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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Christmas is the season I always get fat. There is always so much good food to eat
  2. Christmas is the season I always get fat. There is always so much good food to eat
  3. The shows I watch are: Cornation Street (Always on, but I love it ) Desperate Housewives (Its a good show ) Saturday Night Live (My favorite Show!) Basketball (I am waiting for the season to start )
  4. I was looking for a good place to discuss one of my passions in life......books! So I did a quick yahoo search and I found this wonderful place
  5. The Hardy Boys and the Goosebump books were my favs growing up
  6. My past girlfriend loved this series. There is a TV show for it now.
  7. Currently Reading: 'Salem's Lot - Stephen King I have heard many good things about this book. It is the season for a good fright and that is exactly what I expect from this book
  8. Recently Read: Skipping Christmas - John Grisham The Summons - John Grisham Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom Bleachers - John Grisham The Davinci Code - Dan Brown The Broker - John Grisham Chasing the Dime - Michael Connely Fools Die - Mario Puzo The Road - Cormac Mcarthy The Daunte Club - Matthew Pearl Craddle and All - James Patterson These are all the recent books that I have read
  9. Hey everyone! Welcome to my book thread! In this thread I will post books that I have read and what I thought about them. When I start a book I will post what it is and my expectations and then when I am finished with the book I will post a quick review without giving any spoilers. Enjoy and happy reading!
  10. I've just recently started reading his works. I find that he is an excelent writer and he has a way with words. He was a born writer. I am really enjoying reading his stuff
  11. LOL, I hate lending books out because I know i'll never get them back. Books are the one thing that never get returned. As far as condition goes I crack the spines of my books. I think it gives them character
  12. I usually read before bed or up in the tv room with some background noise
  13. This is an amazing book by an amazing author. Good read for the holidays and the movie adaption is very good too!
  14. I have read books that really made me think or try to see things a different way, but nothing life altering.
  15. In Fools Die by Mario Puzo there was a character called Cully. I always found that name to be odd.
  16. You can't go wrong with some of Stephen Kings' early work.
  17. Hey! My name is Adam and I am 17 years old. I am turning 18 in November. I graduated from high school this past June and I have started my training to become a firefighter/paramedic here in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. I'm a simple guy. I'm nice and funny. I love to laugh and make people laugh. I like just taking it easy and enjoying life. Some of my hobbies include music, guitar, reading, writing, movies/tv, basketball, working out, fashion and design, sleeping, eating, and just spending time with the people close to me. My favorite thing to do is take my guitar or a good book and sit on the back porch by the lake and just relax. I am single. I just ended a relationship with my girlfriend of five months. So I'm hoping this site can take my mind off of her I love to read and I am always with a book in hand. My favorite authors are John Grisham and Mario Puzo. My favorite book of all-time is Fools Die by Mario Puzo. I have a lot of books and I keep buying more. I'm addicted! My TBR pile is pretty big. I also enjoy writing and I have started writing a book, kinda just for fun to see if I can finish it I think this is a great site and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone here and having some fun. Cheers, Adam
  18. Birthday: November 5, 1989 Age: 17 Starsign: Scorpio Single/Married/Other: Just ended a relationship of five months Children: Nope Where do you live: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Do you work: Firefighter/Paramedic in training Favourite author: John Grisham and Mario Puzo Favourite book: Fools Die - Mario Puzo How did you get here: Yahoo search
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