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Everything posted by Andaira

  1. Well considering that during Phury's book, there's a good chance that might be brought up in Lover Avenged. I'm crossing my fingers on that one. Hopefully! Those are musts to the collection, though I think that's where the series would end...unfortunately.
  2. Ah well it's just one of those things where I'll simply have to read the books and see for myself. Though Blood Noir is #16 in the series. That's quite the bit of reading before I have an opinion on the book. I'm sure you'll be fine and that it will all be worth it in the end
  3. Speaking of Z, I have the strangest urge to hopefully read on his interaction with to more effect on the upcoming book. I think it was in the epilogue of Lover Awakened that . By the way, do you think Ward will stop at another book? Or continue on with stories on Qhuinn, John and Blay?
  4. I couldn't agree more. I did tell you that Rhage bears a resemblance to a certain someone I know , so therefore, yes, all the Rhages must be quite liked by myself too.
  5. You know, I was thinking the other day (I know, I think about the books at random...but I'm a huge fan of them so it's fine *g*), and Qhuinn (still my all time favorite character from the series )reminds me of Rage. At the very least on the "ladies' man" title that had been placed on Rhage before he met Mary.
  6. Blood Noir was good? Really? Well then I suppose those from LKH have gotten used to the later books in the series because I heard a few people saying that Blood Noir had not at all been good. But since you, like myself, prefer a plot of substance in a book , I'm going to trust in your judgment. And I thought you'd wait for the other Adrian books before you read any of them. Though I have no idea what I must have been thinking. It is you we're talking about
  7. I've read it, though of course you knew that (and thank you again--for the millionth time--for recommending it ). I thought that every single brother was wonderful in their distinct and individual characteristics, but Vishous certainly singled himself out as my favorite one. The series is simply amazing, and though this was not only the first vampire series, but first vampire book, that I have ever read--aside from the classic Dracula, by Bram Stoker--it's remained my favorite one despite all the other vampy books I've read since then. I can't wait for Ward to release Lover Avenged this April.
  8. Hello, anisia, just leaving you a little greeting. It's been fun talking with you in our blog threads thus far :)

  9. I'm guessing this is going to be the new Anita Blake book? And I've been thinking of getting myself the Lara Adrian series. You'll most likely end up reading it before me, so I'll be awaiting a review/thoughts/comments on them
  10. Well we'll see. You know I'll be sure to comment on the books as I read them, since I always tend to do that. Though I still have the Meyer books, and Rowling's, before I get to LKH's .
  11. Yea I remember how you warned me about those by LKH. But I can't start a series and not finish it so I suppose I'll have to sacrifice myself through the last of the books *g*. And you think so about Jason, eh? Well I guess we'll see. I tend to like the character that's most disliked by every other character
  12. Latest book just finished being read by me... The Bleeding Dusk, by Colleen Gleason Synopsis: The undead of Rome are racing to unravel an ancient mystery – and only one woman can stop them... As Rome prepares for its Carnivale, the new leader of the city's vampire hunters – Lady Victoria Gardella Grantworth de Lacy – must prove herself as never before. For, to gain access to the secrets of a legendary alchemist, Rome's vampires have allied themselves with creatures as evil and bloodthirsty as they are. Reluctantly, Victoria must turn to the enigmatic Sebastian Vioget for help, just as Maximilian Pesaro arrives to assist his fellow slayers – no matter what the sacrifice. Desire puts her at the mercy of Sebastian, while loyalty binds her to Max, but can she trust either man? Especially when a seductive vampire begins luring her into the shadows... Review: While I wasn't as keen on this book as I was by the second on in the series, it was still a fantastic addition. I think that what I keep enjoying most is the development of the characters as the story unfolds, and in this case, it was Victoria's that I was most fond of. Thankfully that overbearing quality that she had adopted in Rises the Night seems to have slipped away (if for the moment at least), to give way for some more growth and maturity to the woman that she is becoming under the position and role being played by her in life. And shockingly enough--for I did not expect it--Sebastian has managed to actually redeem himself after all. I'm still not at all fond of him (or perhaps it's the fact that I do not hold dearly the close relationship that exists between and Victoria, as I find them not at all well matched), but one must give a character a chance now and again. It was quite enjoyable coming across all the new characters that introduced in this installation, and the fact that the book leaves off at an impasse, however (more so than the other books have) only adds to the desire to continue on with the rest of the series. Now to find out what comes to pass in When Twilight Burns... I give it a 9/10 rating
  13. "Victoria opened her eyes." When Twilight Burns, by Colleen Gleason
  14. Well a good thing you finally did! I always found it amusing when a professor would nearly obligate us to read a book, I would try to resist every step of the way, and then enjoy it in the end. I believe this is how I became fond of the classics. Ironic isn't it?
  15. I use Barnes & Noble, not Amazon, but nonetheless, I don't tend to use wish lists on the websites. If I were to do so though (since I do have a list of my 'wish list' books saved up on my own computer files), the list would be...100-120 or so.
  16. I just woke up over here. It's a mere 7:17 a.m. for me :D

  17. :P I think that the simple pleasures are the best ones to feel at any rate. They're always fulfilling and one doesn't have to look far to obtain them.


    I've heard of that book, but I've never gotten around to it. I should like to hear your thoughts on it once you've read it.

  18. Andaira


    I really enjoy arts and crafts, and whenever I can put the hobby to good use to make someone a gift, I'm quick to give it a go. I also enjoy playing computer games (mostly anything detective-wise, strategic, or horror-like...even if the latter tends to intimidate me a tad at first when playing a game of it). And then there's poetry writing. My Muse has been absent for a while (I don't know how much of a vacation it's going to be taking or for how long), but poetry--the reading and writing of it--has been a love of mine for the past three years.
  19. lol, well it could have been worse ;).


    Oh what book was that?

  20. This book was almost forced upon us when I was in high school (senior year if I remember correctly), and I was so reluctant to give it a go at first. And then, about give chapters into it, I realized how much I was enjoying the book. I might re-read it and see if I take part in the Classics Reading Circle in March; it could be fun . I'm so glad that you enjoyed your read, anisia.
  21. That's also, in part, why I enjoy taking out books from the library. I adore to see the worn covers and slightly faded pages of some of the books. Also, I'll confess, I like how older books smell . I don't know what it is, but the scent of ink on paper, or parchment, is wonderful (though it applies to all books if I were to be totally honest). Oh they are. They series has been marvelous thus far and I can't wait to read through the end of the third book today and move on to the fourth one. No no! Give in to the urge for book buying!
  22. It was absolutely beautiful. I usually don't see such displays of flowers around here, unless it's from the garden of one who truly loves and tends to their flowers.


    Hope you're having/have had a great day by the way :)

  23. That's exactly right. I'm pretty good at defining the accent of a person from time to time. It actually amuses me when I meet someone whose accent is different from mine. Though of course I don't jump out and say "Aha! You're from___" or anything, especially if I don't know them . But it's still fun to try and figure out when the opportunity presents itself.
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