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Everything posted by Andaira

  1. That's wonderful! Hopefully it'll have lived up to any expectations had .
  2. The same thing happened to me the first time that I attempted to read Dracula (I believe I was around 15). Though it just took me one more year to finally get around to trying again, and I loved the book. I'm very glad you came out of the experience with those thoughts on it . Both A Clockwork Orange and Gerald's Game are both on my TBR and actually on request by me from my library at the moment. Your reviews on both books do make them seem a bit daunting, lol, but I love a challenge.
  3. That I couldn't tell you, 'cause I haven't seen the movie yet (it's on my "To-Watch" list...maybe next week). But I highly recommend the book; it is definitely worth it, for all ages.
  4. Oh you'll make it . Happy readings! I'll be browsing by sporadically to see how it goes along
  5. That's great! Yea I don't run, I walk my miles. Not at a leisurely pace, lol, but I still walk them. I get injured shins pretty easily, so while I enjoy running, I tend to walk most of the time. I enjoy it greatly.


    My day has been good but alas, I could not work out today, due to said shins. One of them was just a bit tender since I upped the number of reps yesterday.


    I'm very eager to get to the end of the book. When I get this near a book's ending, I just want to plow through it to get to that final chapter.

  6. Somebody that's not me reads fast as well!
  7. Okay, wow, that is beyond lucky for you! You might even get these books if you fancy them once you get to Waterstones and they happen to be around . I'm a bit jealous, I'll admit
  8. LOL That was great. Same here though.


    And yea I am a mere 7 chapters away from finishing the book. I read like a possessed person today :P

  9. I haven't bought a CD in such a long time. I believe that the last one was Dark Passion Play, from Nightwish.
  10. Andaira


    Hello there, Dan, and welcome!
  11. That's great news, since I have been looking forward to reading the Savannah Chronicles ever since I found out about them, so I'll be hopping on the BCF blog to see if I find those reviews and find out what she thought of them. And that is rather brave of you then for reading the book , but there seems to be at least a small part of you that's surely enjoying the read because you've kept at it from what I can notice .
  12. I agree. Also (and this is due to the fact that my mom works in a day care with 3-year-old children, and I've spent time in the classroom helping out now and again), children tend to want to know (by seeing) what is happening. They like that sense of direction and the ability to point out and even have the image explained to them (even if it's being written about it in the passage one might've read to them). My cousin's son, when I read to him (he's 2-years-old), loves to sit in my lap, with the book in his lap, pointing to the images as I go along and then he'll ask me a question or two about it along the way. He learns about the things around him in a day-to-day basis, a lot of times, due to illustrations in books that teach him about those very same things.
  13. It costs more too I think. We buy such large amounts of books at a time sometimes
  14. Today the weather is very good, yesterday it was perfect and I got to do my miles. I'm just wary about how it's going to be tomorrow night!

  15. Dad made some delicious spaghetti tonight.
  16. I'm not picky about the what kind of music genre I prefer. I tend to concentrate more on the particular song rather than the genre. If I like the song, then I just happen to like a song from whatever genre it belongs to. I'm pretty eclectic. I go from classical, to opera, to metal.
  17. That's a fantastic read, radjack. Hope to read some thoughts on the volume once you've finished . Happy reading!
  18. Same here, lexi . I'm glad I could provide you with some wishful books for the future .
  19. Yea that was another good one. I sent the site to a few friends for some laughs.
  20. Don't tell me about the battle! :P I'm on chapter 14 now since I started with chapter 5 this morning. I'm hoping to kill two more chapters before dinner :D

  21. These are great. Romeo and Juliet was my favorite.
  22. Oh I can't wait to hear what you think of this once you've finished it. It sounds like something I'd definitely love to read .
  23. I surely will soon as I finish setting it all up
  24. Really?! Wow I'll be needing to check that out. It certainly would be interesting to see HP in Island of Adventures. Dad has been wanting to go visit Orlando for the theme parks for a while, lol, and I admit that I'd enjoy going too. Lately he's been on this thrill where he HAS GOT to go travel at least to one place in the world. We might go to Vegas this year.


    And I'm very excited about my book blog...oooooooh the possibilities :D


    HP is soon (well, in a few hours lol) to be picked up by moi.

  25. Has anyone read these books? I came across them not three days ago while I was browsing through the website of my favorite bookstore, and have decided to put them on my wish list. It'd be great to hear any thoughts on the series if others have given it a try. >Here< is a link to the site with synopses of the books, for reference.
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