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Everything posted by Katrina1968

  1. Right now, its Confessions of a Shopaholic! NEXT will be The Diary of Bridget Jones!!!
  2. I just completed Rick Steve's Great Britain and Rick Steve's Ireland and Scotland. Now I'm watching Merlin. Is there a theme perchance?
  3. Doing everything I can to avoid doing my required reading.

    1. Maureen


      I love Seafood too, Katrina. Yummy

  4. WOW! Our daughter just moved out a few weeks ago, but you'd never know it. She still sleeps and eats here! She couldnt wait to get out on her own but darned if she's not knocking on the door at 0200 because she can't sleep in her own place (especially as the babies are here most of the time because of her work hours). After moving out, her brother told her she should have just left her bed and dressers in her old room. He is of course, disgusted because that room was his den/study/game room. The scary thing is, she stated that if we picked up and moved, she would be following us:irked: because she can't bare to have me far from her.
  5. Here's one for the book lovers! I can't say just yet how I feel as I am an employee of an independent bookstore. Barnes and Noble
  6. Thank you Janet. I appreciate it!

  7. Wow! Thank you all so much! I got up and forgot it was my birthday after 20 minutes! Must be an age thing :P

  8. A few things bother me. I do have a problem when national security is put at risk because someone wants to "expose" something. What often happens is that while things are being put out in the mainstream, they are forgetting that the enemy is watching and reading the same thing as we do! They do not have the freedom of speech and access to military operations over there so the public is pretty much unaware. The Taliban puts out what it WANTS us to know because they control the media. Americans tend to put the need for safety below our "right to know". Corruption and such should be exposed but there has to be a better way. We had to servicemen who disapeared last week. One died during a gun battle. The other had been taken hostage. His body was left for the military to find earlier this week. I think it was because of those reports. His cause of death was not released, they were just told where to locate his body. Its irresponsible. Maybe they need to have friends and loved ones in Afghanistan and Iraqi to understand how leaking this type of stuff puts them in harms way. I speak from the position of a service member and the wife of a now retired Marine. I was also a police woman. I hate to think that someone not looking at it from every possible angle would jeapordize so many lives to sell a paper. My favorite quote is by Ron White (a comedian) On his arrest at a bar for drunken disorderliness....when read the miranda rights "you have the right to remain silent" Ron replied..."but I don't have the AbiLiTy!
  9. Still struggling with my native language, English!
  10. Welcome to the BCF! You wont find a better group of people!
  11. Coffin, that actually tied with my first! Samuel Jackson was at his best in this film. Such a glib tongue! Last night we watched 2012. That movie was CRAZY!!! I have to watch it again, it kept me on the edge of my seat and my pulse racing.
  12. Hi Echo! The only way for survival is to live like a grizzly bear and hibernate during the summer. Thats pretty much what I'm doing. Hiding from the summer! How about you?

  13. I am watching Jackie Brown with Samuel L. Jackson. My favorite line is "he dont have a doing time kinda disposition". I LOVE IT!!!
  14. You've done a great job Michelle, thank you!

  15. Might be a good time to start Pillars of the Earth or World Without End. Or a few Elizabeth George mysteries? I know what you mean. We arent dealing with cool and cloudy weather but HEAT! My mind is already thinking about Fall/Winter. I'm actually starting my book hoarding now.
  16. pickle, I think its because Tolkien wrote this one for children. Gandalf "grows" up in LOTRs. He's more serious. In LOTRs, Gandalf only disappears during a battle, not because he was out "looking and questioning". Now that I think about it, Gandalf was not my favorite character in the Hobbit. He was just so arrogant and theatrical. I mean, he would come just in the neck of time to save them and then pat himself on the back for doing it. How come he didnt just STAY with them?!
  17. Donald Sutherland, one of my favorite historical actors is in this movie. I cant wait see it! Its to be in 8 installments. http://www.the-pillars-of-the-earth.tv/
  18. You right, he's warped and creepy and he refers to himself in the third person! When one does that, it is safe to assume they are no longer responsible for their actions. I have to admit that I did like him as Smeagle because he was truly trying for redemption unfortunately, those voices in his head got in the way. You know, he reminds me of Snape in HP. Twisted, warped and downright nasty, yet, he redemed himself at the very end and we found out why he was the way he was. His love for another and her rejection turned his dark tendencies into actuality. My daughter actually thought he was cool:roll:
  19. Is it possible to live in Rivendale, the Shire AND Hogwarts?! Maybe I can have dual residency... spend the summers here and the winters there...hmm
  20. Well come on Jess! Discuss!!! Why do you like Gollums character?
  21. I finished Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley I'm just about finished with Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich Also reading The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien On my list of currently purchased books, Evensong by Gail Godwine The Forbidden Land by Kate Forsyth A History of the English Language (needed for my English class)
  22. Thanks! I thought it was somewhere around there but the memory sometimes fails me:blush:
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