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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I really like this way of handling books. I might have to adopt this system
  2. I have too many books to arrange in a proper order. Lack of space and too many books kinda doesn't leave many options. I have one small bookcase overflowing with books. They are not arranged in any way. If I obtain more I look for a new spot on the shelf. I am very organized in real life, but somehow when it comes to books that is right out the window. I don't mind tho, it is not messy, strangely I know where everything is and it has that nice eclectic look to it.
  3. Which book? Toronto is a wonderful place.
  4. That is rude. I sometimes like it when I find a book that has been well loved, but it sounds like they made a mess of that one
  5. I am the same way. My DVD collection and book collection will have to fight for space soon!
  6. CANADA! In case you couldn't already tell that Six Canadians in the poll! Nice eh!
  7. Adam

    Your Age?

    19! I turn 20 in November
  8. One of my fav dishes! I hope you enjoyed it Tonight I had sesame teriyaki asian noodles with chicken. Not bad!
  9. Welcome! NY and Poland are both wonderful places. I have been to NY and loved it there. Ancient Egypt is a wonderful and fascinating topic to read about. Enjoy your stay on the forum.
  10. Hello and welcome! It is wonderful to see a fellow Canuck on here! Which part of Canada are you from?
  11. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy and happy reading. It sounds like you are from an interesting place. The Netherlands? Its great to see this forum attract so many wonderful people from all over the world.
  12. Thank you for the warm welcome once again. Its good to be back. This time I will try and stick around
  13. I'm sorry to bump this thread up, but I just thought of a book I LOVED when I was little. Heckedy Peg by Audrey Wood This book is a great way to teach children to not let strangers in the house. It also shows what a mother will do to protect her children. The art work in this story is amazing. As I child I was so scared of the witch. There is a picture in the book that would probably still scare me today. When I was younger my mom would read to me and try to scare me. I loved it. I was fascinated by scary stuff. I haven't seen this book in years. I have no idea why it crossed my mind, but I thought I would share it. http://www.amazon.com/Heckedy-Peg-Audrey-Wood/dp/0152336788
  14. If there is a thread for this already, I apologize. I was talking to my Dad today on the phone. He is an avid reader, so we began discussing books. He told me about some books he had read and mentioned the idea that we should exchange books. He lives ten hours away, but my parents are coming to visit in August. He told me he would bring down some books for me and asked if he could sift through my already read pile. I agreed. However, I love my books. To me they are a collection. Even though I have read them, I still like knowing the fact that I have them. That is way I have never been a library kinda guy lol. I have no objections giving them away to my father as I know he will take good care of them and will return them. But it got me thinking. What do you guys do with your books? Do you keep them? Do you collect? Do you trade/swap? Do you lend them out? Do you go to the library? Ok discuss. . .
  15. That is good advice. I think my heart right now is trying to accomplish my goal of becoming an RCMP officer, but if I can accomplish that then I would love to write.
  16. God speed! I hope you can crack the case
  17. I agree on that. Mainly my reading takes a backseat to my life. I'd like to turn the tables for once.
  18. Nice points. I love books and getting lost in a book store and finding a gem is awesome.
  19. Adam


    I enjoy all types of sports (my fav is hockey!), working out, reading, writing, TV, movies, music (I play guitar), cooking (and eating and sleeping LOL), fishing, photography and cars. Now I enjoy all those things, but there is never enough time to do them all. Realistically its more like reading, working out and TV (to watch Coronation Street!) My family lives ten hours away from me so I enjoy spending time with them when I can. Except I don't think thats a hobby LOL.
  20. These are some of my all-time favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG6u-Ug_y98&feature=related I was so proud when I first saw these commercials I almost cried. This one is funny too, but my accent is not this bad:
  21. I don't know if I could read the book, but I have seen the movie
  22. I love ancient Rome. This sounds like a decent read. I will have to try this book out.
  23. I have never read any of her books, but I know my sister loves her.
  24. I really like this idea. Those look like some interesting titles. Go Canada!
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