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muggle not

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Posts posted by muggle not

  1. I wish that we would get some rain. I planted a Shasta Daisy called "Broadway Lights" and a yellow Cone Flower recently. I also planted a Roma tomato plant in the veggie garden for use in pasta sauce. This is what the Shasta Daisy is supposed to look like when mature.



  2. Ahhh, thanks for the advice muggle not. :D My mother in law said that the reason they were so spindly was because they were growing too fast, but I don't know how to slow them down. :D I'll keep the stake idea in mind. ;)

    Too much shade also makes plants tall and spindly.

  3. I would say that it is common for Coriander to get tall and fall over. Make sure that it gets plenty of sun and then stake them if necessary with a thin stake. anyhow, my two cents. :D

  4. Vegetable gardens are really exciting and fun. I have 7 tomato plants, 8 pepper plants, and today I planted seed for cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash, and a sweet basil, a lemon basil, and an Italian parsley. Oh yeah, I also planted some more spinach seed.

    Wow, my cucumber seeds are already up. I can't believe that it only took them 5 days to sprout from seed. I planted 3 packs of seed and will train them to grow up a trellis that I have put in the garden.

  5. muggle,

    Just from the synopsis, it looks awfully depressing to me, and another one he wrote...can't remember the name though..about the U.S./Mexican border? I think. Sounded bloody and mean to me. :D

    There were 3 books called the Border Trilogy (hmmm, guess trilogy does mean 3). The first one of the 3 was titled All The Pretty Horses. I guess the Border Trilogy was my favorite of all his books. His writing does get brutal sometime and depressing at times, but the writing is brilliant, IMO.

  6. I finished reading The Road and thought that the Pulitzer Cormac McCarthy received was well deserved. My wife also read the book and thought it was depressing. i really thought it was a powerful book.

  7. My snap peas and sweetcorn have all popped their heads up today - it's very exciting! :D

    Vegetable gardens are really exciting and fun. I have 7 tomato plants, 8 pepper plants, and today I planted seed for cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash, and a sweet basil, a lemon basil, and an Italian parsley. Oh yeah, I also planted some more spinach seed.

  8. Did some shopping today. I bought 3 Hosta (different types), one Coral Bell (Peach Melba), one Fern, and an Annual flower. Now I have to plant them, it will be my contribution for Earth Day.

  9. Nici76, would you consider a "small" journey across the pond to help a another gardener???


    You did a wonderful job on your garden Nici. The photos are great.

  10. Funny you should mention this. I just read that McCarthy has won a Pulitzer Prize for this book.


    I've never read any of his works before. When and where is 'The Road' set?

    I also read in this morning's paper that McCarthy has received a Pulitzer Prize for his book, well deserved. The book omits on purpose "when" The Road takes place and the "cause" of it. This is from Amazon.com:


    The Road is the profoundly moving story of a journey. It boldly imagines a future in which no hope remains, but in which the father and his son, "each the other's world entire," are sustained by love. Awesome in the totality of its vision, it is an unflinching meditation on the worst and the best that we are capable of: ultimate destructiveness, desperate tenacity, and the tenderness that keeps two people alive in the face of total devastation.

  11. Wow, has anyone read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. It is a masterpiece IMO. I loved previous books by McCarthy including his Border Trilogy and Blood Meridian. The Road however is a powerful book that will stay with me showing the worst in people and at the same time showing the love that some people are capable of holding onto through the most depressing of conditions.

  12. Angel, did you get to the garden center. If so, did you get any answers.


    One of the Viburnums that I planted looks like the cold got it. The leaves are withering and dying. Darn! Darn! Darn!!


    I bought 6 tomato plants and 4 pepper plants today. Will try to get them planted next week.

  13. I also have these books sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read!


    I have been told that the first one is really quite hard to get into but you have to read it and then the rest of the books are brilliant...

    I bought these second hand but as new and i have been daunted about starting them so come on tell shall i dive in?


    What are they like without spoiling it!?

    I envy both of you. You have some great reading ahead of you. I wish that I had all those great books to read. Oh well, I enjoyed them when I did read them. :D

  14. Actually I think it looks nice. That's why I bought it!


    Its taste is similar to spinach - so if you do not like that..........................


    (remember popeye!)

    I enjoy spinach very much and do like it in a fritatta.






  15. My ash tree became stressed last year due to the droughts and now has canker. Whilst I've heard that copper based fungicides could help, does anyone know of a more friendly organic treatment please? I really don't want to lose this tree as it's a lovely one which provides vital shade for a south facing garden.

    Angel, that is a serious problem and i suspect that forum members are afraid to recommend a possible cure as the tree may die and they do not want to be responsible. It is a serious problem though with the tree and I would recommend that you talk with someone at a garden center about possible cures.

  16. Not random and it is for a reason.

    I love reading John Steinbeck and so far all of his books have been a joy for me to read. When I find something that makes me happy I want to share the enjoyment with friends. Gardening I enjoy but realize that it isn't for everyone. Was hoping that you may have an interest as it is fun watching things grow that you plant, somewhat like a small miracle.

  17. LOL - I thought I'd escaped being asked anything!


    Yes, I have read a Steinbeck novel - during school I believe it must have been roughly 5th or 6th year as we watched the film as part of our Media Studies class) I read Of Mice and Men and very much enjoyed it. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I loved it! I'm not quite sure why I've never got round to reading more of his work so far - I think I quite fancy the sound of The Grapes of Wrath.

    The Grapes Of Wrath is an epic of a novel. Be prepared though for some strong emotions. Anger and sadness are 2 emotions that i can almost guarantee.

  18. I will ask you one of the same questions that I asked Michelle. Have you read any of John Steinbeck's books. The reason I ask y'all is that I enjoy his work so much and would like to see others have the same enjoyment.

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