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Everything posted by Katrina1968

  1. Masterpiece Theater's Emma. If I hadnt read the book or seen other versions, I would be okay with this but REALLY? And WHY is Mr. Knightly the same age as Emma when he was 12 years older in ALL the versions? I think they did it to:censored: us off. I mean, why would you go so far off on a Jane Austen movie?!! The characters are not nearly as endearing as in other versions. I. Am. Disappointed. poppyshake, you are correct! I had to go back and check the book. I think I got it from Emma starring Gwenth Paltrow.
  2. Cozy writer in reference to Wives and Daughters. I havent finished the Cranford series, but I have seen the movies and yes, LOTS of deaths, the same with North and South. What I mean about "cozy" is how she tackles social issues around a knittins circle surrounded by other women and tea. She never seems to take "home" out of her stories, even in North and South. Hope I'm explaining this without too much confusion.
  3. Funny you should mention it, I've got to read it by Tuesday, and yes it IS a long poem!
  4. Found Martha Grimes (Detective Jury) last week. Love it, just my speed and set mostly in English villages:smile2:
  5. My point exactly, like buying used underware:irked:. Our return policy is really generous in the extent that we will give the store credit or exchange the book for a different book (two of the same, a gift, etc.) We just dont give cash refunds. We even have it printed on the receipts.
  6. Chrissy, I love the BBC version:blush: I'm watching Julie and Julia.
  7. It really is amazing what people think is their "right". Just this past Saturday a woman called. She had previously purchased a new book, Andy somethingorother, Moon River. She was SOOOoooo offended after reading the book that she doesnt want us to carry the book in the store. After reading the book cover to cover (she admitted it) she now wants to exchange it for another book. She is "sorry I read it, sorry its in my brain, sorry I cant get it out of my head", "it had several rude and offensive statements". I mean ARE YOU STINKING FOR REAL??! Its like she blames us for ordering the book that she special requested AND its like she thinks we WROTE the book! And no, we will most certainly NOT swap out that book, she can burn it, trash it or donate it but its not coming back into the bookstore!
  8. Lets put it this way, we have lost a "valuable" customer:mrgreen:! My supervisor LOVES me. I take no guff. If we read the books and they come back looking used, we have to pay for them too.
  9. So, an evil ol bat comes into the bookstore with a book purchased here last week. She wanted to return the book because she had read "several" pages of the book and found it to be repititious. Our store has an exchange/store credit policy. Now, I wouldnt have had a problem with doing the exchange or store credit but the book looked USED. We do NOT sell used books here and I know our customers would be pretty p.o if the thought they were purchasing a new book only to get home and find (several pages into it) that it had been read. So, the old bat (honest, thats what she was) goes on and on about the book and each time she opened her mouth she inserted her foot! Talk about walking out in a huff:irked: A part of me wanted to toss a thick old hardback (think Stephen King, Under The Dome) at the back of her head:mrgreen: but, alas, I'm tired and I just couldnt be bothered! What are you thoughts on bookshoppe manners?
  10. I've read a few of the stories in the book. Think "Aesops Fables" for little witches and wizards;) It is in a cute little hard back with charming pictures. I just think its amazing that Rowling could virtually create not just a temporary world but a "real" world with traditions and such.
  11. Thanks Bookjumper. One thing that I do know that I like are books that are centered around or created in sort of a "middle earth" time period. I've never been a fan of "futuristic" reading. I think thats why I was attracted to Robert Jordan. He's the one who did the Wheel Of Time series.
  12. I'm giving Fran Rizer's Casket Case a shot. I guess its a "funny" mystery.
  13. Decided to step out of my comfort zone to read a few fantasy books. Here's what I picked up. Book 1, The Eye Of The World by Robert Jordan The Witches Of EiLeanan by Kate Forsyth I've heard so much about Robert Jordan that I had to pick it up and give it a shot. I also like the fact that he was a "local" boy!
  14. it took GREAT restraint not to bring my Christmas present to work to watch:blush: BUT when I get home, I shall be watching my new, never been opened copy of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Ultimate Edition!!! I plan to own ALL of them:mrgreen:
  15. CaliLily, I found the name of the book, its called "Witches and Wizards". Have you read it yet?
  16. Gaskell is such a "cozy" writer, along the lines of Austen I think. Its funny you should mention Cranford because at this very minute I'm watching the Masterpiece Theater BBC presentation of Cranford!
  17. Wow, nobody has responded to this post! So, I'll boost it back up and maybe catch somebody's attention! I feel the urge to pull this book out and get comfortable with it. Has ANYBODY out there read it yet?
  18. Daughter has commendered the telly so we're watching MTv's greatest count down or something like that. Every famous (or wannabee) idots most embarrassing moments, etc...
  19. Masterpiece Theater "Cranford". I LOVE this series:D
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