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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. Made perfect sense, and I agree wholeheartedly - but then again, I'm also in an insecure mood so maybe that's why!! ps adore your really beautifully creepy avatar!
  2. Haven't watched it yet - will sit down with OH at the weekend and watch together!
  3. My name is Kathy H. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro I'm having a fantastic re read!
  4. There is also the mythology that the children create and build upon that I find fascinating. The pursuit of creativity and the Gallery, that is later shown to have been the proof of the children's humanity, Later the sightings and pursuit of 'possibles' brings it's own intrigue - is this a fact that they know to be true, or are 'possibles' another myth?
  5. How could I have forgotten Dogma? Brilliant film! I would also have to add to my list Into The Wild - I watched it recently, and I cannot get the film out of my heart. I think it's there to stay.
  6. If I just want to read, without caring what, then it's grab 'n' go. Other times I will have a leaning toward a certain genre or author, so I go with that.
  7. Tonight I'm on my lonesome, so it's a ready meal of chicken tikka masala with rice. Although I enjoy cooking, and I love tons of veg, it is nice to just freezer/oven/plate a meal sometimes!
  8. I'm doing a re read at the moment. It is such a powerful book, so understated, and I am picking up on a number of things that I hadn't been so aware of the first time around.
  9. Nah, just love watching girls kick butt! Go River!
  10. Awww Nellie - hope you feel better soon. For comfort I watch Serenity, Firefly series, Fifth Element, Love Actually Back To The Future Trilogy or West Wing. It depends on my ailment and concentration levels.
  11. I saw this being advertised, and I thought it looked good too! I can do scary! *yikes*
  12. Later on we'll be having baked gammon, mashed potatoes, swede, brussel sprouts, mange tout and peas! My OH's birthday today, and he adores gammon!
  13. Same here - just ordinary, and a bit posh on the 'phone!
  14. About to make oven baked chicken pieces, marinated in a korma sauce, and served with tons of veg and some basmati rice.
  15. It is very odd. It's a very "what the heck?" type of advert!
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