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All new What's for dinner?


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Can I ask what a 'chippy' is? A place that serves chips? I've seen the term on here and always wondered.


Went to lunch w/my mom earlier today so I'm having leftover chicken & spinach melt sandwich. We'll see how soggy the fries are by the time I open the container, lol.

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Sorry Peacefield :D A chippy is a takeaway fish 'n' chip shop that usually sells battered fish, chips, sausages, burgers, chicken and all sorts of food which can be deep fried. Some even do deep fried battered mars bars! Healthy stuff eh? :lol: Unfortunately now my mouth feels like its coated inside with fat and I could drink like a fish!

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It's my OH's birthday today, so he got the choice of what we were having for dinner tonight & he chose his favourite meal - fish & chips from the chippy. I was going to have a chicken shish kebab, but was too lazy so settled for the fish supper, too. Wish I hadn't! :lol:

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I had a burger king from the station as i travelled to hang out with a friend xD

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Last night I was at the hospital and didn't want to leave my Auntie, but I had to go for something to eat. So we ended up in some terrible McDonalds. Ergh. Saying that.. I had some chicken thing, and it wasn't that bad.

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Pork and apple sausages with root vegetable mash (potato, swede, carrot, butternut squash and parsnip) and onion gravy. Delicious!

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I read this with awe, and fascinated horror :lol:


:lol: They are supposed to be lovely, but I've never tried one :D


My OH made Chilli Con Carne and wholegrain rice today. It was delish! :lol:

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Not sure, going to Tesco soon to do some shopping. Might have some mash, carrots, chicken, gravy... onions.... Ohh I must buy some beef slices to put in sandwiches! Maybe I'll just have a beef sandwich tonight? Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.

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Still haven't had dinner. I need to get off here and go eat something.


My kitchen (as well as the rest of the house, my room and the shower excluded) is being repainted and refurnished* so all I have at the moment is fridge and microwave... I'll join you on the ready-made frozen meals marathon Julia *laughs*


*I dont even want to think of the state everything is in at the moment... and the cleanup I'll have to do before my mum gets back on friday *shudders* Supposing the workmen finish in time of course :lol:

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I'm just having a sandwich, I didn't feel like cooking after the trip to the shop. I have a massive sandwich, three slices of bread, mayo, corned beef, red onion and lettuce. :lol:


Edit: Now for dessert, I'm indulging in a gorgeous less-than-1.5%-fat chocolate milkshake - it's divine and low in Bad Things! :D

Edited by Nollaig
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