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Everything posted by Univerze

  1. Difficult question. Hmm. Gonna name a few that just pop into my head now, who I come up with can change every day though.. Sean Bean, I love this man, I think he's got charisma and he seems like a really nice guy who you could have a nice night with chatting away.. and the fact that he's smoking hot doesn't bother me either. Dr Who (preferably the David Tennant incarnation hee hee), can you imagine the stories this guy has? And maybe I could get him to take me for a ride on the Tardis too.. Stephen Hawking.. cause I adore astronomy and astrophysics (even though I suck too badly at math&physics to fully get it). Though a dinner party with a man like this would be a bit awkward, but he's got a brilliant mind. Probably would rather follow classes by him than do a dinnerparty with him because there wouldn't be much of a discussion going on.. he'd be explaining me things all the time. Ehh.. maybe Emma Watson? I adore this girl, she's gorgeous and seems very likeable, have seen interviews with her and she seems like a fun person to be around. And did I mention she's drop-dead gorgeous? Well I love my eye candy too... Hmm. Maybe I should try for two different dinner parties? One intellectual one and one hottie party? Cause I don't see this one happening, three hotties and one brilliant mind hee hee. Not to say the hotties aren't brilliant here. I don't really get all of you who want to put their favourite authors up here. I don't want to meet them.. for me, the books are works of art, worlds of fantasy, and I think it takes away from the mystery of a book to fully realize there's a mere human mind behind this. So a short, brief meeting to express my appreciation for their work, and maybe a signing would be good, but no deep discussions please.
  2. Oh and i have to say this too, what's it with everyone loving Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Is the book very different from the film, because I hated the film. Hated, hated, hated. One of the few Depp films I cannot stand.
  3. 14/15 in 7,5 minutes.. got a little distracted on language, since English isn't my native language. The one mistake I made was just plain stupid, I didn't quite look right at the words hee hee. Sloppy. And I just looked up what grammar school was since I had no clue. Sorta like secondary school with latin, ancient greek and lots of science? I've done that, had one year of ancient greek before I dropped it, not very interesting, and I have had a few years of lessons in latin.
  4. Well if they read other stuff besides the hypes too, and make up their own mind about the books, then possibly, it's not a bad thing. However, some of these people only read these hype books, and don't think what they themselves think of those books, when you ask them for an opinion, they pretty much give you the opinion they think they're supposed to have.. I guess I am a bit of a snobby reader myself.. though there are some people that would see me as not a very "good/high-class" reader maybe, since I barely read outside the fantasy/sci-fi/horror genres. Many people seem to look down upon these genres, as if it's worth less than other books.
  5. Well generally I read everything as long as it's got nothing to do with every day life, or our every day world. So this genre topic really, horror/supernatural/fantasy and sci-fi. But in the horror genre these days there seem to be so many of the same books. (Okay in every genre but now we speak of this one in particular) So many ghost books, of someone that moves to some old house, usually after they've had some traumatic experience and then strange things start happening. Bah. Like you have so many movies like that these days, there are so many books like that too. Not saying there can't be good books in there, but I am just disappointed when I pick up something that seems like a nice horror book and you get something like this. Besides that I don't really know, for me there's very little book that actually are horror, and I read mainly fantasy these days.
  6. I have never read any of the Dr Who or Torchwood books, I adore both series, but I have just never read any books of series I love. I love Star Trek, Buffy, Angel etc, so there's plenty if I wanted to.. but somehow it feels to me like they wouldn't live up to the series. Also, I always get the feeling they would be like, easy books. You know, an easy and cheap read? I don't know if they are, I just know to me, it would feel like I am cheating on the rest of my books by reading something from a TV series. I'm weird, I know. Plus, when I read, I want something new, or some world explained to me in words, not in pictures. I like to develop my own characters, the sight of them, not go by how they look in the series. Which is why I hate reading the book after I've seen a film (though for instance with Anne Rice's books, the image I have in my head of the characters is very different than the film(s)). I think the change from seeing all those things, to have them described would maybe be too much. That the chance would be high that I'd hate the books just for that reason. Hard to describe really, but I think that, except for when I really run out of anything to read, I won't be reading any of them.
