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muggle not

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Posts posted by muggle not

  1. Muggle, I ordered The Tin Roof Blow Down, but I don't see any new Robicheaux listed on Amazon.


    And yeah, I'd read about the movie sometime, and boy, wouldn't Tommy Lee Jones be perfect for Dave? :blush:

    I mislead you. the new book which will be out in July IS The Tin Roof Blow Down. I expect it to be a great book.

  2. I guess that y'all know that they are going to make a movie of JLB's book " In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead". Tommy Lee Jones I believe will be one of the stars and i hope they get Robert DuVall as another.

  3. James Lee Burke will have a new book out this year in the Robicheaux series. It should be a humdinger.:blush:

    Also out in July 2007, will be the next Robicheaux novel THE TIN ROOF BLOWDOWN, which deals with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

  4. Muggles every time I buy this (weekly at the moment) I think of you! Wish you will find some! Wish we had teletransporting - I would send you a couple of bottles! :blush:

    I found some Triventa Shiraz on Saturday but not the Shiraz-Malbec. I didn't buy the Shiraz because when I found it I had already bought 4 bottles of other wine. :lol: My next trip I will buy the Shiraz.

  5. I managed to get a lilac bush today as well as a couple of fuschias' so weather permitting I'm in the garden tomorrow.

    Oh Wow, I can't wait to order a Lilac from Wayside Gardens. Dogmatix found one that will grow in our climate zone.


    I bought 2 of these Coneflowers today and have already planted them. Of course they are fairly small plants now but will grow. I only paid $3.99 each for them. I also bought a Bleeding Heart that I have planted in the shade near our porch.



  6. Read several Steinbecks many year ago Muggle, especially remember 'The Grapes of Wrath' as being very good. Have this and also 'Of Mice and Men' and 'The Pastures of Heaven'. On my 'to be re-read soon' list.


    Rosie, have you read any of R.F.Delderfield? Particularly enjoyed 'A Horeseman Riding By' and 'To Serve Them All My Days'.

    Poppy, please give The Moon Is Down by John Steinbeck a read. It is a relatively short book which I believe you will like. Makes one think a bit and appreciate mankind.

  7. I have never grown pumpkins Wiccie...but its a good prompt for a story! World domination by pumpkins! LOL


    I took a photo of the little Yew Tree that my daughter bought me for my birthday






    Not a very good picture! But it's just to commemorate the planting LOL>

    I think it is nice when someone buys you a plant of some kind on special ocassions. Now, every time you look at it you will think of your daughter.



    I am considering placing an order for these 2 different Coneflowers from Wayside Gardens.


  8. We went out to get a pizza to bring home this evening. The restaurant is on a street that is exceptionally nice with lots of exceptional little shops. Next to the restaurant there is an Art shop that has original paintings for sale. They have a Carolina Jasmine growing along their picket fence by the sidewalk that has a fragrance that is out of this world. I could smell it from across the street. If I get down to that area again soon I will take a photo of it.

  9. We went out to get a pizza to bring home this evening. The restaurant is on a street that is exceptionally nice with lots of exceptional little shops. Next to the restaurant there is an Art shop that has original paintings for sale. They have a Carolina Jasmine growing along their picket fence by the sidewalk that has a fragrance that is out of this world. I could smell it from across the street. If I get down to that area soon I will take a photo of it.

  10. My spring onions are about an inch above ground. The spinach and radishes are just starting to pop through. I cut the lawn grass Friday evening and Saturday morning. Wow, what a job with the push mower.

    It took mea between 3 and 4 hours.


    I wish the garedne centers would hurry up and get more of their flowers out so I can start buying them and planting.

  11. Sometimes you really have to be careful about what you plant as some plants are very invasive and are almost impossible to get rid of easily.


    We are going to buy some small Azealas today. The garden center has them on sale .....5 for $20. They are small but will grow.

  12. I will plant a purple Lilac at our new house but I am not sure it will do well as it may not be cold enough for it. They like very cold winter temperatures and it isn't that cold where I now live. I will still give it a try though. :friends0:

  13. I went out and took a close up of the Jasmine / Japonica . This what it looks like






    That ceertainly is beautiful PP. That is a very nice "growth" of Jasmine and it is full of flowers. I'll bet it smells nice.


    Does anyone grow Lilacs. I am especially partial to the Old Fashioned Purple Lilacs. I don't know of anything that has a better fragrance than Lilac.

  14. Poppy, I love the wild roses and don't remember ever seeing such a nice bunch. Echoing PP, you are indeed lucky to live in such a beautiful place. It would be wonderful to walk amongst those roses. I nominate your photos as photo of the year for the forum.

  15. You may have heard the term "sod buster", that was me yesterday. I was busting sod for my garden, not very big - 20 ft X 20 FT, with a tiller and shovel. I have it looking pretty good now. I went over the ground in 4 different directions with the tiller and spaded around the perimeter. Then I raked it and picked out most of the sod pieces. I am going to mix in a load of manure and compost and hope to get some things in the garden this weekend, spring onions, spinach, and radishes.


    I know that Sofia does a little gardening, anyone else.

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