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Easy Reader

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Everything posted by Easy Reader

  1. Currently reading The Other Hand - Chris Cleave I don't know whether to laugh or cry with it
  2. I read this book years ago. I remember seeing Andrea Ashworth on Richard and Judy talking about it and immediately got a copy even though its not my kind of book and read it straight away - I remember thinking it just wasn't long enough and that no doubt she would follow it up with some great books. I really don't think it is known as well as it should be.
  3. Ahhh Thank you

    I have received plenty of chocolate you are all welcome to come and join in :-)

  4. If a topic has already been started then feel free to join in. with regards to the reading circle its just a case of getting people to read the same book at the same time to have a discussion together there is no reason why you can't add to an old post if you wanted to add to it. I assume most people like me click on "view new content" (top right hand corner of the screen) to see the latest posts so if you do add to an old thread its not going to go un-noticed.
  5. Welcome Julie Its always good to see a new name on here. I look forward to reading your comments on books.
  6. I am getting a bit behind with my reviews. I do want to review both To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee and The Remains of the Day - Kazuro Ishiguro but I am finding it hard to say what I mean. I have looked on here for threads for both books to see what others have said about them but I cannont find any can someone please point me in the right direction ?
  7. I wasn't much of a reader when I was a child but I did love Charlotte's Web E. B. White
  8. Thank you ladies, I now know to leave well alone.
  9. Has anyone read any Mills and Boons ? Ihave no idea why but last night I suddenly thought that perhaps I should read one just to see what they are like. Are they totally dire ? (that is the impression I have of them)
  10. I went into the Canterbury Waterstones at the weekend and saw that they had Rose Lane's Top Ten and I was standing there trying to think who Rose Lane was when I heard a member of staff explaining it to someone else and realised the shop is actually in Rose Lane I thought that was a good idea They also had 342's still out but not as plentiful as the last time I had been in there.
  11. Agreed. I got a bit bored with SK's books so thought I would try MW I only read one and it was awful so won't be trying any more MW's although I don't think the styels are that different that she needs two names, fair enough they aren't the same style but their not worlds apart either.
  12. I'm the same. I keep thinking when I finish a tree book that I should then read an ebook seeing as how I have them but then find myself picking up another tree book. I also keep looking on amazon at the prices and if its cheaper for the kindle think I will put it on the kindle but then I just never seem to get around to doing that one click to get it. I think my main problem is that I carry a book around with me to read on the bus or at lunch time and my kindle is just too expensive to be doing that (in my mind) I tell myself to read tree book during the day and ebook at night but I get so engrossed in tree book I forget to pick up ebook.
  13. Just to let you know you are now safe to look at the book my theory is wrong as it is Rob on the front of the book and now clearly not the winner. Can't believe Jason went too this week after two weeks of being star baker.
  14. soup and a roll trying to think what to have for dinner whilst eating lunch. Ihave chicken breast which I would like to have with mash potatoes and gravy but I want roast parsnips so thinking I may as well do roast potates to got with the parsnips.
  15. Books I was “forced” to read at school were: - -The crucible -Of mice and men -Walkabout -Animal farm -Another one I don’t know what it was called that was about a boy who woke up one day to find everyone had died (I can’t remember why) and he thought he was the sole survivor until he found two others about his age and then the three of them had a strange relationship together All of which I really enjoyed The only one I can remember that I didn’t like was “An Inspector Calls” but even that wasn’t that bad. I have enjoyed all the books that have been recommended to me by family and friends most of which I would never have chosen for myself. I don’t like recommending to other people though in case they don’t like it and then blame me. Having said that I have been passing on all my Jasper Fforde books as soon as I am finishing them to a friend and I think she is enjoying them more than me.
  16. imo that sort of book is just asking to be judged by its cover. I wouldn't want to read it as she looks like Geri from the Spice Girls and therefore I have already decided no matter what the book is about its all going to be about her, very self indulgent.
  17. I think you should suggest it to them as its a good idea. I only tried using it once and it read out "chapter III" as "chapter eye eye eye" as that was as much as I was prepared to put up with.
  18. cream crackers with extra light philadelphia, followed by salt and vinegar hula hoops and peanut m&m's I do like healthy lunch
  19. First Among Sequels - Jasper Fforde 5th book in the series which had my head spinning a little bit at the end and it very nearly made me want to read some poetry. Going to have a bit of a break now until the 6th book is avaiable in paperback started re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird on saturday. I first read this years ago when I was a teenager and I really didn't like it and several people have since told me to read it again which I have been intending to do for quite some time. So this satruday I picked it up and started reading I am sort of enjoying it but am having a little bit of trouble getting into the writting style however I didn't pick it up yesterday and am not that keen to read it today either but I shall persevere.
  20. I was relieved to have finish The Secret Scripture too I thought it was dire. I spent the first 2/3rds of the book not having a clue what was going on and then the last third having worked it all out and being very disappointed that I was actually correct as it was too unblieveable for me too. Due to your good judgement of the above I shall now be avoiding French Women Don't Get Fat.
  21. I am always too embarrassed to ask as well I normall go into book shops do a quick tour around and if I can't see immediately what I want then I leave without and try the next book shop. This is another reason why I like the waterstones 3 4 2's as they have them laid out on the table so its easier to see whats avialbale rather than doing a quick scan of the spines that are lined up on the shelves. And lets face it we do all judge to a certain degree books by their covers and reading spines doesn't give you that same judgement as seeing the cover. I don't really buy from the supermarkets but I do look as I find thats normally a good was of seeing new releases.
  22. I tend to get at the supermarket a packet of stir fry vegetables but sometimes find they have too much cabbage in them. vegetables you tend to find in them are: - beansprouts, sugar snap peas, baby sweetcorns, red and/or green peppers, onions, sping onions, pack choi, carrotts, sweetcorn (ordinary) and water chestnuts (which you can also get in tins). I would say basically you can use any vegetables you like, I tend to find its the sauces you use that make the difference. I also like to cook mine a person a time ie I will cook a portion for one person then do a portion for another person after that as they don't take long and cook better with less in the wok. This also means you can put in what each person wants each time so no one has to pick out the bits they don't like. I have also recently discovered some cooking oil especially for the wok I can't remember if it was wok oil or stir fry oil but it works much better than olive oil which is what I was using before.
  23. I have the opposite approach to 3 4 2 shopping. I tend to go into Waterstone just to browse and then come out with 3 books. In fact I normally come out wanting a 4th one too but tend to leave that behind.
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