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Everything posted by Lucybird

  1. Yes I do, a different ending would have been better, but the rest made up for the end, and the end wasn't exactly bad, just could have been better
  2. 1. I have osteoporosis but until October, when I got hit by a car, I hadn't broken a bone for about 15 years. 2. I have a degree in psychology 3. I have 2 sisters, I'm the middle one 4. I am a Harry Potter addict and can relate pretty much anything to Harry Potter, but Harry Potter books aren't actually my favourites 5. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years and he's my first proper boyfriend. We're doing long distance right now which is hard
  3. Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult Synopsis Shay Bourne is New Hampshire's only death row inmate, after having been found guilty of murdering a police officer and his stepdaughter. When Shay sees the police officer's daughter (Claire), who was born after his death, on the television because she needs a heart transplant he decides he needs to donate his heart for her after he has been executed. Will Claire's mother accept the heart to save her daughter, or will she not be able to let Claire have the heart of the man who killed her sister and father? After Shay's decision strange things start to happen in the prison and people gather outside believing he is responsible for the miracles. Is Shay responsible? Could he be more than he seems? Review After being somewhat disappointed with the last couple of Jodi Picoult books I've read (Second Glance and, to some extent, Mercy) I was happy to find that Change of Heart was back on form. It wasn't what I expected from the blurb though. It was more about religion than about the actual heart donation, although that was part of it. In that way it reminded me of Keeping Faith (and also had a brief apperance if Ian Fletcher) except that while Keeping Faith is about finding faith Change of Heart is more about challenging it. There were also elements which reminded me of My Sister's Keeper. About the morality of accepting the heart. As with most of Jodi Picoult's book there is some interesting information in this one, about religion and about heart transplants. As with My Sister's Keeper I found the end a bit of a cop out
  4. Oh it's something about he was an unusual boy in many ways, firstly he was a wizard, secondly he actually wanted to do his homework but had to study it at night...no that's Prisoner of Azkaban isn't it? Because he was writing his history of magic essay about witch burning and he finished it in diagon alley outside floren's ice-cream parlour...
  5. Sunday dinner today so. Roast lamb, roast potatoes, leeks, cauliflower cheese, carrots, peas and gravy.
  6. Nothing really, I guess I don't read those types of books. The closest was probably Engleby by Sebastian Fawkes, because I liked the ain character and kind of felt I shouldn't
  7. strangely I would be able to quote that off by heart even though I usually skip the first few chapters, but I couldn't do that with chamber of secrets which is my favourite.
  8. Well I just finished it but In the beginning, I believed in second chances. Change of Heart- Jodi Picoult
  9. Callum annoys me, he's the only one really. I actually saw Karl Kennedy's band when I was at uni, that was fun
  10. Chicken with lemon and coriander tonight
  11. We did have the evil sister though
  12. More lack of funds! I was buying more when I was working but didn't usually have a pile of more than 3, I would buy them in the 3 for 2 offer at waterstones, read them then buy more. I have 2 others I'm waiting to receive though
  13. I can't believe they gave away such a big thing in the advert though!
  14. lol you forgot the psychiatrist. Personally I'd say Tye is the most attractive too, but really there's been nobody that attractive since Dylan left
  15. Did anyone else see the preview/advert for next weeks episode? Think I worked out
  16. I saw this on Monday while the boyfriend was here. Was good, but a little predictable in parts I think. It made me laugh more than I expected, in fact it wasn't really what I expected at all but it was good all the same
  17. I have a bookmooch account, but my wishlist is much longer than my inventory! My username on there is lucybird too, feel free to friend me
  18. I have a friend who sometimes eats left over curry first thing, so pasta isn't so weird after that. We had chilli tonight
  19. Everyday . They dragged out the who's pregnant thing a bit too long I think, I prefer the story know we know. Declan is being a bit of an idiot, but I still think Bridgit is being a bit hard on him, he was obviously just acting like that cause he was freaked out
  20. Because there's not space for them all I hated leaving all my books behind when I went to uni too. I gained so many while there I filled almost a whole new bookcase though
  21. Which one do you want to see? We have umm...*counts* 8 bookcases or shelves in our house, 3 of which have some of my books on...oh make that 4 of which...the whole of my family has trouble getting rid of books.
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