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Flip Martian

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Everything posted by Flip Martian

  1. Over here in the UK there is 1 insurer (we were told yesterday) who needs notifying if you've been on a course - but only as they count it that you were speeding in the first place so it negatively affects your insurance quote! With all others its not seen as a positive or a negative. However, we do have advanced driver courses and some companies will take that into account in a positive way when giving you a quote.
  2. It would make people far more aware - I was really impressed. Must admit I was sat there thinking "I wish I could get my wife on 1 of these courses". She has no patience behind the wheel at all. And sure enough, I came out and regaled her with all these facts I learned about why safety cameras get put up, and traffic calming etc....and she didn't believe a word. I'd love for her to say that to the teachers we had...she might learn something!
  3. Must admit I've missed most of the news about it? Is it that bad over there then? I usually try and watch the field events, the diving. Not so fussed on the running heats.
  4. I haven't read yet today but I'm hoping to finish The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia 1917-18 by Louis de Robien by the end of tomorrow. Not sure what I start next - see what I feel like
  5. I kicked off August by going on a Speed Awareness course - a couple of months ago, a man in a bush near my village clocked me doing 36mph on the approach to the village where its a 30 limit and when the letter came through, I opted for the course, rather than the fine and points. Very interesting 4 hour course actually - to be honest, all drivers would benefit from going on it. A bit of an eye opener, as they say. Am utterly knackered though now - at home, resting on the bed once again. might go through my Librarything wants list and do some internet book shopping...just to pass the time, you understand... Later in the week, we're off for a couple of days on the Norfolk coast - suggested by my wife as a bit of a tonic for me. Just take a book and a fold up chair and find a spot on the beach. Hopefully it will stay dry!
  6. I've bought quite a few books through Abebooks in the last year. Although you have to watch prices on there - there are quite a few sellers who charge "optimistic" prices. That seems to encourage others to do likewise! But there are bargains to be had. Nothing quite like wandering through a shop and having a goooooooood browse though. If the shop also has a cafe, so much the better.
  7. If you liked those, he did a radio series about the origins of the English language which was very interesting. Its available as an "audiobook" on Amazon, Audible and I guess, elsewhere. Journeys In Englis, it was called.
  8. No problem, I didn't take it that way Don't give it a thought.
  9. Petrograd, Thursday 8th March 1917 During the last few days the discontent of the populace, weary of queueing outside every shop for the necessities of life, has greatly increased. The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia 1917-1918 by Louis de Robien
  10. Thanks both - this week has been a bit more positive, so I'm hoping I'm starting to come out of this wave at least. I did hear that some have it for life and for some they get over it. I guess we'll see. At least the dratted brain fog is receding a bit, so I can start reading again (not before time, I haven't stopped buying things that catch my eye!)
  11. Well, I was meaning pressure on ourselves - baking cookies and so on, as Athena was saying. Work pressures are quite another matter! But enjoy your weekend, nonetheless
  12. I think in those days - at home, at least - I was on AOL, which was a strange enclosed mini internet with its own content. It was almost like "internet for beginners". 20 years ago, wow.
  13. I liked Pratchett too - I had most of his books or had borrowed them from the library but I sent mine to a charity bookshop when I was making some space. I figured I wouldn't be reading them again for a while. I may well buy them again 1 day though.
  14. Thanks, Athena - it could be worse - it could be painful as well, I guess. Thankful for what I do have. As for your cookies - one thing I am learning is patience, so - if not today, then there's always tomorrow; or even the day after. The only pressure is that we put ourselves under.
  15. Hi mate, welcome. Hope you're back on the working trail before long.
  16. That takes me back...! I first started using the WWW around 1995 and Yahoo was a big deal then - along with other search engines called Excite and Lycos. Lycos and Yahoo were trying to build content as well - news, groups, all that. I remember an internet newsletter from a small company a few years later said "there's a new search engine called google - watch out for it, it looks really exciting"!!! I can using it and telling friends how easy to use and get relevant results it was...! All seems a long time ago now.
  17. Not too much going on with me in July - normally I commute by train to London from where I live (just outside Milton Keynes) but since June that's been out of the question due to ill health, so I've been spending all my time at home, getting under my wife's feet! . After lots of blood tests she thinks I may have chronic fatigue (yay, lucky me!) so currently I'm at home, resting and waiting for my hospital referral (she wants the consultant to make the diagnosis, which seems reasonable). Hospital not until September - I'm due to go back to work in 2 weeks. I'm not quite sure whether I'll be okto do that but they've been pretty understanding and there's no pressure, yet. In the meantime, I'm reading, when the brain fog subsides enough and I can concentrate and doing lots of web surfing (which is how I found this place last week), with the occasional day time naps! We have a couple of days booked in Hunstanton on the Norfolk coast next week - my wife's idea to get some sea air before I go back to work. She's even offered to drive, if I can't. Can't wait. I have some used bookshops in that area on my google map on my phone, so hopefully I'll have some energy for shopping
  18. The one big plus that next Generation had was Patrick Stewart - he's a marvellous actor. I've seen him on stage a couple of times too. When I think of the strongest episodes of ST TNG - like The Measure of a Man, The Inner Light, Chain of Command - he's immense. Seeing him in Chain of Command just sent chills down my spine.
  19. I'm a bit miffed its only going to be on Netflix! I'm a ST fan and have enjoyed most of the series - much of the last series, Enterprise were far better than given credit for. I'll see how good the series trailers are when they've made a bit more than a teaser trailer. Whether I'll pay for Netflix or not, I don't know.
  20. Apparently, the design is a copy of a planned design from Star Trek: Phase 2 (the planned tv series in the 70s which turned into the first ST movie in 1979). Although we're not supposed to know that, apparently.
  21. I thought it was a crying shame Agent Carter got cancelled. Really enjoyed that 1940s feel and thought the stories were excellent. Agents of SHIELD is good too, although I find they do have the odd "oh come on, that would never happen!" moment. Can't comment on the Netflix ones as we only have Amazon Prime. Don't really watch enough TV to justify having both - although if they did a Judge Dredd series, I might think again
  22. Hi Poppy and Frankie, thanks for the welcome
  23. Yes, its a rare position for me to be in! And only since I bought the 6 footer the biogs are in, a couple of months ago. Up to then, I constantly ran out of space. And consequently every time I visit a bookshop I got the "where are you going to PUT THEM? speech. But not at the moment...
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