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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. It is very odd. It's a very "what the heck?" type of advert!
  2. Hiya ALJANOBI, welcome to BCF! I think I have forgotten some of the books I have read, but then discover that I have just put the memory of it in a drawer in my mind. All it needs is a nudge for me to remember it all again! Regarding teenage readers, I think if they get a hook then they are away! That's where books such as Harry Potter, Twillight series, The Dark Materials really come into their own. If someone hasn't caught the reading bug by their teens, it is these types of books that bridge the gap between children's and adult categories, and allows a young person a way into reading that is acceptable and comfortable.
  3. I love a Brummy accent! But I do agree that all accents depend upon the speaker!
  4. Weirdly I saw Gorgeous George as Hannibal. He has the right amount of charisma I reckon! (and he's not too tough to look at either! )
  5. I don't really know what to make of this news! Ridley Scott and the A Team? I wouldn't have put those two together in a sentence! It will certainly make very interesting viewing.
  6. The eyebrows one? It's brilliant! I was on my own when I first saw it and sat there gobsmacked and deperate to tell someone!
  7. Unfair! I love my planned meal for tonight - but yours sounds so much better!! p.s. I could hear the M&S voiceover when I read your meal!
  8. None, although one or two caught my interest.
  9. My own version of kedgeree. Spicy oniony rice with cuts of salmon, smoked haddock, cod and prawns and a few chopped up boiled eggs. It's all light, fluffy and fish delish!
  10. I definitely agree with these three suggestions, although someone (now dead) who I think I would enjoy the company of is Peter Ustinov. And no bladder/bowel issues for the duration is a must!!
  11. Reading has got me through pretty much everything that life has thrown at me. I 've not suffered any serious illness as such, but reading was my constant companion through two miscarriages, many heartbreaks (and ego bruisings), periods of loneliness and various other points of crisis. I think that is part of the reason why I am partial to crime novels - in my own turmoil I seek resolution, most crime stories have that built-in!
  12. Gone To Soldiers by Marge Piercy OR Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess. Both big books in every sense!
  13. What a tasty brunch! Tonight I'm planning on Jacket Spuds with marinaded chicken (spicy marinade)!
  14. I love the Dark Materials Trilogy, and although I completely understand the discomfort by the perceived attack on religion, I felt it as more of an attack on too much power held within established religion. The ambition and greed in trusted 'others' had rendered the truly faithful and worthy powerless, including the ultimate Authority. I felt is was an ingenius and brave trilogy that used a familiar feeling framework to tell a new and compelling story. Aside from those aspects, I loved the manifested daemons, the gyptians and the witches. And I will always feel I know Lee Scoresby!
  15. Eyeless In Gaza by Aldous Huxley. I tried three times, and finally admitted defeat about six years ago. You never know, maybe one day I'll be alone with time to kill and no current book, and there it will be........
  16. I don't just feel old now - I officially am!
  17. How good are those pics? Wow! How close did you get? Wow! Sounds (and looks) like you had a great time. God I feel old now
  18. I think that you do have to abandon all vestiges of grownupness when you throw yourself at the mercy of a Terry Pratchett book. Some funnies catch you by surprise, and others you have the pleasure of a long build up to it. Love 'em all!
  19. ^ That sounds delish! Yum I'm throwing together a chicken fried rice with veg and nam pla omelette
  20. Definitely! I am however, partial to Waspberry Wipple!
  21. Hiya LaineyW and welcome to BCF! I'm another huge Karen Slaughter fan - and boy are you right about Skin Privilege!
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