  7. Currently I am F'nor, rider of a brown dragon on the planet Pern, where the dragons are used to fight all-consuming spores called Threads falling from the sky, cast to this planet from a nearby planet. We've just discovered fire-lizards too, and I now have this golden queen fire-lizard.
  8. Well I agree with who it was that said I think any (okay most) people reading in public is cool. Seeing them read books I adore makes them look cool in my eyes, since then I'm like "hey a kindred soul".. Plus, living in the Netherlands, I love seeing people read books in English (or any other language besides Dutch, unless I think it's their native language)... because it shows they've mastered another language well enough to read in it. And that requires a certain level of intelligence, I love smart people. What I don't like seeing people read, what makes them look "uncool" in my opinion, is any books that's part of one of those hypes. You know, Twilight, Dan Brown, you name it. Those books that everyone's reading now, everyone suddenly thinks they're cool, where if you'd let them read it a few years ago before the hype, they wouldn't have thought much of it. I myself generally resist reading these hype books, just the fact that they're part of a hype makes me not want to read them. I hate hypes, I hate trends etc.
  9. -I love dogs, have grown up with them, have never had a cat but still consider myself more of a cat person. -If you include my 10 earrings, I have 16 piercings. -I've dyed my hair for about 8 years.. except now I haven't for 5 months. -I love all things cinnamon. -I have one brother, he's 2 and a half years younger, but people always think he's the older one.
  10. ^Ah I've never read any of her short stories.. mainly cause I don't like it that short stories are so, well, short. When I love something I want it to be a big, long, book. But she can have a very disturbing style I must agree.
  11. A slice of white-bread toast, with some cheese. Breakfast.
  12. Kell, those are lovely, and I agree, 13 pounds isn't that expensive.. I was going to recommend the Collector's Library ones Bookjumper mentioned, I have given someone Dracula as a present like that once.. they're pretty, and I love hardcovers. Yes, I agree, they're quite small and the paper is quite thin, but they're so much better than the Penguin Popular Classics or Wordsworth (have one of each, the Penguin one I'd never buy again, it's such a horrible color too). Those Collector's Library Editions are lovely too, but pricey. The Collector's Library smaller ones are very affordable, I payed 8,95, but that's in euros, they're 8 pounds I think. *checks* yup.
  13. Ugh, haven't read anything today yet, am due to leave for work in a few minutes and that's usually got me so tired by the evening I don't know if I'll get to read anything today. You know, sometimes your head wants to read but your eyes don't?
  14. Ugh, am browsing my online bookshop-site. Anne Mcaffrey books, am almost bouncing around, so many good and exciting books to read, wanna read them all, right now! Ahh, me and sites like this, sometimes it's just bad for me. *bounces around some more*
  15. Have read about 50 pages today of Dragonquest, and won't be all I read of it today, going right back to it. This series is even better in English than in Dutch.. and I do remember why I loved them so much when I read them first years ago.
  16. ^I still plan to re-read both LotR (since I only got through the first book) and Earthsea, since both have been years and years ago and my reading skills and taste have changed. And the suggestions I made too, aren't particularly too much like Tolkien, just epic fantasy like Tolkien..
