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muggle not

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Posts posted by muggle not

  1. OHHHHHHHHH the Dark Tower brilliant ! the end was a nightmare tho wasn't it . From a Buick 8 is another one I am not over fond of, I didn't really get it, but that might be me :welcome: I must concede on Dreamcatcher - classic Stephen King, but I still maintain my opinion that he has lost something in his writing recently. Compare Cell or Lisey's Story with The Stand or IT and they are lacking that special something for me. Maybe we will have to agree to disagree on this one, at least we are united in our enjoyment of reading ;):006::)

    I will concede on your last sentence.


    Wishing the best of reading for you. ;)

  2. A few of King's other books, besides Lisey's Story and Cell, since the accident:



    From A Buick 8

    Wolves of Calla

    Song of Sussanah

    The Dark Tower.


    In addition King has written a number of short stories. I don't think we should write him off yet. Many, if not all, of the above books were very good IMO. I really loved "The Dark Tower" series. :welcome:

  3. ^I agree with you, Sedge. I thought Cell started off great, but then it just diminished into something resembling a zombie-flick. :006:The Stand is my favourite Stephen King book, and one of my favourite books of all time. Others I have enjoyed are IT, Rose Madder, and Insomnia.


    I haven't read Lisey's Story yet. I have it, but I keep putting it off, because of the negative things I have heard. :welcome:

    My favorites are also The Stand, IT, and Insomnia.

  4. Hi all! I've never read a Terry Pratchett book, but reading this thread has gotten me thinking about it.


    Which one would you recommend for the first???

    Wow, tough question. Here is a list of Pratchett books, no quarantee though that it is complete. You may want to start with "Mort". However, wait a few days to see if you get other recommendations on where to start.


  5. I am reading Blood Meridian and I think there is only one word to describe McCarthy: brilliant! He has gone right to the head of the list with the best I have ever read.

    Paul, I have been wowed by all of Cormac's writing and if my memory is correct I have much of his major works. Blood Meridian was great writing, but so is all his work.


    The Road is sometimes brutal but the story is really about the love between a man and his boy and it shows that love can exist even in the midst of terror and death.


    The Border Trilogy still remains at least tied for his best writing IMHO. It is really difficult to say which is his best as they are all excellent.


    Cormac's writing is usually not for the timid but those that read him will be rewarded with great writing.

  6. Now I'm looking forward even more to reading it. I'll be getting to it in a week or so (hopefully); it sounds like a very promising read. :D

    As I stated previously, The Road is a very hard hitting book and one that I enjoyed tremendously. The Border Trilogy is also great reading. I believe that I have read all of Cormac's work and enjoyed them all. He is one heck of a great author.

  7. Our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow:


    Roasted turkey

    Spiral sliced ham

    peas and mushrooms

    mashed potatoes and gravy

    Sweet potato (Not from a can)with pineapple and marshallow on top icon_smile.gif

    Cornbread stuffing

    Corn Pudding ( my famous dish - requested by all the grandchildren)

    Cranberry sauce with pineapple and pecans

    Dinner Rolls by LeBrea

    Apple pie

    Pumpkin pie


    Sparkling grape juice for the kids

  8. Maureen, how did you enjoy the Chardonnay from Triventa. I ask because I see that one of our stores carries the Chardonnay from Triventa.


    OH and I went to a restaurant the other night and had a glass of Parducci Merlot with dinner. We both enjoyed it very much. I have been searching for it in local wine stores but couldn't find it. So, I called Parducci Vineyard in California and asked them who the distributor was for their wines in my part of North Carolina. They gave me the info and I then called the distributor and asked them what stores do they supply with the Parducci wine and they gave me the name of two. Today I am going to purchase a few bottles. :D

  9. Muggle, it seems the general consensus was that it's brilliant. I don't think I've heard anyone saying that they haven't enjoyed it.


    I haven't read it yet myself but intend to sometime in the first half of next year (my reading is booked solid until about then :censored:)

    The Reading Circle on The Stand seemed to fizzle out. A number of people made earlier posts on how much they were enjoying the book and then for some reason stopped posting. I will pick on Nici and Michelle........you were discussing the most horrific parts and then stopped posting. I was really interested in hearing how you enjoyed the remainder of the book. I thought there were some very sad parts up ahead of where you were reading at the time.

  10. Here's my problem: I had a blind date with a guy who went on and on and on about All the Pretty Horses. I ended up not being able to stand this guy, after just this one date (he was so insufferable), and now I can't read any of McCarthy's books as a result.


    Weird, huh?

    Why not take the oposite view and go ahead and read "All The "Pretty Horses" and see why he was raving so much about it. You will be missing out on one of the great authors otherwise. Of course, that is just my humble opinion. :censored:

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