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Five facts...


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Oh there are novels about them? I am oblivious to this lol. I'll go check them out now.


I find them quite fascinating too...we never really hear about how exactly you get to be the 'higher ups'. I do know they give a lot of money to charity and help each other out in times of need..so we know they aren't evil...UNLESS its some kind of cover up lol. Seriously though, some of them look like they are just normal everyday guys.


One of their main ideas is that..All men are equal, however we must serve the 'master' his food before anyone else gets theirs. I just want to know whats so secret that we're not allowed in their ceremonies in the temple. I'm dying to know what all the fuss is about!

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I agree with the 'surface' morals and messages, about how we are all equal and should help one another out and search for light and knowledge, but i don't believe that we should have to pay membership or join a society to do this if that makes any sense, it kind of separates them from all other men, just because they aren't in the society. It seems like a bit of a cult, the more somebody gets immersed and maybe caught off guard by the promise or hint of something deeper and more powerful which they will most likely never reach.


Okay i will stop off topicness now O:-)

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Five further facts from me (ooh, four - no, five six F's (seven!)):giggle:


1: Since I first hatched in the hutch whence I came, I have had a fear of skillets and Hollandaise Sauce.

2: My left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing (and why would it? It is I who is sentient - not my hands!)

3. Shelby, my dressing gown, likes the occasional night out but prefers to snuggle up and watch Buffy - the impact this has on its social life is quite negative.

4. My middle name is John, although I'm considering changing it legally to "Action".

5. I like sprouts, but they don't like me. I keep getting hate mail in the post and, for my own safety, I've had to have the courts issue a restraining order. Something went wrong when we all went to Brussels for the weekend...

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Oh I have another fact!


Does everyone know about the 'Charlie bit my finger' video that has got crazily popular on youtube?


Anyways I used to work for their mummy as an assistant childminder so often looked after little Charlie, Harry and Jasper. Of course if you aren't aware of the video this will mean absolutely nothing to you. It did get to number one on the channel 4 'Rude tube' program.

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mac, That made me smile xD


^Oh my god, that video was EVERYWHERE. Wow. xD


Five facts!

1. I am afraid of the dark. I have a big imagination, and I constantly imagine that monsters will surge from the dark abyss and attack me. One reason for my insomnia.

2. I don't leave my back open when I'm sleeping. I always somehow have to put either a pillow on it, or lean it against a wall. Paranoid, much O_O

3. When I'm sad, I take a shower.

4. When I ponder over stuff, I often stroke my chin like I'm stroking a non-existent beard.... Yeah, I don't know.

5. I growl at stuff when I'm annoyed at it. Must've been a habit I got from my dog?

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1) I discovered the meaning of the word mycologist today!

2) I have a fascination for tree stumps, stone walling and moss.

3) I usually have a bruise on my left arm, where I constantly walk into door jambs.

4) I have some dark blue sparkly nail polish that I plan to paint my toenails with on Christmas eve.

5) I enjoy reading and writing short stories.

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1) I discovered the meaning of the word mycologist today!


1. Same as Chrissy's :D

2. It has now been over 2 months since I stopped biting my nails (although they're really soft and they keep snapping!)

3. My I-pod is pink but I have green headphones :)

4. I have a plug in light up snowman on my computer :(

5. I hate milk, in fact most dairy products apart from apricot yoghurt and really mild cheese :exc:

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1. I also learned what a mycologist is today (thank you Google!)

2. I hate lettuce so all of my salads and sandwiches are made with spinach.

3. I know a ton of usless facts about bridges, asphalt and water plants because of my dad's job.

4. I am scared of bridges.

5. I hate the taste of bottled water.

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Five facts!

1. I am afraid of the dark. I have a big imagination, and I constantly imagine that monsters will surge from the dark abyss and attack me. One reason for my insomnia.

2. I don't leave my back open when I'm sleeping. I always somehow have to put either a pillow on it, or lean it against a wall. Paranoid, much O_O



1. I'm exactly the same with number 1, I always imagine I can see a figure in the shadows :(

2. When I was little, I decided that if my whole body (other than my head) was under a cover at night, then nothing could hurt me. Even now at almost 23, I can't fall asleep unless I'm all under the covers.

3. There's 21 years between my oldest and youngest siblings, and my youngest sibling is the same age as my oldest niece.

4. I've loved Nicolas Cage since I was a young teen, and quite typically, he buys a house in my home town just after I move away :motz:I missed him turning the xmas lights on there this year, I'm gutted!

5. Along with collecting books, I also collect DVD's and have almost 400 now :D

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1. I now know what a mycologist is too. :exc:

2. I can't sleep either unless i'm covered completely from head to toe. Even in the summer months i have to be covered up - you never know when the monsters might strike! :D Silly, i know.

3. Favourite drink is Coca-cola. It tastes better drunk straight from that classic-design glass bottle btw :(

4. If i see lichen growing on stone i'm always tempted to scrape it off. A flipping impossible to do... the stuff is stuck on like superglue.

5. I recently bought a pink dongle! Could have played it safe (as i usually do) by buying a black one. Wild and crazy, huh? :)

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I've never seen a classic coke bottle, except for on the adverts obviously


Same here Ned, for many years i didn't see the classic coke bottles either. Over the last few years however, local newsagents and corner-shops have been stocking them.


Nothing more satisfying than popping the metal cap with a bottle opener and drinking ice-cold cola straight from the bottle :lol:.

Edited by nightingale
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1. I have lived in Newcastle all my life and have no intentions of ever moving away (well that might change as I get older).

2. My birthday is in March which is perfect because it's half way between Christmas and summer :lol:

3. My bedroom walls are purple but I have every intention of painting them green (not sure why I picked green :lol:)

4. Alcohol wise - I'm not a fan of wine. I prefer to have rose but would choose anything else first. I hate lager/cider so can only really drink fruity flavoured drinks such as Midori, apple schnapps, peach Archers or Passoa.

5. Day to day: I only drink Pepsi Max, Diet Coke at a push, Bottled Water or Coffee. I'm really fussy :hug:

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4) I have some dark blue sparkly nail polish that I plan to paint my toenails with on Christmas eve.

For some bizarre reason, I read this as "I have some dark blue sparkly nail polish that I plan to EAT on Christmas eve."


Sometimes my brain does funny things when translating what my eyes are seeing!

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