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Everything posted by Hyzenthlay

  1. Hunger Games trilogy! I just finished it, it's great. Exciting and dystopic and wonderful.
  2. Just tried it out. Suggested a band called Frankmusic......... I really don't like it >< Maybe next time. edit: Next band was Johnny Flynn - much better
  3. I think the guy who plays Damon in VD should play Dimitri
  4. Happy to be back in Europe... Life is getting serious again.

  5. Here's a fun question to ponder for those of us who aren't published or anywhere near that sort of thing: What would your pseudonym be, and why? I haven't really ever thought about it. I suppose it should be something cool sounding. At the same time, I'd want it to have some sort of personal relation to me, you know? So that leaves me with two criteria: 1. Cool 2. Personal Now, personal. I have three first names. So I could use my favourite middle name from my grandma who used to take care of me - Marie. Or maybe my favourite musical singer's first name, Lea. Lea Marie Castle? Ugh. Hummm. Not really that cool.
  6. I disagree, I think she's a wonderful actress. Although, you know what I miss? Movies that were written for screen. Not adapted from books or comics or musicals.
  7. I've now devoured two books on my lovely Kindle. I've only had it for a couple of days, but I honestly am so pleased with it. I think of it as a magic book - you know, those you read about in fairy tales that can change their content? ANY book can appear in my magic book. And the black leather cover with light makes it look just right. I think I have a kindle crush.
  8. I got my kindle yesterday and it is a blast! I already read one Vampire Academy novel - loved it. I named the kindle Lizzy after the classic Jane Austen heroine (my fave of hers). She comes with a leather black cover with light, which is essential for bedtime reading I'm so pleased! My present to me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pickle


      Congrats I love mine its adictive

    3. Hyzenthlay


      thank you! I'm crazy about this little device.

    4. vodkafan


      Congrats! I am still finding out how to do things with mine 9 months later, I am always too busy reading on it

  10. smoked salmon for dinner soon! one great thing about being home - mum's meals
  11. I love cyberpunk, William Gibson style. I love science fiction in general. Although I'm a big sucker for well-written fantasy too ... I grew up on fantasy, and switched to sci-fi later in the game.
  12. Hi Carl, welcome to BCF Hope you enjoy it here!
  13. The snapshot of Luke and Michel laughing together at the joke is just priceless!
  14. Okay, I just had to share this. I'm watching season 2 again, and it's the part where Lorelai organises a fundraiser for Chilton, and she and Emily do a fashion show where they are a mother-daughter team... hilarious! I laughed so much, my bf thinks I'm so weird.
  15. It's a wonderful book, in my opinion Quirky and gripping and the main character is ... I lack words. Authentic.
  16. school's about a month away still, but I started prepping for it today... I need to nail the first course of my semester. and I mean really nail it.

  17. My book activity today is, as has been my habit the past few days, longing for a kindle. The selection where I live... SUCKS.
  18. The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky should certainly count as YA turning into a movie. With that Nina/Elena chick from Vampire Diaries and Hermione starring in two of the big female roles. I'm so looking forward to this. I have to say tho, the byline "we accept the love we think we deserve" seems cheesy and overdone.
  19. I am so doing those Kylie. 1. Favourite episode: You Jump, I Jump, Jack 2. Favourite season: Season 5, when things FINALLY end with Dean 3. Favourite Stars Hollow person (excluding Rory and Lorelai): Luke! I love his angry, sarcastic humour. 4. Favourite quote: Found it, after a bit of googling [Richard collapsed at Christmas dinner due to angina, and is now trying to have a serious talk with her as he lays in the hospital] Richard Gilmore: Emily, listen to me: if I die-- Emily Gilmore: No! Richard Gilmore: Emily. Emily Gilmore: Richard Gilmore, there may be many things happening in this hospital tonight, but your dying is not one of them. Richard Gilmore: But-- Emily Gilmore: No! I did not sign on to your dying. And it is not going to happen. Not tonight, not for a very long time. In fact, I demand to go first. Do I make myself clear? Richard Gilmore: [tenderly] Yes, Emily. You may go first. 5. Favourite man for Rory: Logan. The only mature relationship she had. But I suspect I'll like her next guy, whoever he would have turned out to be, even more. 6. Least favourite man for Rory: Dean, dean, dean. Dean. Ugh. 7. Favourite man for Lorelai: Luke. No competition, none. He is just so wonderful. 8. Least favourite man for Lorelai: Christopher. They always felt wrong together for me. And he tried to be quirky and keep up and it just came out so sad and pathetic. 9. Favourite setting (eg, Luke's Diner, Richard and Emily's place, Yale, Kim's Antiques etc): The Inn! And Richard and Emily's house =D And the Town Square. And Logan and Rory's fancy apartment. 10. Have you picked up any habits from watching GG (eg, do you ever quote it without thinking)? I sometimes tell girls I love who are going through rough patches that they're kayaks (from I'm a kayak, hear me roar) where Emily compares Lorelai to a kayak because, unlike a canoe, Lorelai can operate the boat on her own. 11. Favourite show/movie with a Gilmore Girls actor in it? Bride and Prejudice, with Rory as Georgina 12. Whose fashion style do you most admire on Gilmore Girls? Rory's. She has beautiful, beautiful clothes in the later seasons 13. Do you think Rory would ever own a Kindle? Sure. I think she'd think them hilarious. 14. How do you think Rory organises her books? After pop-culture references made in those books! 15. Character are you most like: Oh boy. How can I judge that myself? Maybe Lorelai - crazy need to be independent, loves children, sometimes tense about her mother. 16. Favourite Stars Hollow Festival or event: The Firelight Festival, I'm a sucker for the romance. Also the festival of living arts was hilarious. =) 17. Favourite guest star or 'bit-part' character: Oh dear. Adam Brody! He wasnt around for that long. But I did enjoy him and Lane's secret relationship very, very much.
  20. Noll - sounds PMSy at best! A girl I love very much, a long-standing friend of mine, has always suffered from being exceptionally pretty. And she expects a lot from men. It's the reality she knows, they've always tripped over themselves to please her. However, it was one thing to be 18 and find morons who did everything for you. It's quite another to be 25 and find the same type of guys. Self-respect kind of gets in the way. Luckily she weighs up for it by being awesome.
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