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Flip Martian

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Everything posted by Flip Martian

  1. That's interesting, ta. Maybe that's why I got free membership, I honestly can't remember. I do know I hadn't paid for the membership so had less than 200 in there at the time. They only had my email address though I think, not much else - I already get spam there so no big deal!
  2. I'm very much looking forward to my acupuncture session tonight - my wife will be driving me there and bringing me home as she has a somatics class at the same place. And we've just had our garden furniture delivered - patio table, parasol and some chairs. The table needs putting together - which of us getting that job will depend on whether I can summon up the energy a bit later. Meditation first though, I think.
  3. I don't think one is better than the other - ultimately we all go with whatever we find suits us best.
  4. As Michelle said - Abebooks own 40% - the majority being owned by the founder of the company. LT actually opened an interesting discussion thread when Amazon bought GoodReads. Its clear they don't see Amazon as their "owner" as such. http://blog.librarything.com/main/2013/03/amazon-buys-goodreads-what-does-that-mean-for-librarything/ In response to your question, I've already explained why LT suits me better than GR so I won't bore everyone by stating it again. Ultimately the features I prefer on LT may not be relevant to you.
  5. I finished my latest book yesterday (Bravo Two Zero) so am starting with a new one today. I've chosen a 1990 autobiography by the actor David Tomlinson called "Luckier Than Most" (he was in Mary Poppins and Bedknobs and Broomsticks, among other films).
  6. That's exactly what I did. Ultimately, GR looks very user friendly and more simple perhaps - but I couldn't add all the books I wanted to add. For recording a wide range of books I think LT wins out. For anyone who mainly has more recent books and perhaps has a Kindle and wants to integrate their amazon account, GR is perhaps the better bet.
  7. If its anything like as bad as my Dad and his wife, probably by having separate rooms like they do! lol
  8. Certainly free for me - I have nearly 700 on there and never paid a penny! I'm sure I got an email a year or so back saying they were lifting the 200 books limit. $25 for a "lifetime membership" was hardly a deal breaker anyway - the nearest book database software was more and not as good (I tried it). Maybe You might be better starting a new thread for the other one - might just get lost in here otherwise?
  9. Yes, good news it wasn't just you - they'll be mindful to get it sorted asap for everyone, no doubt.
  10. I think it was so people could trial the "product". ie "if they like it, they will pay" - a bit old fashioned really. I suppose some did but it did put me off to start with when there were free alternatives (as well as more costly databases). Anyway, I think they removed the limit a year or 2 back. Not sure how they make money on it now - I don't see lots of pop up adverts or anything. One upon a time I paid for DVD database software - and my 1 time payment did mean a lifetime of updates. It works well, does everything I want. But, for books, LT has even more features for what I do and its free. Doesn't look as nice but I can customise it if I could be bothered. There are talk groups and whatnot like with Goodreads but I rarely have time to look at those. Goodreads is probably easier to use and looks nice but I needed to record older books and obscure books - and GR was no good for that.
  11. I trust you have taken positive action to ensure you ARE getting paid and pretty damn quick?!
  12. Did they not have a database which recognised the ISBN of those at all? They have over 1000 online sources now to get book details from including 1 Belgian and 2 from the Netherlands. They used to have a limit of 200 books on the free version - but they lifted that a while ago, so its limitless now. Its the only thing that's allowed me to add all my books - including some that are from the 1800s. And you can add your own book covers too. I haven't found anything yet it can't do; I love it. I also have my collection there offline on my phone, so I can check it while bookshopping. They also recommend books based on your collection - useful for my non fiction collections.
  13. I couldn't find a topic devoted to LT specifically. Are there many users here? I think its by far the best way of recording my books after trying several. I've started reviewing the books I've read now as otherwise I'll forget, my memory being pretty poor now.
  14. Well I was told today I'll be off work at least another 3 weeks! Off to see an acupuncturist on Thursday.
  15. That sounds awful about the dog, very sorry to hear that. I love dogs. How awful.
  16. Echo that - I'm sensitive to plants in the garden and get rashes and whatnot - aloe vera gel works wonders.
  17. Quiet day for me today - wife is away on a day trip, step daughter is out until 4 and I have very little energy so probably a TV and book day today. At the moment I've been sat having breakfast while watching Tom and Jerry cartoons. I am 52, going on 5 (and planning on staying that way). Have a great day everyone
  18. There's a bit in Neither Here Nor There where he describes walking in Paris, I think, as a young man and a bird craps on him. His description (which I think involved the words "pot of yoghurt") had me LOL'ing a lot at the time. There have been many others of course but that one always stayed with me.
  19. We've had grey cloud, hot sun and slashing rain today - which is a bit of a plus over yesterday's multiple thunderstorms
  20. Hiya I think there is a Bill Bryson thread in the Non Fiction section - but I don't think you'll get shot for posting in here I enjoyed The Road to Little Dribbling - it makes a nice follow up to Notes From a Small Island. Interesting to see the differences in his writing over time though - he does come across sometimes as a "grumbling old git" at times (conscious of doing this myself these days!) but is still funny throughout the book - its just he did seem a little negative about some things; more so than in previous travelogues. I've not seen Walk In The Woods; I wanted to read the book again first (I read the book when it came out and I don't remember enjoying it much, not sure why). The Alec Guinness I'm just finishing - its clear he's only letting readers know a bit about him, but its entertaining - just whatever he's doing or thinking each day which often leads back to stories from years gone by. He's over 80 at the time of writing and its clear he's feeling his age a bit. I think he comes across as not being entirely happy with his lot in life - his biographies say as much. He writes really well; very descriptive and not without wit - he's very funny without trying for laughs, if that makes sense. Its an interesting follow up to his own autobiography written in the 80s (this was written about 10 years later). I'm quite keen on film related biogs, so this is up my street.
  21. When I had more than a few books and needed some way to keep track of them all, I started using Good Reads. I soon found though it couldn't add a lot of my older books or didn't have the right copy of a book I was adding. So I tried LibraryThing instead - and I know its not as nice to look at but it just works better for what I use it for. But I can understand why some choose GoodReads.
  22. Sorry Autumn, sometimes the 5 year old boy in me lives on.
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