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Everything posted by Nicola

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it Stephanie I love how it ends with
  2. America's Next Top Model (recording Glee )
  3. Same here for the big releases. Wonder if the Tyneside Cinema might show it now instead? Hmmm.....I'm off to check. Fingers crossed!!
  4. The usual cod in parsley sauce and vegetables for me (I'm hooked!) Considering whether or not to have the rest of my orange jelly too.
  5. I've just had a white chocolate mocha (a mocha almost everyday being my small addiction) and it was awful! Far too sweet Yack!
  6. Orange sugar-free jelly and strawberry yoghurt Bit of a strange combination but it's all I have in the house that's sweet.
  7. My BF recorded last night's America V Canada hockey game so that's on in the background
  8. I've read a few more chapters of Snuff and still enjoying it. I'm falling into the trap of thinking that I know where the book is headed.....no doubt something will happen soon that will leave me wondering what on earth is going on as is usual with Palahniuk. I'm also waiting for Sombrero Fallout by Richard Brautigan to turn up in the post. Any day now
  9. Thanks for the review Weave! I fancy reading this book
  10. I find it really difficult too. It's a tiring job but I guess someone has to do it eh!
  11. I think that was the only good thing about these books! I still can't choose between the two though :)
  12. You're on your own personal mission to be disturbed. (and I thought I was bad!! )
  13. Cry with sadness or cry with laughter? I also feel so sorry for poor Bruce. He has no control in that relationship at all does he
  14. I think the TV show is a zillion times better than the books. I just can't get away with Elena in the books and she reminds me of one of those 'My Super Sweet 16' kids on MTV But you're totally right, they're the sort of books that you just continue reading because you have to know what happens I'm going to write 'Sucker' on a sheet of A4 and stick it to the back of my own jacket before leaving the house tomorrow!
  15. Well I think I've just recorded the latest episode at some point tonight. The latest episode being the one with a charity boxing match (??) It was advertised by showing a clip of Kim Kardashian being punched in the face by a rather rough looking woman Now that's what I call entertainment!
  16. Well......I've finished the first four books in the Vampire Diaries and they're not great but I couldn't out them down (if that's possible!) I think I was generally interested in what happened but I really didn't like the lead character, the book seemed rushed and there was no depth of detail. Maybe it wasn't a great decision by me to read the books after a few months of reading Anne Rice, the queen of the finer detail. Overall I've given them 3/5. Not great, but I can just see me buying the 5th book of the series when it's released to further punish myself
  17. You can miss half an hour of the Kardashian's show and not miss anything
  18. I've been good and have resisted them all. I really fancy this book now that everyone's talking about how disturbed they were by it. (what does that say about me??? :))
  19. I think they're just shows that take zero brain power to watch. So after a day of studying or working you can just lose yourself for an hour or two
  20. Life's too short! I used to feel guilty for not finishing a book but these days, if I'm not enjoying it I'll put it down and not feel guilty
  21. I've fancied this book for so long. Would love to hear what you think of it I managed to read a couple of chapters of Snuff while waiting for my Aunt who was running late this morning. I'm really enjoying it and as is usual with Mr Palahniuk, it's well researched so I'm receiving an education in street gangs and pornography too. Not my usual areas of research but it's quite interesting all the same.
  22. Sorry! If it's any consolation, it's also in my head (replacing Cheryl Cole's new song )
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