  17. And if someone thinks HP is too child-like, Eragon isn't? Sorry, but I hated Eragon, is like a nice idea, but just not good enough. I recommend Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time series, a loooong series of big books (always good for escapism), that is set in a sort of medieval world, and deals with magic and creatures like in Tolkien's works. There's the Bitterbynde Trilogy, by Cecilia Dart-Thornton. I have only read the first two, but they're enjoyable books. The Earthsea books by Ursula K. LeGuin always reminded me of Lord of the Rings, particularly in a way where, it was hard for me to read Lord of the Rings, and I never really got through these books either, but I have heard people love them. Katherine Kerr is a writer your friend might also want to look into, she has several series of fantasy books, celtic based mostly, this series involves a lot of flashbacks to previous lives/incarnations of the lead-persons, so if that's your thing, they're great series. Actually, there are a lot of fantasy series that in a way, resemble Lord of the Rings, mostly in plot. You know, ancient evil reawakens, a group of people from different races has to work together to save the world, undertaking some sort of queste. Check this page out, wikipedia always helps me lots. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fantasy_novels
  18. I have two different opinions or whether I like to keep my books looking good or not. One, is for my hardcovers, my pretty books and books that mean a lot to me (you know, when I finally get to buy it after having read it several times at the library or something). Those books I treat with care. I love hardcovers too for letting me read them over and over without looking mangled, even though I hate dust jackets or whatever that cover's called. Then, there's paperbacks. Most, if not all, of my paperbacks look like they've been read plenty. I have to enjoy reading, and I can't when I am constantly worrying if I crack the spine or not. So my paperbacks can look really bad.. I always figure when it's so mangled I have the urge to throw it away, I'll buy me a cheap-ish hardcover some day. Like at some discount book store, or when I walked into Forbidden Planet with a friend and discovered they had the very pretty hardcover of Kushiel's Chosen for just 4 pounds. But besides cracking the spine, I keep them looking nice. You know, no dog-earing, no smudges etc. AND it's for ME to mess up my books. When I loan my books to someone (rarely ever happens, my friends don't care about my kind of books, nor do they read english ones), they have to be returned to me in exact the same condition they were. And about the parcels being delivered.. well I order just at one online shop since I don't have a creditcard and we don't have that many national online bookshops. So I always order at the cheapest one, which also happens to be the one that has the most books, and the best service. It's a shop that started out as new books shop, but now sort of intermediates for second hand books too... have bought my copy of Harry Potter and... eh, well can't remember which one exactly, but it looked brand new. However, if you have complaints, the book's not as expected, the shop makes sure you get money back etc. So that makes it safe to buy secondhand books. And our post is usually very careful with parcels, yay.
  19. Hee hee, my brother's name is Leon, and he has a Seat Leon too. I finished Dragonflight today (Anne McCaffrey), guess it was only around 200 pages, and since I have this omnibus thingie of the first three books in her Dragonriders of Pern series, it's on to the next part, Dragonquest.
  20. ^I can agree with that, but I can struggle to read a new book, but if my mind's put to re-reading one I have already read, it's hard to read the new one. Sometimes you just want something you've already read, plus sometimes I don't have the money to read something new. My local library (or actually, the libraries in this part of my country, since you can order any book from any of those) sucks. It doesn't have a lot of books I want to read that I haven't read yet, or they just have the translated versions. And since I am pretty much determined to read them in english if that's the original language they're written in.. So often too, re-reading is something I do when I have no choice.
  21. I am surprised to see not everyone re-reads. I do that, so many times. I just buy books when they're my favs or I know I'll like them (money issues) and those I re-read over and over. My favourite books, I might have read at least 10 times. I think every good book deserves to be read at least two times. The first time you can't really judge, at least with me. Is like watching a film once, the second time is very different. Second time around you see different things. I have books I have read six times and still every time is different. And some books, they're like my favourite place to be, the world, the characters have become home and friends to me. But seriously, if you like a book, why not re-read? Is like you watch a film you love multiple times, you don't just watch it once do you? I don't get people who don't re-read.
  22. If by remake you mean the 2001(-ish?) film, it's horrible, and has very little to do with the book. A lot has been sacrificed to make it a more popular, more Hollywood type of film. The beginning is okay, at least not annoying and with reasonable acting. The special effects too, are good, when he travels through time, looks amazing. But from when he comes into the future, troubles start. The Morlocks, the Eloi, everything is different. And I think it's Samantha Mumba that plays Weena, and she's horrible. But the Eloi here are no longer the docile, indifferent creatures, they're pretty much a normal people.. the Morlocks have a class system suddenly and are just quite different. I didn't like this film one bit, though you should probably see for yourself to see what they made of it.
  23. You know, I looked this book up and I think I might read it, I love post-apocalyptic fiction in general and already thought about reading Day of the Triffids, but now it seems this writer has more good books.
  24. In 15 minutes, CSI Miami, then Lie to Me, then House will be on telly.
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