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Everything posted by Adam

  1. *Blows dust off of thread Time to start this 'ol thing back up again Since I have been gone I have not really read a lot The Fighter by Craig Davidson. One of my favorites. Incredible book that really examines humanity. I can't say enough good things about it. From Pieces to Weight by50 Cent. I am ashamed I read this book. Its not even worth mentioning. I guess you could of figured that out just by looking at the author. Imperium by Robert Harris. Stupid, stupid, stupid book. It just drags on and on about some guy trying to get elected to the Roman Senate. The Righteous Men by Sam Bourne. I LOVED this book. It was a great thrill and an awesome mystery. It was a great read from start to finish and I highly recommend it.
  2. What is the Diary of Anne Frank like? I have always wanted to read this book. It looks like a great list. Happy reading!
  3. Hey! I was wondering if anyone knew of some good books set in the World War II era that may depicted what life was like for the people at that time period. It can be fiction or non-fiction, I really don't have any preference. I have read and enjoyed Night by Ellie Wiesel. Something similar would really tickle my fancy. I hope you guys can help!
  4. LOL, don't worry about it. I am the same way. I only read one book at a time and I really make sure I read slow to understand the book. Each time I read a book I try to take something away at the end.
  5. "Were so to. And someone tried to steal me bag." The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly Random quotes are hilarious
  6. Adam


    LOL, the drive for 25 is alive and well
  7. Adam


    Hello and welcome! This is a lovely place, I hope you enjoy it here
  8. I think the film was a made for TV one. I have looked for it, but I have never been able to find it.
  9. That is always a good choice I had mac and cheese tonight.
  10. LOL, I was terrified of that doll too
  11. I have been debating about this book, but that was a good review. I might have to add it to my TBR pile
  12. Mitch Albom is an awesome writer. I have read his books and enjoyed them all very much. I find his stories have meaning and a nice message/ending. I loved this book, but Tuesday's with Morrie is one of his better ones.
  13. I'm reading this book right now. Cormac McCarthy is a brilliant writer. It took me awhile to get into his writing style. The Road is written very similar. I'm almost done reading this book, then I want to write a review on it. I do know what you mean by his use of the word "and" tho.
  14. Sounds like a good read. You read it pretty fast too
  15. I always read an introduction to a book. It normally provides valuable information that will help with the story. I even read all the covers on my books and all the "Praise Phrases" that normally take up the first couple of pages. I guess you can say when I read a book, I read every word
  16. The majority of my books that I buy are new. Like others have said, I tend to buy mine from the markets that have all the popular books and rock bottom prices. There used to be a used book shop close to my house, so in a short walk I was able to go get a stack of books for literally nothing. I'm sad its gone. Other than that store, I have never bought used books and the majority are new. I would say on average about 20-30 new books a year.
  17. LOL, remember the Goosebumps intro? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_2sfFogUNQ Viewer beware, your in for a scare. That was pretty epic
  18. Nope. Its Dudley Do Right, the famous Canadian cartoon Mountie
  19. Adam

    Your sports

    That is so true I find I am really critical now tho. I forget how hard some these sports really are. Once you've played the sport, it makes you appreciate the talent some of these athletes have.
  20. Spicy Kung-Pow Chicken. I have a feeling that it will talk back to me for awhile
  21. Adam


    Hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy the forum. It is a wonderful place. Italy sounds like a beautiful country. I would love to go there one day.
  22. I know this an old thread, but I just thought I would post that my number one is Wayne Rooney. He is gold for Man U.
  23. Adam

    Your sports

    I LOVE sports. My number one passion in life. I have played hockey, baseball, basket and I got my yellow belt in Karate (one level above beginner, watch out ). That was when I was younger, now I don't have the time or the money. Now I lift weights and run. I do play the odd game of pick-up hockey or basketball. I mainly have to just settle now for watching sports.
  24. This sounds totally cool! I love the cover too. I'm gonna look for this book. Thanks for the post!
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