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Everything posted by AbielleRose

  1. The book sounds interesting, though its not normally something that would pique my interest enough to buy if it didn't have Rowling's name on it. I do want to read it out of curiosity (meaning I want to see how she does as a writer outside of her Harry Potter bubble) but won't be spending that much money on it. No doubt it'll debut #1 on the best seller list so it'll be on the 30% off shelf at Barnes and Noble right away. If its on that table I may pick it up, if not maybe when its on sale or paperback.
  2. Big hugs, Chrissy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  3. The worst shaking was at the beginning when they were trying to show the movie from Katniss' point of view. As soon as the camera was on her and not what she was seeing it got much better.
  4. Glad you enjoyed it, Michelle. I haven't quite gotten around to reading the book but went to the movie knowing the storyline and ending. The movie was beautifully done and the effects were so convincing. Having seen it on the IMAX screen I could have done with a little less camera shaking because certain points made me close my eyes to try and refocus. The story is wonderful. Its hard these days to find a unique story. Can't wait for the next movie (hopefully I'll have been able to finish all 3 books by then!)
  5. Aw! Congrats, Michelle! I bet the girls are just thrilled.
  6. Hope you like it and can stick with it Chesil! Its so much harder to work out when you have it at home, IMO. I have a Biggest Loser work out DVD but they go so darn fast in it and I just can't keep up. My apartment has a 'gym' (aka, a broken treadmill and a stationary bike in a small closet-like room) that I'm going to try and make more use of, especially this week. My legs are horribly out of shape and I need to get my diet back on track. Slimfast works but I can't seem to stay away from the bad things.
  7. Is LoveFilm strictly a UK thing, Michelle? I have Netflix and am not all that happy with their streaming selection. Of course it all depends on your taste and they do change things up every few weeks. Hulu usually has enough for me since they put up current shows the day after they air so that's pretty much the reason I am quitting Netflix (sorry you don't have Hulu).
  8. I really liked Dollhouse. It was a great series that didn't get nearly enough credit.
  9. Tacos with Doritos shells from Taco Bell. Soooo good!
  10. Consider it on the list. I'm leaving for Aberdeen in about 2 hours and will really need some reading material to make it through the drive and the next 6 days.
  11. I wasn't going to do this, but that sneaky, sneaky forum owner who's name should remain anonymous *cough* Michelle *cough* forced me to go book shopping today. By forced I mean she totally, against my will, made me buy new books. *offers Michelle chocolates and huggles* Seriously, though. It's time I focus on reading more, whether that naggy voice in the back of my head gets after me with lists of other things I *should* be doing or not. There's always enough time to go around. I need to learn to fall in love with reading again and make THAT a priority. I need to change that voice so that when I'm watching tv or doing something else the little voice will get after me and make me feel guilty for not using that time to read. Since this is a bit spontaneous, I don't have a list of books prepared so I'll just start off with the ones I bought today: The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey Paranormalcy and Supernaturally by Kiersten White Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
  12. You has teh power! I can't wait to pick this one up. Lately I've been looking for some good stories with just a tiny toe into the fantasy world. Its nice to have a grounded realistic setting with that little bit of magic in there.
  13. That sounds really interesting, Michelle. Think I'll have to put that one on the list! How did you find/hear about this book?
  14. Sorry I haven't popped my head in here in a while. I hope everyone's doing well! There's no hate, VF. A little jealousy, maybe. Lately I've been awful with my health. Since the holidays I've put on 10 lbs and I really need to be working on losing that plus another 50-60. Last week I started the SlimFast shake system again but the last couple days I've cheated and had pizza and lots of sugary treats. Starting Monday nights I'm going to a Zumba class with some friends. Its a great work-out and my butt feels like someone whacked it with a bat.
  15. I love this picture, poppyshake! You make tea cozies look so good. This is really the only 'recent' picture I have of myself. It was taken while driving to Chicago for the USA vs Poland friendly soccer match in October 2010. We had stopped at a gas station somewhere in Minnesota (at least I think it was judging by the Vikings merchandise in the background ).
  16. So cute!!! Aww, They're so sweet, Paula. Quinn almost looksl ike she's praying for Dylan to get out of her personal space.
  17. Barnes and Noble blurb: Book 1 of The Cambion Chronicles He's persuasive, charming, and way too mysterious. And for Samara Marshall, her co-worker is everything she wants most—and everything she most fears. . . Samara Marshall is determined to make the summer before her senior year the best ever. Her plan: enjoy downtime with friends and work to save up cash for her dream car. Summer romance is not on her to-do list, but uncovering the truth about her flirtatious co-worker, Caleb Baker, is. From the peculiar glow to his eyes to the unfortunate events that befall the girls who pine after him, Samara is the only one to sense danger behind his smile. But Caleb's secrets are drawing Samara into a world where the laws of attraction are a means of survival. And as a sinister power closes in on those she loves, Samara must take a risk that will change her life forever. . .or consume it. I loved this book's fresh take on YA paranormal romance. Its simple and not overdone, which IMO is a bit hard to find these days. Sam, feels like a friend you see in everyday life, not just one you want to become friends with but one you already are friends with and Caleb is captivating. I really can't recommend this enough to anyone wanting to find something new among the YA section of their local bookstore. I can't wait for book 2 to come out in a few months.
  18. I'm 4 chapters into Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson and loving it. This is the most I've been able to read in months and it feels so good to be able to sit down and really get into a good book!
  19. Hm... let's start with Hawaii. I bet they went there and those little stinkers are sipping mai tais on the beach. Let's go bust them and steal their beach chairs!
  20. What book are you reading, Pixie? I've tried everything to get my mojo back. New books, old favorites, new books by old favorite authors, old books by authors I've never heard of... Nothing, not even favorites, seem to keep my interest. Wanna go mojo hunting?
  21. Thanks James. I feel kinda guilty coming here lately since I haven't been reading as much. How have you been doing lately? Keeping out of trouble, I hope.
  22. I picked up a new book the other day called Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. So far its really good. My mojo has been missing for some time now but maybe this book can lure her back. As I look back on this thread I'm a little ashamed I haven't done more reading this year.
  23. I got my shot on Thursday... 2 weeks after I got the flu for the season. Not sure if it was worth getting the shot since I already had it but it was free at work.
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