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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I think I would be too scared to read this book. I remember that day, such a tragic event.
  2. Does not sound like fun. Good luck!
  3. This is probably my favorite book. I found it so entertaining. The perfect book for a little light reading. I got a little choked up at the end tho The book was way better than the movie, but I still found the movie to be entertaining. I have to watch it every Christmas. I find Tim Allen so funny. I actually pictured him as the character when reading the book, so it made the book to film transition easier I am really enjoying it. I agree with you, it is a fairy tale for adults. I love it so far I hope they still have it. It is a great book.
  4. LOL, that is kinda like a modern day message in a bottle, or should I say message in a book Neat idea!
  5. I had leftovers, for some reason they tasted better!
  6. Adam


    Welcome! I hope you enjoy this wonderful site!
  7. Hiya! Welcome to this wonderful site!
  8. I have not read them, but they sound like wonderful stories. I agree about the covers, they look really cool
  9. I need to read this book and see the film
  10. Thanks for the quick review. I might have to give this book a read
  11. Welcome! Your list looks wonderful. I see you have read The Fighter by Craig Davidson. This is one of my all time favorite books. It really examines humanity.
  12. I believe your talking about A Time to Kill by John Grisham. This is a very powerful novel and I loved it. One of my favorites by him. The movie was good, but the novel was more powerful. He is by far my favorite author. I find myself re-reading his stuff because its just so entertaining. I started this last night. It is my first time reading a John Connolly novel, but I love his writing. I find it to flow well. This book is entertaining so far. The beginning was very touching. The way he describes books and stories was wonderful
  13. More great selections guys, thank you My Visa is warming up. I might place an order this week for some of these titles.
  14. I'm a 12 year old boy in the UK who has just lost his mother and turns to books for comfort. The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly
  15. Oh! I forgot to mention that I have a separate shelf for my text books. It houses all my police procedure books and my Canadian Criminal Codes. I try and keep this shelf really organized and neat so I know where something is when I need to refer to it.
  16. Tonight I went all out. I made myself meatloaf, mash potatoes and fresh veggies. It took me two hours to make, but so worth it
  17. Hello and welcome! Have fun here
  18. Hello and welcome! I love your avatar
  19. Adam


    Welcome! This is a wonderful site. I hope you enjoy it here
  20. I don't understand poetry. It does sound pretty though
  21. Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to do a look for this now.
  22. Wow, thank you guys so much. This is exactly what I was looking for. Not so much the fighting, but what life was like for the people. Thank you guys so much for the quick responses. I think I might have to place an online order for some of these books very soon I don't know what it is about this topic, it has always fascinated me. I'm a big history buff so these books look like they fit the bill. Thanks again
  23. Awesome review. I LOVED this book as well. Glad you enjoyed it
  24. This is so true. I will have to watch out for that book. I love his writing I'm about to start The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly. Synopsis: http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Book-Lost-Things-Novel-John-Connolly/9780743298902-item.html?ref=Books%3a+Search+Top+Sellers
  25. I just finished No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy. I had really high hopes for this book. I have heard many good this about it. Unfortunately, I don't think it met those expectations. Yet, it was one of the best books I have ever read. Allow me to explain: This book was written by a brilliant author, Cormac McCarthy. Who is, in my opinion, the greatest living writer. I am a big fan of his so I might be biased His writing style is very unique. It does not read very easy. The general grammar rules are tossed out the window. He also used the word "and" very frequently which leads to a lot of run on sentences. It is set in a poor area of Texas and many of the characters are uneducated. The way an uneducated person would talk is how he writes. However, he writes fast and gets to the point. The book did not read well. I also don't like how the characters were developed in this story. He constantly switches the perspective of the character and never really develops them. He also does not tell you which character is speaking. So it is up to you to figure that out. I found myself re-reading pages just to trace back through the conversation to figure out who said what. If you don't know much about the characters then its hard to follow the story. The story line is AMAZING. He also writes fast and gets to the point while developing the setting very well. I really liked this. The booked moved fast and the premise to the story is very cool. I can't say what happens, but I don't like the end I give it a 5/10. OR Towards the end of this book there is a lot of good meaning. It was too deep for me. I walked away from this book wanting more, or to understand the meaning behind this book. Some of the lines used are brilliant. One of the characters, The Sheriff, is talked about lots and brings tons of insight to the story. It is rich with meaning, I just could not pick it out. This bugged me. It was the first time I walked away from a book not understanding it. I loved this. I will undoubtedly re-read this book multiple times to try and figure it out. If I could figure out the meaning behind the story. 10/10. Bottom Line: Worth a read, but if you want to save time just watch the DVD.
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