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Everything posted by Hyzenthlay

  1. Thank you Kylie He was friendly enough to everybody, but I think he thought it was great fun that my friend and I were from Canada and Norway respectively, because he did talk to us for a little while longer. Such a shame that I couldn't stay for the festival - there were only 200 people there, and George was with them for four days!
  2. Sucker Punch I have to say I was amazed. I thought the soundtrack, special effects, symbolism and acting was great. It really fed so many of my nerdy little fantasies. Overcoming adversary, kicking ass, sacrifice and girls uniting. Also the introductory sequence was spectacularly made. edit: I know a lot of people hate it. I wasn't expecting much. It's my favourite movie so far this year.
  3. Awesome, en skandinaver til.. velkommen! I love fantasy too.
  4. Hiya.. just popping in to say, well.. not a whole lot. Only I took the ferry to Helsinkin once, and it was great there. I especially remember this one church we went to see that was really cool. Hope you feel okay!

  5. 18 is my already read number. There are several on there I would love to read - especially the Greek classics. I love Greek mythology and my mother is hugely into philosophy, so they are definitely definitely on my list. I don't think this list is meant exclusively for men. Clearly, things like the Bible and John Steinbeck, Catcher in the Rye, Confederacy of Dunces, Catch-22... these are all fairly gender-neutral books I'd say. A similar website for girls would be great, though! Maybe that could be the next chat discussion topic... heheh... I'm not entirely joking. edit: Aw, Ian! Catch-22 is a fantastic book! In my opinion at least edit2: I'm surprised there is no Douglas Adams on there. In fact, hardly any science fiction at all (if you don't count the pseudo historical dystopic science fictiony stuff like 1984 or Brave New World, which I don't) Also, isn't there just a huge gaping hole where A Clockwork Orange should have been?
  6. Feeling light-headed. Summer is so close! I did something childish and bought myself a bright yellow book, on which I've written summer diary 2011 in black marker.... gonna try to make it a good one

  7. I loved it! But throughout the book I was really sad that I never really read Jane Eyre. I remember my 8th grade English teacher giving us a simple, short version of the book. And I hated it, I thought it was awful. But I'm thinking I won't hate it so much if it's Charlotte's words I read instead of some doofus dumbed down version.
  8. Thought transference.... Oh how I wish I lived in the future. It's hard to imagine what will and won't be possible. I do believe, however, that at some point or another we will create biological technology. Living breathing robotics, in a sense. I really think that's the way forward. And possibly some kind of transference of the mind to a virtual reality would be cool... Although it would make video games rather frightening. Especially silent hill.
  9. So... my internet does not like chat. I've tried but it's back to Dr Who for me. Enjoy chat!
  10. 9pm for me! I'll be there, because I have nothing to do. Hopefully my internet won't be terrible.
  11. Today in a state of lonely hungoverness I read a book called "Tirsdag Formiddag" by a Danish author, Renee something or other. It's about a woman who struggles with crippling anxiety and how she once a week goes to the swimming pool and listens in on the conversations of five other women in the sauna. Touching and easy to relate to as we've got a touch of neuroticism in my family. Haven't found out what my thing is (apart from mild hypochondria) but I'm sure something fun will show up eventually for me to tackle. I've also read the following: The Eeyre Affair (excellent suggestion you guys!), Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine (re-read), and Storm of Swords by George RR Martin And, I met George RR Martin.
  12. Hyzenthlay


    Forensic science! <3 Hello and welcome. What do you game?
  13. Hey James. I think you should specialize in zombie survival literature! Welcome to BFC You'll find tons of keen readers here
  14. I was really looking forward to X-men. now that that's over, I'm looking forward to HP and ... I'm ashamed to say it .... twilight. That better be some good in there.
  15. Haha, punch the air. Somehow I get the feeling you are a tremendously big dork. I know I'm being fussy, but now I'll have all of ten months before I get the chance to fuss again. And Dany looked fantastic, I have to say. I watched it with two guys, and their expressions said more than words really..... tssssk
  16. On the shore, wasn't it? Maybe it got lost in translation.... But that's definitely it.
  17. Ho boy.... Charlie, from The Perks of Being a Wallflower Arya Stark <3333 She kicks so much butt. A song of ice and fire. I could have written most of them up but I'm going to stick to one character. Ginny Weasley. Okay, I know she's poorly written and a total Mary Sue. I don't care. I love her, always have. Ella from Ella Enchanted - a wonderful book. MARVIN. HHGTTG
  18. The ending was NOT how I imagined it. It is way way way cooler in my head. More fire. Dany more powerful. Dragons more nipple-bitey. This thread has of course been quiet due to my continued absence . I'm on really terrible internet right now. Come next Friday, tho, I'll be home for the summer and back on super speed! And once I am I'll upload the pic of yours truly and George R.R. Martin. Yes, I trekked 9 hours thru eastern europe to see him. and it was great. He signed my book: "To Jenny. Winter is coming. George RR Martin". Ill show you all. Not surprisingly, he is a really funny witty guy. He admitted his favourite characters. Want me to share? Unless you all knew already. Also, he really thinks his books are good. Nice one with the self-confidence, George. If I wrote like you I'd be cocky, too. I also got my brother a signed copy of the first book, cause he's lost his. Am I not the world's best little sister? ps. I'm rambling. I miss this place. SUMMER<3
  19. The film, the film, the film. I still can't talk about this film and the paragraph of bitter disappointment it is going to have dedicated to it once I write my memoirs. No, better read the book and watch the tv show and listen to the radio series Douglas Adams, how I love him and his dry witty talent. He is, as it turns out, rather excellent.
  20. Can not WAIT for exam time to be over. Come Wednesday evening, I shall be happy and quite possibly tipsy.

    1. Chrissy


      I love the 'quite possibly' bit! Good luck with these last ones. X

  21. Thanks, Kell! I never thought of it that way. Did ya know, Jenny (my name) is actually an adaptation of Jennifer, which is an adaptation of Guinevere? Made me very happy during my King Arthur phase.
  22. My Mum says 40-50 was her fave time of life so far!
  23. Hahaha. Herm-own-ninny? I knew the pronounciation from my older brother telling me. Plus, it's explained rather thoroughly in the book, isn't it? In the fourth one at least. I read the Icewind Dale trilogy when I was a kid. I always struggled with Drizzt's panther's name: Guenhwyvar. It actually still annoys me. Gwhenveevar? Anyone who can help me out?
  24. Hey hey. So I'm several chapters into "A feast for Crows" now. I'm thrilled to be re-reading the Song of Ice and Fire series - they are truly very good. I've discovered that George RR Martin is coming to a medieval festival 7 hours away from me- I might actually go see him. I might have to go alone. But I might go. I would love to meet him, and tell him how much I enjoy his books and the tv-series. About the tv show though. I think it's very good, but I'm also sort of sad that I know everything that's going to happen. Right now it's working up towards a point Day 03 – Your favourite series It has to be Harry Potter. I have never fangirled over anything as much as I did over that series. I loved it so fiercely. I almost went to London for the release of the seventh book, but ended up settling for Oslo... speaking of the 7th book, it was fairly disappointing to me. I am, however, just now working my way back into it. But I will always love Harry and his universe, and considering I spent ten years of my childhood desperately reading and re-reading them, I can't say that this is anything but my favourite series.
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