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Everything posted by AbielleRose

  1. Thanks hun I've been working on the design for it and will probably get it in a couple weeks along with another on my shoulder.
  2. Awww! The poor thing! You just want to cuddle him and tell him everything is going to be okay!
  3. That's fantastic Janet! I love it! Was it as painful as you thought? I also got a tattoo today (my 3rd). Its only the outline, in a couple weeks I'm going back to get clockwork parts drawn into the bird's body.
  4. Getting another tattoo today! :D

    1. Janet


      Coolio - I got my first ever one done this afternoon! x

    2. AbielleRose


      Ooh! *runs off to stalk tattoo thread* I can't wait to see it!

  5. I agree with kurtz. Language is constantly evolving. It is a good thing, IMO, to challenge one's self by reading older books with period words (like Pride and Prejudice with it's words like 'felicity' and 'abhor') because not only do they help expand our vocabulary, but they also add color and help set the scene for the story. Certain stories wouldn't have as much magic if they were written (or translated) into modern English. One of my favorite books of all time, Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, was written in the 1700's and has been translated several times into modern English. Sure the story is the same in the end, but only the original version feels like the story the author intended it to be. (Sorry for the long rant. ) I say keep reading the classics even if you need to look up words because eventually (and you may not even notice at first) you'll start ignoring your dictionary because you'll have learned so much.
  6. I Will Follow You Into The Dark- Death Cab for a Cutie
  7. I have internet again! :D

  8. Thanks, Janet! Felt like time for a little change. :) How are you doing?

  9. Pot roast, stuffing and steamed carrots. Possibly a Cadbury's caramel egg for desert.
  10. So glad you enjoyed Clockwork Angel! Are you team Jem?
  11. I just had a final look at the two tattoos I'm getting next week. One will be a sparrow on my left wrist (to match the Defy Gravity I have on the right wrist) and the second will be In Omnia Paratus (ready for anything) along the inside arch of my right foot. Only one week from tomorrow!
  12. Ugh, don't you hate when they raise book prices like that? It seems like most of the YA books tend to run more expensive, too. Wonder why that is... Hope you enjoy Across the Universe as much as I did, Weave! The author is still writing the second book and I am dying for her to finish and get it out to us!
  13. How much do Kindle books usually run? I just have a Nook and am in love with it. So far I've downloaded 23 books and only spent about 15.00! What I'm most excited about is being able to borrow eBooks from the Fargo library on it! You just select them on the library website and then they automatically disappear in 2 weeks if you don't renew! Book technology is awesome. Right now I'm reading Beastly by Alex Linn. I'm only one chapter in but loving it! Will probaby finish today.
  14. I started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo earlier this week but just can't get into it.
  15. *begins evil plotting*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vodkafan


      Abby when did you change your username ?

    3. Charm


      Oooh, I've just noticed that! ^

    4. AbielleRose


      Bwuhahaha, evil plot has landed! *grins and steeples fingers*

  16. I think it depends on the person. I started it a little over a week ago and just haven't been able to get into the story... but then again, quite a few people on here and elsewhere absolutely love the story and have no problem connecting with the characters.
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