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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. Fish 'n' Chips. I'm about to head out and lurk in a darkened car park to await the chippy van!
  2. I could never have said the same - my mum is a terrible cook!
  3. Chilli con carne with rice and garlic bread.
  4. Cost - it has to be paperbacks mostly. Looks - quite often the hardback is better looking. Reading - each has it's own merits. Carrying - got to be the paperback.
  5. Thanks for that Raven - I just wish I could lip read! I wonder if Queenie has read any disc world.........MMmmmmm!
  6. They both had their qualities, and I loved Uncle Albert, but Grandad just pips him to the post for me.
  7. Hiya Chrissi! Welcome to the forum.
  8. Chrissy


    Hiya Piree! Before too long on here you'll have too many books to choose from and you'll join the rest of us in thinking "Which one do I try now?"
  9. 1) Prefer all my relationships to be up close! 2) Love snowdrops, a real sign that winter is shifting. 3) Need new trainers, my much beloved and worn ones are trying to leave me. 4) If I don't get alone time I find sleeping at night impossible. 5) I love my hair!
  10. Chrissy

    Hi There

    Hiya Mick, still goat worrying?
  11. [quote=pipread;218464 The Perfect Husband The Other Daughter The Third Victim The Next Accident The Survivors Club The Killing Hour Alone Gone This should be the order. A number of them have returning characters, so it's best to read them in order.
  12. I think that the line that should be drawn for cloning is when a being is sentient, and I think that is a question that Ishiguro is so cleverly getting across in the text - how can a society allow sentient beings to be bred for their body parts? Were Madame and Miss Emily just championing fairer treatment for the cloned generations or were they pushing for it's end when they tried to prove the souls in these clones? I would be happy to receive a body part grown in a test tube if I so needed, but a part grown for me in my cloned self? I hope that I would value the soul of any clone over the physical need for a cure. A absolute biological match would be the dream donation, but not from a being. As far as availability of cloned donations, as with many of life's realities, I think the technology would favour the rich first, before an eventual filtering to the poorer. We have that now, where the poor in many countries sell their kidneys to a person willing to pay. There are lines across which we as a society should not step, but I believe it is a line we will reach before we have decided where we want the line to actually be.
  13. I'm thinking meatballs! I have all the ingredients, and a fancy spending a little time rummaging in the kitchen and brining all the bits together. I'll make a spicy, herby tomato sauce to sit them in!
  14. ....the cutest piggy pink you could imagine, totally unsuitable for an evil frog with a motto that read.....
  15. I do try to make sure that my spelling, grammar and punctuation are all in order. I think reading a lot can help, but not all writers are gramatically correct, especially when the flow of a sentence can be impaired by being too precise. I always think of the preposition statement attributed to Churchill, 'This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put.' The sentence may be technically correct, but boy does it read in a clumsy way.
  16. .....wore a scarlet hooded robe, with a yellow sash on the days he had to.......
  17. This is a dynamite video, I am captivated everytime I catch it. Another fave is Open Your Eyes - Snow Patrol. The film clip is, according to Wikipedia ; The song's music video is actual footage from the classic cult film C'
  18. ...yodel the theme tune to Dallas toward the satellite that .......
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