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Everything posted by Adam

  1. LOL, that is cute, I like that
  2. LOL, thats funny. I like that
  3. Wow, those are quite the reading selections. You took all those from the library? In Canada I think there is like a four book maximum. They sound interesting though. Good luck with your books
  4. I am loving it. It is short and sweet and there is lots to be learned from it. It provides such a great insight into the after life. I would have to say it is one of my all-time favs if not my favorite of all-time. I am almost done. I will post a review in my book thread then. But yeah I am loving it aswell and would highly recomend it.
  5. I organize me books by genre or style. I have 4 different sections. Then whatever I am in the mood for I just head to the section and select a book. My 4 sections are: 1. General Fiction/Feel Good Books 2. Horror/Mystery 3. Spy/Espionage/War/Mafia 4. Legal/Thriller Those are my four sections. After I finish a book I see what I am in the mood for and then head to that section on my shelf
  6. I thought paperback covers were the same all over. That is neat to know there is a difference.
  7. If you have pets, maybe one of them took it. That sucks though. It hurts to lose things you love.
  8. I call it fall book cleaning. It seems I do it once a year around this time
  9. I had some chicken and a glass of juice
  10. Today I created a perfect book system. On my shelf I keep all my TBR books and then once I am done reading a book I put it in this box which is right beside my book shelf. It is the perfect system. I was running out of room so I had to think of something. Lets hope this works
  11. I used to write in my textbooks back when I was in school
  12. I agree 100%. It is such an amazing book about human spirit. One of my favs.
  13. In school I had to read alot of Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams. I also remember reading Night by Ellie Weisel and Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
  14. I noticed you had Skipping Christmas by John Grisham on your list. I highly recomend this book. It is short, but very fun to read. It is getting close to the holidays and this is the perfect book to put you in the mood.
  15. I think it is neat to see what the person wrote, but I really don't like writing in the books that I have in my collection.
  16. LOL, I know its true. However, I am on a strict diet, it has a low sodium intake. I get salt cravings, but rarely will I act on them. My fitness and health is everything to me. Without it I would not be able to have my dream job as a firefighter. I take good care of my health. Thank you for your concern though
  17. Everyone craves something. Do you have a sweet-tooth? Do you crave salt or sour things? What tickles your fancy? For me it is slat. I crave salt. Chips or popcorn or real food like chicken. I get the weirdest cravings at the stupidest times. For me though it is generally salt. Although, I have been know to have a sweet-tooth from time to time
  18. I also remember going to the library and reading all the baseball books. Its all I did one summer. It was so much fun
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