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Five facts...


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1. Following on from Janet's lovely book, I keep all of my birthday cards

2. My sister, my brothers and my Dad were all chefs, I burn water:blush:

3. I am one of these horrible people who laugh at inappropriate times :D

(its purely nerves)

4. I get embarrassed very easily:blush:

5. If I could have a dog, I would get a bulldog ;)

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1. Following on from Janet's lovely book, I keep all of my birthday cards

4. I get embarrassed very easily:blush:


Me too on both counts. It's nice to keep cards though, I found some cards from my great aunt who died earlier this year which was quite nice.


1. When my sister was little she couldn't say Rachel properly and called me Doddle instead. My dad still calls it me now.

2. I'm a vegetarian.

3. I am actually obsessed with Russell Howard. It's the "wonky eye and funny teeth" (according to Heat magazine) that do it for me. And the fact that he's hilarious.

4. I love to make lists and have a little notebook that I write down my to do list in.

5. I have two tattoos and three facial piercings yet belly button piercings freak me out big time.

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This is not a fact about me, but instead about a crazy driver I saw on the highway this morning. It was 28f degrees out (below freezing) and he was driving a VW convertible with the TOP DOWN! I about honked at him ;). It was a new car too so I doubt that the folding mechanism wasn't working...


Only in the midwest :D


1. Everyone I know including some of my family is convinced my real first name is Abigail (it is not, it is just plain Abby) and insist on calling me that no matter how many times I have corrected them.

2. When I was in school I was known for being the best soccer player in my division but gave it up because my mom hated going to my games.

3. I have 1 tattoo that I got a little over a year ago that I drew myself. It is a Celtic knot with a lily woven through it. None of my grandparents know I have it.

4. I am the only one with green eyes in my entire family line.

5. I'm petrified of lady bugs.

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As I am really really bored I thought I would do another five, so here we go:


1*I have a nose ring... in my nose...Obviously ;)


2* I am starting to fall in love with Olly from the Xfactor. :D


3* My OH is a Texan.


4* I have tiny tiny toes and they look out of proportion (sp) to the rest of my feet.


5* I have lots of aims in life, one of my more random aims is to get a signed Take That (The music band) Gold Disc.

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5. I'm petrified of lady bugs.


Good thing you weren't in the car with me the other day!


My OH and I were returning from a day trip in the mountains and he pulled over to pick me a wildflower from the side of the road (awww!). He got back in the car and handed it to me, and as I was gushing about how lovely it was I caught a glimpse of something moving on it.


I went 'AHH! BUG!' (I do NOT like bugs) and flicked the flower...straight at my OH (it was an accident, I swear!) The bug went flying through the air - not of it's own free will, I suspect - and landed on my OH, who also freaked out (because I was freaking out) and then the bug flew off him and landed between us near the gear stick.


It was then we both realised it was a lady bird. Between us we got it back on the flower (I don't actually mind lady birds) and released it back into the wild.



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Good thing you weren't in the car with me the other day!


My OH and I were returning from a day trip in the mountains and he pulled over to pick me a wildflower from the side of the road (awww!). He got back in the car and handed it to me, and as I was gushing about how lovely it was I caught a glimpse of something moving on it.


I went 'AHH! BUG!' (I do NOT like bugs) and flicked the flower...straight at my OH (it was an accident, I swear!) The bug went flying through the air - not of it's own free will, I suspect - and landed on my OH, who also freaked out (because I was freaking out) and then the bug flew off him and landed between us near the gear stick.


It was then we both realised it was a lady bird. Between us we got it back on the flower (I don't actually mind lady birds) and released it back into the wild.




Ah! I would have cried!


When I was about 6 my cousin Travis, who is 2 years older than me, told me that lady bugs are poisonous. I (of course) believed him. Later that day he brought me an old butter container and told me there was a present inside for me. I opened it to discover about 60+ lady bugs. They all scuttled out of the bucket and were on my clothes and arms and hair. I (thinking they were poisonous) screamed bloody murder and cried. He had collected them from our corn field earlier that day. I guess it's better than a tub of spiders or something... I still freak whenever I see one though. :D

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Aw, that's terrible! No wonder you're so scared of them. While I don't mind them, I don't think I'd appreciate having a bucketful of them crawling all over me. It's weird how incidents like that can affect us for life. I wonder if your cousin knows about your fear now? :D


Boys can be cruel. I was about 9 when the naughtiest boy in our year held a bottle of liquid paper in front of nose and told me to smell it. I did, and then he got me to read the label which said something like 'sniffing this product may harm or kill you'. I freaked out, of course, thinking I was going to die. When I went crying to the teacher I got into trouble for doing what he told me to! ;)

