).


7. Favourite man for Lorelai:

Luke of course! He loved her from beginning to end, although I hated when he got distracted by a certain someone in the 6th season. He was so lovely to her and Rory, and would do anything for them. <sigh> :wub:


8. Least favourite man for Lorelai:

Jason 'Digger' Stiles. I actually hate him like some people do; he had a good sense of humour, but I never felt a spark between him and Lorelai at all. Lorelai only went out with him to annoy her mother.


I have to mention Chris as well. He's a nice enough guy but he was always getting in the way, espeically in Luke's way! I love that he loved Lorelai all those years, but he was from her past and should have stayed there. :P


9. Favourite setting (eg, Luke's Diner, Richard and Emily's place, Yale, Kim's Antiques etc):

I like Luke's Diner (who wouldn't love to sit there all day and perv on Luke?!) and the town square, because it's so pretty and there are always awesome, quirky events happening there. I love Miss Patty's for the town meetings and I adore Lorelai and Rory's house. It's gorgeous on the outside and cosy and inviting on the inside.


I really wish Stars Hollow was a real place. :(


10. Have you picked up any habits from watching GG (eg, do you ever quote it without thinking)?

I don't quote it without thinking, but day-to-day things are forever reminding me of GG. When I was with my ex, I was always saying 'that reminds of GG, when...' Luckily he liked the show and didn't mind me quoting it. :)


Over here we get our takeaway Chinese food in boring plastic containers. When Frankie came over, we bought those cute little boxes they use on GG, and now when I'm having takeaway Chinese, I sometimes use those boxes as a treat. :smile2: I also eat a lot of Pop-Tarts and go well out of my way to buy them (they're not easy to come by over here), but I'm not sure if I started buying them because of GG or if it was nostalgia, because I used to eat them as a kid.


Does reading books from the Rory list count?


11. Favourite show/movie with a Gilmore Girls actor in it?

True Blood with Zach as Terry (too small a role).

Parenthood with Lorelai (her brilliant talents are put to their best use, though).


12. Whose fashion style do you most admire on Gilmore Girls?

Lorelai. She always looks so gorgeous. I wish I had her figure so I could pull of that style!


13. Do you think Rory would ever own a Kindle?

I think this is a really interesting question. Over on Goodreads, I've become convinced that people project their own opinions re ebook readers onto Rory. I'm probably going to do the same...I definitely don't think Rory would ever replace her books with a Kindle, but I think she might eventually (and somewhat reluctantly) buy one for convenience, especially if she's travelling because of her job. That, or she would be dead-set against them.


14. How do you think Rory organises her books?

I think she has some sort of extremely complex system that only she would understand (something like Obscure 14th Century Russian Authors, etc).


15. Character are you most like:

Rory in the early seasons. Shy, quiet and bookish.


16. Favourite Stars Hollow Festival or event:

The Festival of Living Art is right up there, but in general I love their quirkier events, such as the hay bale maze, where Taylor blew the whole festival's budget on hay bales and proceeded to cover the entire town, blocking shops and footpaths. :lol:


17. Favourite guest star or 'bit-part' character:

Carole King as Sophie, the two Poes from the Poe Society, and Tom, the builder.

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I am so doing those Kylie. :D


1. Favourite episode:

You Jump, I Jump, Jack


2. Favourite season:

Season 5, when things FINALLY end with Dean


3. Favourite Stars Hollow person (excluding Rory and Lorelai):

Luke! I love his angry, sarcastic humour.


4. Favourite quote:

Found it, after a bit of googling


[Richard collapsed at Christmas dinner due to angina, and is now trying to have a serious talk with her as he lays in the hospital]

Richard Gilmore: Emily, listen to me: if I die--

Emily Gilmore: No!

Richard Gilmore: Emily.

Emily Gilmore: Richard Gilmore, there may be many things happening in this hospital tonight, but your dying is not one of them.

Richard Gilmore: But--

Emily Gilmore: No! I did not sign on to your dying. And it is not going to happen. Not tonight, not for a very long time. In fact, I demand to go first. Do I make myself clear?

Richard Gilmore: [tenderly] Yes, Emily. You may go first.


5. Favourite man for Rory:

Logan. The only mature relationship she had. But I suspect I'll like her next guy, whoever he would have turned out to be, even more.


6. Least favourite man for Rory:

Dean, dean, dean. Dean. Ugh.


7. Favourite man for Lorelai:

Luke. No competition, none. He is just so wonderful.


8. Least favourite man for Lorelai:

Christopher. They always felt wrong together for me. And he tried to be quirky and keep up and it just came out so sad and pathetic.


9. Favourite setting (eg, Luke's Diner, Richard and Emily's place, Yale, Kim's Antiques etc):

The Inn! And Richard and Emily's house =D And the Town Square. And Logan and Rory's fancy apartment.


10. Have you picked up any habits from watching GG (eg, do you ever quote it without thinking)?

I sometimes tell girls I love who are going through rough patches that they're kayaks (from I'm a kayak, hear me roar) where Emily compares Lorelai to a kayak because, unlike a canoe, Lorelai can operate the boat on her own.


11. Favourite show/movie with a Gilmore Girls actor in it?

Bride and Prejudice, with Rory as Georgina


12. Whose fashion style do you most admire on Gilmore Girls?

Rory's. She has beautiful, beautiful clothes in the later seasons


13. Do you think Rory would ever own a Kindle?

Sure. I think she'd think them hilarious.


