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Everything posted by bethany725

  1. Now as far as pale skin goes, that combination could actually work for me! For the most part, I tend to go for the darker skin... could be one explanation why I picked an Indian husband...
  2. Aaaah.. something so sexy about that lad.. And I happen to like darker skin, not paler! He still got me though.
  3. This is true, but better than setting her hair or skin on fire!
  4. Tiger- What's a "Grey Lady" ?
  5. You're not kidding! It baffles me.. I mean I enjoyed the series, but I certainly couldn't defend it 'til my death like some fans can! I can only take it for what it is to me, and thats just simple, easy entertainment.
  6. I laughed out loud.. literally.. when I read this. This is hilarious! I can so picture you flapping the book around and your BF being like "um.. you're in a tub of water..." :lol:
  7. Umm.. WTH is that?! Tonight, I'm thinking easy spaghetti.. it's just so simple and breaks up the monotony of Indian food!
  8. Woo hoo!! Congrats, Echo! And I like your chatterbugginess.
  9. I'm enjoying it so far and hope to get through a lot of it today.. It's a pretty short book but I just haven't had the time to devote to it. Thanks for your feedback. :)

  10. The bath is my favorite place! I've done this since I was little, and I've probably only dropped a handful of books in. *don't judge me.. it's not a bad record for that many years!* It's terrible, but I'm willing to settle for the risk of puffy pages rather than giving up my bathtub reading!
  11. Isla Fisher plays Becky in the movie.. She played Gloria in "Wedding Crashers".. the one opposite Vince Vaughan. She acted all crazy and obsessed and attacked him at night, etc.
  12. I can usually absolutely start another one, unless I've been reading a tough, long book or a really long series (even one as light as Twilight). Otherwise, I have no problem jumping into the next one.
  13. I'll probably end up watching it, too, and being annoyed at it as I always tend to do with film adaptations of books. I'm just going to try to go in with no expectations and see how I do! I do like the girl that plays "Becky" in the movie.. She was hilarious in "Wedding Crashers."
  14. I'm an American and can only speak for myself, but think you could be right about this, ii. I honestly didn't think twice when I read this thread title, despite the fact that I did a lot of research and papers on the Holocaust and Nazi Germany during college. I can see how some people may be offended by a flippant use of any word like this, but it doesn't really come across as offensive to me, personally.
  15. There are definitely some difficult parts -- it IS hard to leave behind my friends that we make, but at the same time, I've been able to make so many more friends than I would have otherwise, and I still keep in touch with the closest ones. It's a huge opportunity for me, personally, since I grew up in the same fairly small town and really never left the area until I was 25 years old. So when my fiance interviewed and got a job that let us travel and move around every 6 months for two years, with 2 of those rotations being international, we pretty much jumped at the chance and turned down several other offers to accept this one. I'd never traveled, and we started the rotations immediately after we got married. What makes it great for us is that I think we entered with the right mindset -- We KNEW what we were signing up for, and we knew it was only 2 years. And since we're both young (26 and 29) and aren't planning to start a family right now, it was the perfect time for us to take the opportunity. There are adjustments every time we move, but overall, I wouldn't trade this opportunity for anything, and I wouldn't turn around and march back home right now, even if I could. So far we've done NYC, Missouri, and India.. each for 6 months. We have one more rotation to do, and I'll honestly say much of me will be sad when this experience is over. I have the rest of my life to settle down and establish roots in one place, start a family, etc. But for now, being young and newlyweds, I'm having a blast doing this.
  16. Tooooo annoying! I'd probably have to say something about that one... haha! I couldn't handle it. Thank goodness you've only had to deal with it a couple times!
  17. Reading this thread makes me wish I had a local bookstore that I loved... We've moved so much lately that the best hope I have of getting my hands on books that are on my list is to just find the chain and go for it. The independent ones in India sell mostly only Indian authors, which makes sense. Maybe when we settle down a bit, I can find a good local bookstore to support, in conjunction with the library. For now.. I'm just grateful for the chains since I can actually find some of the things I'm looking for there!
  18. Oh goodness! This has never happened to me and I'd be really baffled if it did! What in the world???? How nosy can people be??
  19. This is hilarious, Cabrasopa! You should give them a diagram of the front and back cover so they can place "x" marks where any pre-existing damage is!
  20. Alrighty, after I'm all weepy from Lexie's message.... Here is a list of 5 things about me: 1. I love baked potatoes with only salt and pepper on them. 2. I have a pretty strong southern US accent. 3. I'm a very girly-girl.. love make-up and fixing my hair and dressing up and all those shallow things. 4. I was adopted by my parents when I was 14 months old. 5. I've lived in 4 states and 2 countries in the past year.
  21. I'm not a big film person, as I tend to get distracted really easily during them. However.. I have made it through some, so am posting some of the ones I love! Little Women Two Weeks' Notice My Father The Hero Not Without My Daughter How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Sleeping Beauty Sophie and the Moonhanger 28 Days
  22. ii's right .. Can't assume anything .. I actually turn my page from the middle of the page -- not the upper right corner! Isn't it strange how we all do all of these things differently with the same books?
  23. Hi and welcome, Koman!! Hope you're enjoying it so far.
  24. I love the Shopaholic books! They are so fun and light.. such easy reading.. perfect beach books! They're one of the first things I read when I got back into reading about 6 years ago -- great way to ease back into an old habit. I'm glad you loved the first one KB.. the others are just as great! Also, if you haven't.. try Marian Keyes. She's very similar to Kinsella in some ways!
  25. Tonight its green beans and potatoes!! Yummy!!
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