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Aw, that's terrible! No wonder you're so scared of them. While I don't mind them, I don't think I'd appreciate having a bucketful of them crawling all over me. It's weird how incidents like that can affect us for life. I wonder if your cousin knows about your fear now? :D


Boys can be cruel. I was about 9 when the naughtiest boy in our year held a bottle of liquid paper in front of nose and told me to smell it. I did, and then he got me to read the label which said something like 'sniffing this product may harm or kill you'. I freaked out, of course, thinking I was going to die. When I went crying to the teacher I got into trouble for doing what he told me to! ;)


YOU got in trouble. Awe thats not fair!

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3. I can touch my nose with my top lip. (So funny watching people try this :D)


I can do this one!


1. I used to be able to get my right leg behind my head, but haven't tried for years

2. I've never really know either of my grandads, my Dad's dad died when my Dad was 16 and my Mum's Dad died when I was about 4

3. The day I got together with my boyfriend I knew I could fall in love with him

4. I have osteoporosis (brittle bones) and the boyfriend has dyspraxia (basically bad co-ordination) so if we have kids it could be a real disaster

5. I wear hearing aids and hate showing my ears. I lost count of the number of times I got told to tie my hair back at school.

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Heck no! He scared me. He really was the naughtiest boy around. A couple of years after that incident he threatened to stab me with some scissors. He's probably in jail these days. :D


Oh geez!! Hopefully he has turned himself around.


Lucybird, that is so sweet that you feel in love with your boyfriend right from the start. :D I love love stories like that.

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Heck no! He scared me. He really was the naughtiest boy around. A couple of years after that incident he threatened to stab me with some scissors. He's probably in jail these days. :D


I knew a kid like that. He sat behind me in 6th grade, and one day I noticed a shadow falling over my desk, and I looked behind me to see him standing over me holding a giant pair of scissors, as if he were going to stab me. I screamed and the teacher sent him to the principal's office. Yep, he's gotta be in jail by this point, along with my ex-boyfriend. :D

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Ooh this is officially my favourite thread!! :D


OK, five more about me:


1 - Despite being quite a typical girl, I just don't get the whole 'shoe' thing :D

2 - However I do love scarves, I just can't stop buying them!

3 - When I was born my feet were bent inwards, which meant that as a child I always had to wear Startrite shoes and tripped over a lot! There was talk of breaking my feet and resetting them, but luckily they straightened themselves out and are now more or less normal.

4 - I'm very very clumsy and a bit ditzy

5 - I eat far too many crisps

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Another five:


1-I jog a minimum of 12 miles every week.


2- My favourite shop in the whole world is the Topshop on Oxford Street!


3- I love my new Macbook Pro and am truly converted to Macs now!!


4- I hate celery.


5- I am frightened of toads!!

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1. I haven't bitten my nails for over a month (which is the longest time ever for me).

2. I am obsessed with anything to do with Johnny Depp.

3. It takes me nearly 2 hours to get to uni, and 2 hours to get back (by the time I've got on and waited for two buses :D)

4. I love it when it snows but hate when it turns to ice - the snow only lasts a short while :)

5. I have always lived in the same village and have no intention of moving away from Newcastle (at least no more than a journey's worth away). Of course that might change as I get older :lol:

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3. It takes me nearly 2 hours to get to uni, and 2 hours to get back (by the time I've got on and waited for two buses :D)


Would the Number 1 bus be part of this journey by any chance? It's supposed to turn up every seven minutes but I've waited well over an hour in the rain on numerous occasions. Then four turn up at once! :)

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Would the Number 1 bus be part of this journey by any chance? It's supposed to turn up every seven minutes but I've waited well over an hour in the rain on numerous occasions. Then four turn up at once! :D

:) This made me laugh because those buses have the weirdest timetable ever. You can wait over half an hour for one, then you see eight in a row. I'm sure they do it on purpose. I try to avoid them buses if I can.

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:) This made me laugh because those buses have the weirdest timetable ever. You can wait over half an hour for one, then you see eight in a row. I'm sure they do it on purpose. I try to avoid them buses if I can.

Ah.....The Number 1 bus! It's the reason a few of my friends learned to drive :D


5 more facts about me.


1) I'm seriously considering working towards a phD and get pretty excited when I think about it.

2) I'm not sure if I can afford said phD and it's a tad worrying :D

3) I love red liquorice laces! Yum!

4) I own 14 pairs of tan leather high heels and 4 pairs of tan leather knee high boots.

5) I often dress like it's 1964 :(

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