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Everything posted by AbielleRose

  1. Aww, thanks I've kenneled her in the bathroom and she's just howling. Poor baby. Its taking all of my strength not to let her sleep in my bed.
  2. Awwww! Thanks guys. She feels so welcome and at home. She's currently sleeping peacefully on my friend's chest after a rather rowdy half hour of laser pointer fun.
  3. Mango is officially the cutest little kitten I've ever seen! She's a little stinker and keeps trying to cuddle just under my chin right now while I'm typing, (and she's been into EVERYTHING). I adore her, she's very chatty and if I go into another room she'll start meowing until she either finds me or I come back. I adore her! I've snapped loads of pics so far and included a couple below. She's been trying to help me clean, checked out the library and is saying hi now by sitting on my keyb`oard.q.. 3555555555555555555555555555588888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888894444444444444444444WWFFFFFFFFS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB555555555555555555NM
  4. Jasper sure does have a lot of personality! You've got your hands full with him, Kylie! Hopefully you can find something else to keep him out.
  5. Oh gosh! I'd forgotten about Raven's obsession with Fang! Maybe I should name her that just to see what he says... naw....
  6. Tomorrow morning my apartment is in for a make-over as I'm bringing home my new 6 week old yet-to-be-named kitten! She's mostly white right now and has lovely blue eyes but is half siamese and starting to get orange siamese markings on her ears and face. I was hoping you guys could help me think of some names for her. I've been researching Japanese names and orange-related names (like Cheeto or Mango). I've been expecting to adopt her since before she was born (a friend's friend had a pregnant cat and was taunting me with the potential cuteness...) Not sure if this link will work, but its a link to my facebook page where my friend tagged a video of my little girl with her litter playing with a baby. Its so cute! The kittens are about 4 weeks old in the video. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/video/video.php?v=10150200700792441&comments&set=t.500454668&type=1
  7. I think everyone was expecting him to be more like "Taylor Lautner" hott. He's cute, just not really who I would have imagined physically in the role. Everyone will fall in love with him in time, though. They always do. I think those evil green pigs from Angry Birds have stolen my reading mojo.
  8. What a good dream to have! Wish you could come here sometime. There is a bookstore called Zandbros and its so quirky and unique, I know you'd just love it! Hope the dreams aren't interfering with your quality of sleep. xx
  9. Have you thought about rubbing the wires with something that tastes really nasty to cats like lemon juice or lotion or something? Maybe that would help What a little stinker!
  10. They've just cast Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace Wayland in The Mortal Instruments series! He's not quite who I'd have pictured in the role, but he is a good actor from what I've seen. I can't wait for them to finally start filming City of Bones!!! http://www.deadline.com/2011/05/camelots-jamie-campbell-bower-gets-lead-in-screen-gems-the-mortal-instruments/ <3 <3 <3
  11. Ah, thanks! It would be really cool to study Irish, they have such a lyrical way of speaking... but some of the words are just crazy!
  12. When I read the HP books I pronounced Hermione as 'Air- my-oh-nee' because I was studying Spanish and had gotten it into my head that the name had a silent H. I work a job where I have to talk to people on the phone from all over the country. On average I take about 80 calls a day and have discovered that it is near impossible for me to say any kind of Thai name and most Indian names correctly. In books I rarely say Irish names correctly. The main one that comes to mind is Siobhan. I still have no idea how to say that one!
  13. Hope you enjoy the whole series, SK! Like Kylie, I'm jealous you get to watch it all for the first time! For some reason I've had the phrase 'My leg is haunted.' stuck in my head all morning. Its from an episode in either season 1 or 2 when Lorelai has a cold and wants something more unique and cooler.
  14. Hope you enjoy City of Bones. Cassandra Clare is one of my favorite authors. Her world is just so easy to get lost in!
  15. Risoto (very al-dente because I can't cook rice to save my life... but what do you do when you're craving something? )
  16. Your rats are so cute! Hope Levi gets well soon! xx Kylie, EWWWW! Let him go after the little lizard thingies! They're creepy! Jasper sure is one spunky kitty.
  17. I'm starting to think Hamlet is part skunk. Its hard to get a good picture of him because he's so twitchy.
  18. What a sweet looking pup, Ken. Paula, Quinn and Dylan sure are dramatic! Looks like they had a little spat and aren't talking to each other! You should try getting that clear carpet protecting matt stuff, the kind that has little plastic spikes on the bottom to keep it from moving when you walk on it, and cut it to fit around the places you don't want Jasper to go and turn it so the little spikes are facing upwards. Its one way you train your cat not to jump on certain thiings, after a few attempts they associate that place with being uncomfortable and won't do it.
  19. Hello and welcome to BCF! There are quite a few people here who are very into cross stitching as well. Are you a fan of So You Think You Can Dance?
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