14. How do you think Rory organises her books?

After pop-culture references made in those books!


15. Character are you most like:

Oh boy.


How can I judge that myself? Maybe Lorelai - crazy need to be independent, loves children, sometimes tense about her mother.


16. Favourite Stars Hollow Festival or event:

The Firelight Festival, I'm a sucker for the romance. Also the festival of living arts was hilarious. =)


17. Favourite guest star or 'bit-part' character:

Oh dear. Adam Brody! He wasnt around for that long. But I did enjoy him and Lane's secret relationship very, very much.

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3. Favourite Stars Hollow person (excluding Rory and Lorelai):

Luke! I love his angry, sarcastic humour.


9. Favourite setting (eg, Luke's Diner, Richard and Emily's place, Yale, Kim's Antiques etc):

The Inn! And Richard and Emily's house =D And the Town Square. And Logan and Rory's fancy apartment.


OMG, how could I have forgotten Luke as my favourite character? :doh: I guess it just goes without saying. :wink:


I really love the Dragonfly too, especially the outside of it.


Okay, I just had to share this. I'm watching season 2 again, and it's the part where Lorelai organises a fundraiser for Chilton, and she and Emily do a fashion show where they are a mother-daughter team... hilarious! I laughed so much, my bf thinks I'm so weird.


:giggle2: I love that Luke stays around to watch it, and how Lorelai starts off being mortified but then gets into it and has a good time with Emily. I hated those clothes on Lorelai though. It so wasn't her style!

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1. Favourite episode:

I've only watched most of them once, but one that sticks in my memory is "Raincoats and Recipes" where they have the test run for the opening of the Dragonfly Inn.

2. Favourite season:

Series 5 - Lorelai and Luke get together, Rory and Logan get together. What can I say? I'm a soppy romantic.

3. Favourite Stars Hollow person (excluding Rory and Lorelai):

I would pick Luke, but I almost think he should be excluded like Rory and Lorelai as a given, so instead I'm going to have to say Sookie. I love her mad cooking skills, I love her optimism and she's such a great friend to Lorelai. Aw bless.

4. Favourite quote:

Again, I haven't seen it enough times to have any memorable quotes yet, but I'm starting to watch them again now, so maybe I'll pick one or two up this time!

5. Favourite man for Rory:

Gotta be Jess. The only one who was her intellectual equal, but I don't think it would ever have worked out between them even if he'd stayed, or they'd got back together. I know not everyone will agree with this, but I think her relationship with Logan could be a great one, although there would always be conflict, there is between every couple, so I think he's the best for her, not Jess.

6. Least favourite man for Rory:

Dean. What a wet drip of a boy/man he was.

7. Favourite man for Lorelai:

It can only be Luke. No explanation needed.

8. Least favourite man for Lorelai:

Anyone who isn't Luke! I didn't like Max or Jason, and Christopher was never going to be a good match either.

9. Favourite setting (eg, Luke's Diner, Richard and Emily's place, Yale, Kim's Antiques etc):

Oooh, tricky one. I think I'll have to pick The Dragonfly Inn, just because we saw its whole refurbishment, and it looked so welcoming all the time. (Luke's Diner and Lorelai and Rory's home would both be very close behind!).

10. Have you picked up any habits from watching GG (eg, do you ever quote it without thinking)?

I don't think so, probably because I don't know anyone else who watches it.

11. Favourite show/movie with a Gilmore Girls actor in it?

Currently would have to be the film Bridesmaids with Melissa McCarthy, which I thought was very funny.

12. Whose fashion style do you most admire on Gilmore Girls?

Lorelai without doubt - she just seems so cool.

13. Do you think Rory would ever own a Kindle?

Yes - I don't think it would replace books for her, but she would definitely use it when travelling so she could take lots of books with her without the weight of the actual books!

14. How do you think Rory organises her books?

Eclectically! I think she'd have her own cataloguing system and would be able to put her hand on any book you asked her for immediately, but no-one else would be able to decipher her order.

15. Character are you most like:

I have no idea.

16. Favourite Stars Hollow Festival or event:

The Dance Marathon - such fun!

17. Favourite guest star or 'bit-part' character:

Has to be Marion Ross as Lorelai Gilmore (Trix). So funny, and the only person to make you feel sorry for Emily.

Edited by chesilbeach
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Given that I listed the Dance Marathon episode as one of my favourites, I can't believe I didn't mention it as one of my favourite events. :rolleyes: Wow, I really did a poor job of answering my own questions. I guess it's because there is so much happening in GG that it's often hard to remember it all or narrow down one's choices.


I'm currently watching season 7 - I hate getting to the end of the series. :(

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I know I'm like 29 pages late but I just wanted to thank you for posting Rory's booklist! So brilliant! I've only read 8 of them but a lot of them are on my 'To Read' list so shouldn't be so difficult.


Gilmore Girls is repeated daily on E4, so I get a daily fix of the Girls. I actually feel like I've forgotten to do something if I miss it.

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Hey folks, reporting in to inform you all that I've finally almost finished season six and then I'm on to the final season, which is quite sad to think about.


I know I've watched six seasons quite slowly all things considered, but I must say it's really no fault of the show at all - just that that pesky real-life seems to get in the way. In any case, with season six coming to a close it feels weird that watching the show feels like you're a part of the family; am I the only one who felt strange watching how Rory changes and grows up over the entire story-line? Anyway, this show is still definitely one of my favourites, and I'm looking forward to watching season seven even if I will feel sad that it'll be the end.

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