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Flip Martian

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Everything posted by Flip Martian

  1. Or just say as soon as you get IN to the interview "sorry if I appear flustered, interviews always make me nervous". They'll notice anyway but at least show 'em you're aware of it. No shame in that. On the change thing - as Little Pixie says, people change naturally as they go through life (at least, most people do). Assisting that change can be a good thing but many changes happen naturally as we get experience with different things. But the important thing is to be happy with who you are. If you're comfortable with who you are and don't want change a big change, then be comfortable with that. Everyone's different. I had a manager at work who made me feel worthless and an outcast in a dept I'd worked in long before he came along - that led to stress, depression and full blown anxiety attacks. I already had a partner on anti depressants through work stress and I was clear I didn't want that route - but neither could things continue as they were. Hence the hypnotherapy. It was a slow process but yes it changed me gradually, in a positive way. I don't spend every day bouncing on a light and fluffy cloud by any means! But I guess at the time I was in a corner with no way of continuing as I was, so change was inevitable. But for me it was a positive thing. And ultimately it just helped me deal with things and function normally again. It also taught me to worry less about things - most things we worry about never happen, after all. Anyway, I seem to have wandered off the point a bit so I'll shut up
  2. Virginia, believe me not every day is like that. But I try. There are always people worse off so no point feeling sorry for myself. And there are always some people in the world who want to bring you down; I try to enjoy life if possible. That's what its there for, surely.
  3. The Euros were entertaining but I'm very glad the footy season has started again. Although maybe my team (Liverpool) playing Arsenal on tv wasn't the best match to have on Sky...a few weeks after I cancelled my Sky Sports subscription.
  4. That's ok - one has to be comfortable with something to give it a try. Although the hypnotherapy thing CAN be quite cheap with mp3s off the internet, or phone apps. Its not all about spending hundreds. I did all these to AVOID the medication route - if I'm going to do anything to the chemical soup of my brain, I want to do it naturally, not with man made chemicals. Anyway, what works for one isn't necessarily going to work for another - we're all different I would have freaked out - I hate spiders - I was sat on my sofa recently and one dangled down on a line from the ceiling, like it was abseiling! Right next to me. Thanks for that... lol
  5. Have you thought of hypnotherapy? I had a bad period with anxiety attacks some years back and it helped to straighten my brain out - you just start to think about other things, rather than worrying endlessly. Some people think its a bit kooky but it worked for me. With my current CF condition, I was advised to try body scanning meditation and that also helps - it just puts you in a more positive "I can cope with things a lot better" frame of mind. To not think and worry about negatives that may never happen over and over is a great release. I'm not perfect every day, who is! But I feel so much better for both of these. But like I say - some think they're kooky. I love clearing stuff - afterwards when I can see the difference. I have to say, my wife instigated this one. Now I'm mobile but still at home for a short while longer, I think she's just getting me to do stuff she wants doing but can't do herself... Which is fine. Still, I could have done without seeing the 2 inch spider living in the shed...
  6. Best of luck with the job application. Sometimes its easier with people you know and work with sometimes not. I probably prefer it being with people I know. Although I've had successful and unsuccessful interviews that way. Rejection is painful but only temporary. Life goes on and sometimes the reasons in hindsight seem valid. That your director thinks highly of you is a very positive thing (not a guarantee of course) but a good thing, nonetheless. Use that for confidence, perhaps. My weekend was quiet - weeding in the garden (just glad to be able to do some, frankly) and starting to clear out the shed - the contents are covered in spiders, cobwebs and weeds growing through cracks in the floor... But not for much longer!
  7. We saw Star Trek:The Latest Title the other day. As a Trek fan I've enjoyed the other 2 reboots. Not so sure about this one, it just seemed to pick bits from previous films and glue them together with a new baddie.
  8. Temps in the 40s and humidity....well that's the UAE out for me then! As an asthmatic, humidity is a real struggle for me. Dry heat, with a breeze, I can manage nicely - and that's what we have today! Yay! Just been out for breakfast with my wife and now I'm off for a drive to my favourite bookshop. Have a good day, all!
  9. lol, most definitely - only ever under duress.
  10. Cool here today - and wet, this morning. Supposedly sunnier tomorrow. Be nice if it was, I'm hoping to take a drive out to my favourite bookshop in my convertible if I have the energy (no doubt it will rain now).
  11. I'm a bit dubious about fingerprint readers - almost everyone I know who's had one says it doesn't always work. Great idea if it was more reliable.
  12. "part with books"? What on earth can that possibly mean...
  13. Oh my goodness, yes - its far too violent for children. And can be quite dark as a result but there's a lot of humour in there too. I actually envy you getting to see it for the first time! Taylor is excellent as the Penguin - in fact all the main characters develop really well as the season goes on; its a great ensemble cast. I really watch very little TV nowadays and I rarely enthuse about TV programmes generally but this is wonderful. It does seem that the USA makes far better and more intelligent TV than we do here, these days - almost all the things I DO watch are American.
  14. That's actually the one of his I didn't finish! I keep meaning to go back to it. I still haven't read "At Home" yet either...
  15. Gotham is my favourite TV from the last few years - season 1 and 2 are fantastic. I don't much care for violence on tv at all but there are so many good performances in it - just a brilliant show.
  16. Well after the latest GP visit, I'm at home for another 2 weeks. Possibly then a phased return to work, I hope. I love being at home but I do hate feeling like a spare part - would be nice to be useful again!
  17. Flip Martian


    Its not an easy one - I have a few old books I've bought and I goggle at some of the prices on Abebooks - they vary widely and not just based on condition. In some cases, I may well have got a bargain if their prices are to be believed. Some places ask silly amounts and the book may be on there for months and months without selling as a consequence. When asking a used bookshop, bear in mind they may not specialise in the genre/author especially. They may also offer far less than its worth of course, as they'll want to make a profit on it. Also check Amazon - they often list old books for sale via marketplace sellers and their prices may help give you an idea too. For what its worth, I've bought a few things from ebay and they've been fine. Quite often the sellers have their own websites too, as they're internet (or street) bookshops. So its worth hunting those out. But searching for the book on Abebooks.co.uk should give you a broad idea. Biblio.co.uk is another, but I've had less success with that.
  18. Flip Martian


    Hello, welcome! I tend to focus on non fiction too. There's nowhere on here specifically to value books - I tend to go on Abebooks and ebay to get an idea of what I should be paying for old books; have you tried those?
  19. I registered with FutureLearn and started a Mindfulness course run by a Uni in Australia. I took some principles from it but didn't have the time each week to complete it - and realised I was already doing much of what they were talking about. Hoping to do more when I feel more "with it" regularly. My wife has done a couple of different courses on there, too.
  20. We're just catching up on season 3 of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. Usual mix of good stuff and "oh REALLY? I don't think so...." plotting but it keeps dragging us back.
  21. Wilkie Collins. The memory of being forced to read The Woman In White at school for 'O' level put me off permanently. Shakespeare too - I'm sure its all quite clever and wordy but he defeats me.
  22. Fortunately not - they told us all should be ok for 12 hours and it seems to be. A nice quiet day yesterday but now catching up on emails etc I couldn't get done! Well done to Kell too for the head shaving. I know a few people doing it and was tempted myself. I have a rather weird shaped head I think so wasn't brave enough. Maybe next year!
  23. Back from north Norfolk - lovely place. Relatively quiet coast (for Summer here in the UK), lovely countryside, a few National Trust country houses visited (all of which had used bookshops so I was doubly happy) and plenty of resting/relaxation. Came back last night and today have had a power cut for about 9 hours! It just came back up half an hour ago. Still, don't need electricity to read.
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