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Nobody fell for that then :lol::D?


I admit, I actually googled looking for this strange contraption :lol: :lol:

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Do any other teams still get bubble trips? Our game Saturday is one and always is, you are not allowed to go unless you are going on an official coach which is escorted up the M4 like a bus full of criminals in orange jumpsuits, you literally get a line of police cars and bikes and a police helicopter overhead, there are swansea fans that live in cardiff that have to travel to swansea to get on a bus to go back to cardiff, then after the game they have to get the bus back to swansea get in their car and drive home to cardiff.


As you enter Cardiff some Cardiff boys always placed flags and banners onto the bridges saying things like welcome to hell etc. it's like something out of Deliverance :lol:

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It's like that here Johnny for a few games especially when a protestant team meets a catholic team. You have to sit in the staidium after the match as well until the other fans leave and you think "yeah, let them out first to gather their bottles and bricks so they can attack us" :lol:

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It's like that here Johnny for a few games especially when a protestant team meets a catholic team. You have to sit in the staidium after the match as well until the other fans leave and you think "yeah, let them out first to gather their bottles and bricks so they can attack us" :lol:


Yea thats another thing, they keep you locked in the stadium well before and after KO. I think they have to be in the ground at least a full hour before the game.


They did that in Swansea when we played Cardiff a couple of seasons ago for the first time in about 10 years - they kept the Cardiff fans in; what they failed to do is clear the Swansea fans out either and all hell broke lose.


Hardly a brain between the SWP honestly

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How did it go today Sedge? Glendale and Andy had a cup game today, the last one they are in just a league game quarter final. Unfortunately they got put out 2-1 but my boy scored their only goal though, was a penalty. He looked quite confident, shame the couldn't have equalised for extra time. So it looks like no silverware for us this year. Just have to concentrate on picking up points if they can to stay clear of the bottom 4.:lurker:

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Well, I have had an experience today! my b/f took me to see the mighty East Stirlingshire vs Albion Rovers. The final score was 3-1. The atmosphere was really bouncing. It is suprising how 200 East Stirlingshire fans can make more noise than 20,000 Leicester fans!!!! Off to see Aberdeen tomorrow whixh should be good.

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The day started well for St Austell.


Every year, the Easter matches are staggered to allow fans to see all of the games. We were last up at 6:00, by which time two of our rivals had drawn and the otther had lost.


We were all set to capitalise on this as we were playing a team 3rd from bottom. You can probably guess that we lost (2-1), so the title contenders couldn't manage a win between them!


At the moment we're 2nd, but due to games in hand, the team in 4th are odds on to win. On Tuesday we play Newquay, the leaders. If we lose again, that may well be it for our title hopes this season.

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You have to laugh at Aberdeen.....beaten again 2-0 by the 2nd from bottom team in SPL :lurker:


Tell me about it. I was optimistic for the first 20 mins as they were playing quite well and then they just kind of gave up. I feel the need to write to the club and ask them for my

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Poor you Kimmy....told you they would probably lose. We live in Aberdeen but are no way fans.....now let me see...what was the score again Aberdeen 0-1 Raith Rovers ...:lurker:...we are in the semi-final next Sunday.

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Congratulaions to your team Steph, they have stormed the league all season.


Seems my team are doing all they can to throw it away :) Despite our win today we cant score for toffee, it's ironic that one of our now major play off rivals - Blackpool, have one of our strikers on loan who is solely responsible for their playoff campaign so far.

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It was a good result for you today Johnny. I am pleased that Leicester have actually managed to win at least one match over the past few weeks, about time! :)


It baffles me Kimmy that a few weeks ago we (swansea) were talking about fighting for 2nd place, now we are barely in the playoffs and have you lot and Blackpool up our backsides :D

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:):smile2::D I wanted to be at the match tonight too but couldn't go.


I've heard quite a few people say that Swans don't have a good enough striker. I still think they'll be in the play-offs. But Cardiff seem to be a beat above at the minute and Forest is slipping so I guess it's still all to play for (well except for NU and West Brom if they win on Sat). I still think the play-off place will be Forest and Swansea. Not sure about what the outcome would be though, who would eventually win.

Edited by Stephanie2008
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It baffles me Kimmy that a few weeks ago we (swansea) were talking about fighting for 2nd place, now we are barely in the playoffs and have you lot and Blackpool up our backsides :)


Blackpool got another win yesterday didn't they? I think that they are only 1 point behind Leicester so it is a good job that we played well for once :D Typical that the we won the one match that I didn't go to!

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Did you see the first goal, the power he got in that tiny gap in the defense was awesome. Arsenal have no bite in the midfield and little spark without Cesc.

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