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Easy Reader

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Everything posted by Easy Reader

  1. Funny you should ask I got the first disc through lovefilm on Thursday. I played the first episode but fell asleep towards the end . but I will watch it back again I am determined to get to grips with it. What I did see seem to stick faithfully to the book and I was reconising lots of it so perhaps I understood more than I thought I did .
  2. I am currently half way through The Remains of the Day and have sort of got a bit stuck with it. I am finding thats its a good story but just too slow going and I am getting annoyed that he starts telling you something then realises you don't know that story so then has to start again sort of thing. I haven't watched the film was going to look for it after reading the book
  3. Thats a very good point but I am in the middle of sorting out my books and realise I need to dispatch of some read ones and read all the others as my shelves simply aren't big enough to hold them all so re-aquiring books isn't an option at the moment. (might see if you can download them on to kindle though )
  4. I know what you mean. I studied it for my a-level english and like you really enjoyed the first part when Pip was a boy and then lost interest when Pip moved to the city and I don't remember it picking up at all. But after the first reading I started to re-read (never did finish it the second time)and enjoyed the "grown up" section much more on the second reading than the first. I didn't finish the second reading as I had done my exams by then and saw little point in carrying on. Perhaps you could read a detailed synopsis of it befor carrying on see if that helps pick up your interest in it.
  5. Day 26 – A book that changed your opinion about something can't think of anything I try and stay away from heavy books that require a look of thinking I tend to read to escape Day 27 – The most surprising plot twist or ending The Life of Pi - Yann Martel - Obviously can't say much without giving it away but the twist at the end left me not knowing if I was surprised or if I felt cheated but then I decided it kind of made reading the rest of the book worthwhile.
  6. Toast - Nigel Slatter I had avoided it for a long time assuming it would be dull and boring but after watching it on the bbc over Christmas I relaised I was wrong and had to read it Lost in a Good Book - Jasper Fforde I became interested in JF after seeing Chesilbeach's avatar I hadn't heard of or noticed these wonderful books with fantastic covers before but I am making up for lost time now - chose LiaGB over the Eyre Affair as I am more familiar with Great Expectations
  7. As soon as I saw your first post on Mary Wesley my first thought was "I don't think I have seen her mentioned on here" I read all her books one straight after the other and a few years ago I gave them all the charity have regretted it ever since I wouldn't mind re-reading them esp as over time my memories have faded too much. I also have her biography but it is as yet unread
  8. What have I done I was wondering around Tescos this morning and came across a stand that had 3 Stieg Larsson books for £5 I brought them all three just because they were £5 (or £3 each) I have no idea what they are about or even if I am interested in them I just know that they seem very popular on book forums
  9. The Blind Side 8/10 I had no idea it was based on a true story which made it less chessy than I first thought
  10. I haven't actually heard anything about it but am looking forward to it
  11. Books and sweets are always falling into my basket I have today received a book that agreed to swap the trouble is I have ended up with a book with the right title but alas the wrong author I only have myself to blame Yesterday I got 2 books from ebay. I haven't got books from ebay for a long time because new postal size and weight stuff bumped up the postage too much but now charity shop books are getting expensive too and was just browsing on their generally and found Dreams of My Father and The Brontes Went to Woolworths reasonably priced with free postage apparently both in like new condition too
  12. Day 25 – A character who you can relate to the most I really don’t know. Obviously I wish I could say that I really relate to Thursday Next because I too have a crime fighting job that requires me to jump into books, nothing seems to phase me oh and I have a pet Dodo too. But unfortunately it would be a lie. I cannot think of anyone that I can relate too so I think I will have to pass on this one.
  13. Currently at work hoping someone will offer to make me a cup of tea. I can't be bothered to go downstairs and get one myself.
  14. He was the reason I watched it but yes I agree it was too much to bear this time normally I can over look it.
  15. Well I am pleased it left you looking it just left me looking
  16. Oh no another one to be added to the wish list.
  17. Can you use 2nd hand kindles I was under the impression only the person whos name its registered to could use it. I did read something in the economist (its about the only thing I read in there) in January saying that the new release will bring down the price of the current one. I was looking on waterstones website yesterday and they have an ereader on there that I haven't seen before for £80 I didn't read the details though just in case it sounded better than my kindle.
  18. oooh #4 is my next one to read I have been having a little break from them but reading the above posts I am intrigued now.
  19. I saw this on tv this morning but it had a countdown timer on it then what is everyone guessing ? I am going to go for a themepark Potterworld
  20. I have seen a double ended bendy torch that you can make "u" shape out of and put behind your neck so the light will fall straight onto your book but I think the biggest draw back of this would be the same as wearing one of those miner light head lamp things and that is you will probably look a bit of a twerp whilst wearing it.
  21. Day 24 – A book that you wish more people would’ve read We Need to Talk About Kevin, Lionel Shriver although I should specify that I only really want more people to read it if they have the same opinion as me. Without giving much away Kevin does a bad thing (you found out about it quite early on in the book) and the book is basically Kevin’s mother looking back over the years wondering if he turned out bad due to nature or nurture. I read this 4 or 5 years ago and still think about it regularly that’s how big an impact it left on me. Every now and again I will read online reviews of it and there is always someone who will anger me in their review. This happened just yesterday when looking on another book forum I read “the mother was completely heartless” without meaning to be rude I have to say this person is wrong. Although the mother does say she didn’t actually want to have children she did in my opinion try her best to love Kevin and I also feel sad for her that she didn’t really get the support from those around her that she needed. I know there is a thread on her for Kevin but I haven’t posted on it yet as I intend to re-read it before I do as I need to refresh myself on the finer details but I am pleased to see that there are no mother haters there. The general feeling seems to be that it’s a marmite book which I completely understand.
  22. I did use one on facebook I think it was called Bookshelves but I never kept it updated and always use my book journal for reference anyway. Good old fashioned pen and paper.
  23. I have just had a reading spurt where I read 3 books and finished 2 that were previously dragging on but now my mojo has slumped again on The Remains of the Day. Think I might have to put it to one side for a bit and start the next Thursday Next.
  24. I read and enjoyed The Woman Who Walked into Doors and I have read the follow up Paula Spencer and didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much I felt it didn't have the same kind of emotion to it. Paddy Clark is my favourite Roddy Doyle and Deportees is not bad at all for a book of short stories.
  25. No I am not that keen on twix but I have tried it with kitkats and tim tams although I haven't been able to find tim tams for some years now I should try it with penguins as they are similar currently drinking water - mmmm yum
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